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Bob, the Last Man on Earth

What would you do with doom on the horizon?

By Cody SegravesPublished 10 months ago Updated 10 months ago 4 min read
Bob, the Last Man on Earth
Photo by KAL VISUALS on Unsplash

Ah, what a fine morning to wake up to the end of the world! The sun’s shining, the birds’re tweeting (they hadn't migrated to other planets, of course), and I, Bob, the hero of our story, find myself stuck in an unfortunate predicament.

You see, there had been plenty of warning. Flyers were posted, billboards screamed, and even the pigeons wore tiny signs announcing the imminent departure of humanity to greener galaxies. But as fate, and perhaps my snooze button, would have it, I slept through the most critical event in human history.

"Good morning, world!" I exclaim as I spring from my bed, only to realize that the world had literally left me on "read." My neighbors, family, friends, and that barista who always got my name wrong (Bobert, really?)—they were all gone, whisked away to the great space unknown.

I run to the window, gazing at the empty streets and vacant buildings. "I suppose this means no line at the DMV," I muse, scratching my five o'clock shadow.

But alas, the morning takes a turn for the worse, or rather, for the bathroom. A rumbling down under alerts me to the fact that I'd consumed far too much of my "End of the World Chili" the night before. I dash to the restroom, realizing that the real catastrophe was not so much the impending doom but the doom impending in my digestive tract.

Time flew as quickly as those evacuation ships, and by the time I emerge, triumphantly vanquishing the porcelain foe, the clock had ticked mercilessly away.

Now, what does one do when left alone on a planet scheduled for demolition? Panic? Cry? No, dear reader, not our Bob. Our Bob was a man of action, a man of... utter confusion.

First things first, I set out on a tour of my newfound kingdom. Wearing my bathrobe like a royal cloak, I stroll down the boulevards, remarking at the fine weather and the uncanny lack of traffic. Even the red lights seem to blush at my presence.

Soon, the breakfast craving hits. To the supermarket! I dash down the aisles, a grocery cart dancing in my wake. I gather all the essentials: cereal, milk, and the finest collection of doughnuts. As I approach the checkout, I pause, glancing at the empty registers. I shrug and leave a note—"Put it on my tab!"—and embark on the breakfast feast of a lifetime.

The impending disaster? It lingers at the back of my mind, much like the aftertaste of my chili. But I have time.

The television, left broadcasting emergency signals, still works. With a bowl of cereal in hand, I flick through the channels, hoping for something entertaining. Ah, reruns of my favorite show: "Aliens in Aprons." Delightful!

As the day wears on, I explore my city. I ride the roller coasters, sing on the opera stage, try on the fanciest clothes, and even dance with the mannequins in a department store. They were surprisingly good dancers.

I look at my wristwatch, noting that time was ticking away and that I only had a few hours left. A sense of urgency washes over me. Not because of the impending apocalypse, mind you, but because I realized that I had neglected my civic duties as the last man on Earth.

"I must become Mayor Bob!" I exclaim, dashing towards City Hall. Wearing my newly acquired top hat, I proudly sit in the Mayor's chair, only to find that running a city without inhabitants was rather dull. After a rigorous two-minute term, I resign, satisfied with my political career.

The impending disaster? Still there, a lurking menace, but I have things to do.

My adventure continues with a visit to the zoo. The animals, blissfully unaware of the Earth's impending doom, were left behind just like me. I decide to release them, freeing the lions, elephants, and even the penguins.

"We'll have a parade!" I declare, marching down the street with an entourage of creatures. I wave to imaginary crowds, conduct an impromptu symphony with the howling wolves, and even dance a tango with a very confused flamingo.

The impending disaster? Oh, it was coming, but who could worry when surrounded by such festive company?

But as the sun begins to set, painting the sky with shades of impending destruction, reality begins to set in as well. The laughter, the whimsical adventures, the joy of being the last man on Earth—it all gives way to a poignant solitude.

I find myself at the park, sitting on a bench overlooking the city. The once bustling metropolis lays still, a silent testament to human achievement and folly. It’s a ghost town filled with memories, echoes, and a lot of pigeons.

"What now, Bob?" I ask myself, staring at the horizon. The impending disaster, now so close, has become a tangible presence, a dark shadow ready to engulf everything.

"I'll tell you what, Bob," I answer, rising from the bench with a newfound determination. "We'll have a party!"

Yes, a party! A grand, spectacular, farewell bash to celebrate life, Earth, and the beauty of existence. I gather party hats, streamers, balloons, and even dig out an old disco ball from the basement.

The venue? My humble abode. The guest list? Well, it’s exclusive.

I dance, I sing, I feast on hors d'oeuvres, and I make a heartfelt toast to the empty chairs.

"To life!" I proclaim, tears of laughter in my eyes. "To the beautiful, absurd, hilarious journey we call existence!"

The impending disaster? It was moments away now, but I’m ready.

As the final seconds tick away, and the Earth prepares to take its final bow, I stand on my porch, looking up at the stars. I am alone, yet content. My day had been filled with joy, laughter, and the kind of madness only solitude can inspire.

I raise my glass, smiling at the universe.

"Thank you," I whisper, just as the world ends.


About the Creator

Cody Segraves

Originally from West Virginia, I've now planted roots in Fairfax, VA, with my wife and 2 dogs. My passions? Videogames, trails, fishing, painting miniatures, and gardening. I write about all these, with a sprinkle of sci-fi for good measure

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

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Comments (2)

  • Alex H Mittelman 10 months ago

    Lol good job! Great work!

  • Isa Ottoni10 months ago

    Sooooo cool! Awesome story! Well done!

Cody SegravesWritten by Cody Segraves

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