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World Kindness Day

The smallest act can be the greatest kindness

By Ben ShelleyPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
World Kindness Day
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

I never understand why kindness can be so easily forgotten. Whilst I admit that we can all view it differently, with some going above and beyond, and some barely turning up, I believe that we should keep it as a core focus. It is something that I am passionate about in the run up to this Saturday and World Kindness Day.

World Kindness Day

Ironically placed on the 13th of November, it may be unlucky for some, yet for me, it is a reminder.

It is something that costs absolutely nothing, yet can be easily forgotten about. Much like the unloved sibling, it can be brought out on occasion, only to be shoved back in the corner when it has outlived its usefulness.

Being English I understand subtext and politics. Regardless of what hierarchies say, everyone plays politics. It is a world absolute. It is as human as breathing or walking.

We are predisposed to engage with some more than others. If this was not the case then we would be friends with everyone in the world and world peace would ensue.

World Peace

The ultimate goal for the world is to create world peace. It is something that will not be achieved in my lifetime (I am currently 32 years old). It is something that in all likelihood will never be achieved as we are a paranoid and distrustful species.

We see the 1% getting wealthier and wealthier, wondering why that has not happened for us. We see their money making money, whilst many of us rely on foodbanks, living on the streets and clinging on to hope.

The world is uneven and it is something that will not change overnight, as we are all predisposed to get ahead.

  • We have been raised in a world replete with images of poverty
  • We see it and fear that happening to ourselves, making strides to change our lives and ensure that we remain ahead
  • We tell ourselves in the process that once we are far enough ahead, we will turn around and offer a helping hand to others.


Charities fill in the blanks where governments fall down. They are a pious sector and one that we should look up to but with the Haiti scandal and knowledge that not every pound donated goes to those in need, we become hesitant.

Operating costs need to be covered but it feels wrong to donate £5 and half of that go towards covering someone's expenses or an hourly wage. It is a moral grey area as, without payment, charities would run on volunteers, limiting the talent pool. Working adults need payment in order to pay bills and feed their families. It is a catch-22 and something that I do not have the answer for.

Charities end up competing for donations with multiple charities being set up for sectors such as the military or cancer research. The ultimate result is split donations and competition where I would argue that one entity, focused on that sector would do better. This would remove split funding for essential research and two charities looking at the same issue.

Being Kind

The world can be seen as a negative place. Simply flick on the news or load up a website and you will see multiple headlines that make you want to cry.

As much as I have highlighted issues and there will never be world peace, 98% of the world simply wants to co-exist. 1% goes above and beyond, with the remaining percent choosing to take the world down. This is the split that I always see.

99% of the world wants to either co-exist or make it better.

The 1% are the Mother Theresa's of this world and they offer us hope, whereas the rest offer apathy. Content with the status quo, most of us phone it in, attempting not to see what is in front of us.

One person can change the world but it takes the rest of the world to see them and raise them up. To place them on a pedestal and elect them as a leader.

This is something that will not happen anytime soon, especially considering the pandemic and potential for global recession next year.

What can we do?

Be kind, considerate and think of others first. In the grand scheme of things, nothing we do matters, yet the kindest act can be the biggest thing.

Whilst there is a quote along these lines from the TV series, Angel, I have to say that I like it. It's one that has always stuck in my mind as in the grand scheme of things, most of us will never enable change. This, however, does not matter. If we all started with kindness then the smallest change can cascade across the world and who knows what it could turn into?

A Final Thought

I believe in equality. Always have and always will, treating everyone with respect regardless of who they are and where they are from. I am kind to all as I believe this is how the world should be.

I know that I will not change the world but I can change my mind and in the process, other people's world.

I hope that by talking and leading by example, others will follow, challenging me on my views as I go. I am not perfect. Never have been and never will be but the important consideration is that I try. I learn from my mistakes and try.

This World Kindness Day I will be focused on changing my world to hopefully reach others, showing that through the smallest action, a world of change can be enabled.


About the Creator

Ben Shelley

Someone who has no idea about where their place is in this world, yet for the love of content, must continue writing.

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