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You Were My Seasonal Best Friend

You fell into my life just as fast as you fell out.

By M FPublished 7 years ago 5 min read

When you find someone that seems like your soul mate, that’s someone that you want to hold onto forever. Someone you always want in your life. It’s rare when you find a best friend, someone who you instantly just click with. Someone that feels like your other half. Someone that just gets you. Someone you'd never want to lose.

You don’t find those types of people often. The people you find incredible connections with and develop great friendships with. Friendships that you think will last a lifetime and then they don’t. It’s hard when you feel like you lost them. It’s hard when they just leave you like you never meant anything to them. It’s hard to be okay with what happened. It’s hard to accept something that you never wanted in the first place.

No matter how much you might want something to last. No matter how hard you try. If it isn’t mean to last, it isn’t going to. Because not everything is meant to.

When you move away or when they fade away. When life happens. When time creates space between two people. When shit happens. It’s hard to accept that you won’t ever have what you had with them before. It’s hard to just let it go. It’s hard to just let them go...

You invested so much into your friendship with them. You thought you found a friend for life. You thought you had something great. You felt like you really knew who they were. You guys got really close. And they felt like family. They were a huge part of your life. And now they’re gone. And you feel like all of it was for nothing. Like it was wasted. Like maybe everything was a lie.

Friendships take two people to make them work, they should never be one sided. If one person stops trying, you shouldn’t be trying to hold onto someone who isn’t trying to hold onto you. You have to learn how to be okay with change. You have to learn to stop trying to control someone’s presence and impact in your life. You have to learn how to be okay with losing someone. No matter how much they mean to you and how much you cared about them.

You’re trying to keep someone in your life that doesn’t want to be in your life anymore. Someone that isn’t meant to be in your life anymore.

We don’t know why people come into our life. The timing of their coming and their leaving. The reason. How long they are going to be in our life. Everyone comes for a different reason. Memories. Lessons. They all impact us on some level. They help us. They hurt us. They love us and leave us. And they make us into the person that we are supposed to be. We often don’t realize what their purpose in our lives was until they are gone. We don’t appreciate them until they’re gone.

They help us realize things about ourselves that we didn’t ever realize. They bring us different things into our lives. But, they always leave us with memories. They always impact us, especially the ones that meant the most to us. The ones we cared the most about. And that’s the hardest part, losing someone that meant so much to us when we had no choice. The one sided friendship breakups you never got closure in.

People come and go. And that’s something that we have to learn to be okay with. Some come for moments. Some people come for seasons. Some come for longer. That’s something that only time will tell. Something that we have to stop trying to control. Not everything is meant to last forever. All you can do is live in the now and appreciate them in the moment that you have them.

We want to hold onto people that were never ours to begin with.

We are trying to release a part of our lives that we should never have to release to begin with. The loss of a friend is so difficult because we are reluctant to change instead of welcoming and embracing of it. You can’t control the seasons. They come and go just like friends.

We can’t be so afraid that they are gonna leave that we can’t enjoy them while they are in our life. You can't always think people will leave you. If you do, you'll push away the people who want to stay.

People aren’t trying to hurt you by leaving. They don’t betray you because they left. They don’t stop caring about you just because there’s space between you. They don’t forget about you. Them leaving doesn’t mean you did anything wrong. If you did something horrible, forgive yourself and leave it in the past. If they did, forgive them and move on. What happened, happened. Stop trying to place the blame on you or them. Stop blaming yourself for a friendship that isn’t a friendship anymore. Don’t hate them for leaving. People do what’s best for themselves and that isn’t always what is best for us.

The reality is people that say they won’t leave will leave. People you think will always be in your life won’t be. People you expect to always stay won't stay. People you want in your life won’t always be.

You can’t get mad at someone for not doing what you would do or for being the friend were to them. They aren't you. And you can’t live your life expecting people to do what you would do. Because they won’t. You have to learn to accept that people will come and go when they are meant to. They're not always meant to stay. You can’t control what happens. You can’t control what people do. You’re trying to control someone that can’t be controlled. And you trying to control them is only going to push them away. Be grateful for the people in your life now and what they bring to your life. Don't take them for granted. Appreciate them in this moment.

It doesn’t matter how long you were friends. What matters is the time you spent together. The memories. What they brought to your life. And what you learned from them. Those things don’t leave just because they did. Appreciate that and accept that they aren’t meant to be in your life anymore. Be able to make peace and live in the now. If they go, let them go.

All you can control is how good of a friend you are. Be a good person and be a good friend. The type of friend that you would want someone to be to you. Don’t expect too much of people. Trust that what’s mean to be will be.

The right people will come into your life at the right time. Trust that those that are meant to stay will stay.


About the Creator


Your Feelings Are Valid Author. Chainsmokers and Fletcher fanatic. Quote lover. More emotional than your typical Capricorn. TPA. ISTJ. Lesbian. Asian.

Insta: @garnishdaddy. Owner of Native Cocktail Events

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