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I Just Pooped My Pants

Here are 4 leadership lessons I learned from a crappy situation

By Chelsea RosePublished about a month ago 3 min read
Image courtesy of Alexas_Fotos via Pixabay

In the vast realm of leadership lessons, few anecdotes offer such unexpected wisdom as the day I found myself in a rather unfortunate situation that can only be described as… well, I crapped my pants.

Indeed, in the cutthroat realm of decision-making and strategic planning, I found myself in a rather humbling and curiously enlightening situation. From this rather unfortunate incident, I managed to distil four absolutely crucial leadership lessons that I am more than eager to share with you today.

1. The Power of Transparency 

Imagine my excitement as I prepared to make my grand entrance into the highly anticipated quarter meeting. It was make-or-break for my chance at a promotion. Little did I know destiny had a different agenda for me.

Well, I say destiny, but I strongly suspect it may have been the slightly raw chicken drumsticks I tucked into last night and possibly also the warm potato salad that was left out all day. But really, who knows how these things happen?

I just know I was in the middle of a critical PowerPoint slide when I felt that dreaded rumble. My once reliable stomach had abandoned me in my time of need, leaving me at the mercy of my bad decisions.

Trying to shift the blame onto the innocent office dog in an attempt to cover up the situation was truly a despicable move. Not only did it fail to enhance the ambience, but the trust I had painstakingly built with my team and my manager evaporated faster than I could utter the word "Febreze."

By Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

For our inaugural leadership lesson, let's discuss transparency and honesty, shall we? You see, these aren't just lofty moral ideals that look good on the CSG page of the company's website. Rather, they serve as a practical guide on navigating life and taking responsibility for your blunders, even when they're embarrassingly terrible.

2. Staying Calm Amid the Stench

Amidst the utter madness, my first impulse was to flee. But where to? I was struck with a sudden realisation that hit me, and others in the room, like a foul stench - I would have to weather the storm. Staying calm in the face of adversity became not just a choice but a necessity because, believe me, panic only adds to the ever-increasing pile.

3. The Courage to Seek Help

Believing I could MacGyver my way out of this with office supplies and sheer luck turned out to be a grave miscalculation. There's a fine line between improvisation and insanity, and I, my friends, was dancing on it. Asking for help, and a few rolls of toilet paper, preserved what little remained of my sanity and potentially salvaged my professional future. 

Remember, behind every successful individual is a team of people who know where the cleaning supplies are stored.

4. Finding Humour in the Humiliation

Looking back, it is impossible to deny just how absurd the situation was. Surrounded by my colleagues, I find myself in the middle of a story that could easily be mistaken for a children's tale. At that moment, I realised the importance of being able to laugh at oneself. Life is just too short, and leadership is just too challenging not to find some humour in our shared human flaws and follies.

My dear readers, after enduring a rather embarrassing incident, I must admit that the valuable lessons I learned from this ordeal have made a lasting impression. So, here's to navigating the choppy waters of leadership, keeping our heads (and pants) held high, and never forgetting the power of a good laugh, particularly when it is directed at oneself.


About the Creator

Chelsea Rose

I never met a problem I couldn't make worst.

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  • Shirley Belk24 days ago

    Febreze....gotta love it

  • Kendall Defoe 25 days ago

    Holy excrement...

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