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You Are In A Toxic Relationship If You Have These 5 Problems In Couple

You can still save your relationship, although it’s difficult

By Ryan MillerPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 4 min read
You Are In A Toxic Relationship If You Have These 5 Problems In Couple
Photo by Afif Kusuma on Unsplash

You feel trapped, but you don’t know why, don’t you?

You love your partner with all your heart, but you fight a lot lately…

You cannot understand how the things between you two degraded so hard and fast. Not long ago, you felt as if you were the happiest person on Earth and now the entire hell went loose.

Maybe it’s time for you to put your relationship under the microscope. Are you having a toxic relationship?

If you have the below problems, you should think about your relationship twice.

Your Partner Never Supports You

He has a habit of talking you out of every action if it does not benefit him. Your partner keeps saying that he wants you to be happy, but he does not support you in doing anything on your own.

His only interest is for you to do what he wants you to do. It doesn’t matter you have your plans, your main goal should be to please him.

If he thinks something you want to do benefits him, he will encourage you to do it.

You Feel You Cannot Communicate Together Anymore

Innocent and funny conversations have been replaced by many discussions full of sarcasm, irony, criticism, or hostility.

You almost forgot how it was at the beginning of your relationship when you used to tell each other everything. Now, you don’t talk for days and when you do, you discuss who is going to take the dog out or buy bread from the supermarket.

If your interactions have been replaced with moments of quarrel, this is a sign you are living a toxic relationship.

He Tries to Control Everything in Your Life

Does he tend to control everything? Does he check your phone or notifications?

If yes, he is most likely a control freak that is not comfortable with the fact that you need your independence. In a healthy relationship, it’s not mandatory that your friends are his friends and vice-versa.

It’s always a bad sign if he wants to control everything in your life.

This does not have anything to do with you, but with him and his uncertainties. His need of controlling everything comes, most likely, from his lack of self-confidence.

He Wants You To Change

He never tells you to change, but he is not pleased by the way you behave.

He has always something to object to and he does not agree with your behavior. He makes you feel that nothing you do is enough for him.

The more you try to please him, the worse it gets. He is not capable of appreciating all the good things, he sees everything that bothers him instead.

It does not count how many times you’ve made his favorite dinner if you don’t cook one day because you feel sick, he’ll always remind you of this.

He is upset as if you had never cooked for a year, not a single day.

You Aren’t Friends Anymore

At first, you were best friends and most likely considered you will remain like this for a long time.

As time passed, your relationship started to deteriorate. You don’t get along so well anymore and you feel everything you tell him is used against you.

You don't feel the liberty to talk to him anymore and when you do, he tends to judge or mock you.

What Can You Do to Save Your Relationship? Except for therapy, of course.

Even though the situation is difficult, there are a few things you can do to save your relationship.

The first and most obvious advice is going to therapy, of course. But let’s say you don’t want to try this yet.

You want both of you to do your best to save and improve the relationship and if this does not work, you get external help.

What Can You Do?

  • The both of you take ownership of your mistakes and do their best not to repeat them — this will prevent you from repeating past mistakes;
  • You both do your best to invest time and patience to repair your relationship — change does not happen overnight;
  • You give each other space — this is a very important part of the healing process;
  • You focus on communicating better — this is crucial if you want your relationship back;
  • You view your partner with empathy — understanding the other will make your relationship better.

Have you ever been involved in a toxic relationship? What did you do to save your relationship?

This was initially posted on Medium.


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My pen name is Ryan Miller. I am a Linux Sysadmin, writing hobbyist, father, and husband. I mostly write non-fiction on Vocal, Medium, and my blogs.

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About the Creator

Ryan Miller

Yin & Yang | Happy. Positive. Half Graphics Enthusiast, Half Tech Savvy. Copy Writer. Leader. Magnetic Person. Living Human Being. Dreamer. Crazy 100%.

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