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6 Details You Might Have Missed In Scarface

Did you catch any of these details?

By Trisha GauravPublished 13 days ago 3 min read

Who can forget Scarface, the 1983 classic about a Cuban cokehead and his rise to power in Miami, directed by Brian De Palma and starring Al Pacino? However, there are many subtle details in Scarface that not everyone may remember or have even caught, even upon many rewatches. In this article, I list six of them, although there are probably many more subtle details in the movie that I don't know about.

(WARNING: If you have not seen Scarface, I recommend not reading this list; it contains spoilers and might just be confusing with the lack of context.)

1. Cuban Cigars

The cigars that Tony smokes throughout the movie (not counting the ones he smokes before getting rich) are imported from Cuba. I guess he wanted to feel right at home. Cohiba cigars, one of the most luxurious Cuban cigar brands, were created in 1966 for Fidel Castro himself. Considering Tony's past as a soldier in the Cuban army in the 70s, it is plausible that he had access to these.

2. Right Behind You

When Omar tells Tony to watch his back, the man standing behind them is The Skull, the guy who kills Omar and later Tony from behind their backs. Yeah, you heard me. That's the guy who shoots Tony in the back at the end of the movie. Brilliant foreshadowing, De Palma.

3. You Talking About Me?

In the bathroom scene, Manny says something to Tony about Elvira, but since Elvira is still in the room, he says it in Spanish. Poor Elvira! People just can't stop talking shit about her.

4. Tony's Foresight

A few minutes before Tony is killed, he tells Gina's corpse "I'll be with you, ok?". However, it is not clear whether he knew he was going to die or if he was still in denial about her death. Also... ewww, did you just kiss her, Tony? Come on, man. That's gross.

5. The Lemon is Yours

After Tony, Sosa, and Omar are done eating, they are brought finger bowls. Tony cluelessly removes the lemon slice from his and takes a bite out of it. Real smooth, Tony. You're lucky Omar and Sosa didn't see that. At least, it doesn't look like Sosa saw that. Maybe Sosa did see that and that's why he calls you a monkey later.

6. Frank the Faker

Frank Lopez keeps switching between talking with a Cuban accent and talking with a New York accent. Which one are you, Frank? You can't be both, you faker.


Well, that's the end of the list. It's one of my shorter ones, but it's a good list nonetheless. Did you notice any of these details? Do you have any to add? Do you have any requests for a future list I could write? Let me know in the comments below.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: While I don't really have a favorite movie of all time, I do have a favorite movie for every genre, and Scarface is my favorite movie in the crime drama genre. If it weren't for Scarface I wouldn't know anything about Fidel Castro or the Mariel boatlift or the Miami drug trade. I learned about all that stuff from this movie. Tony Montana is my favorite Al Pacino character ever. His witty remarks, his exotic accent, his ambition, his good looks make him irresistible. I'm not even a fan of Al Pacino or anything. I would say this is my favorite historical drama, but I don't know if Scarface even counts as a historical drama, considering that it was made only three years after the Mariel boatlift.


About the Creator

Trisha Gaurav

Just a gal who likes writing. Drop by any time, and feel free to request articles

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