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Woke In America

Woke vs. Wokeness

By Charelle LandersPublished about a year ago 5 min read

In America today, everyone has jumped on this train of woke. I mean, everywhere you look, you see kneeling, the singling out of discrimination, and public humiliation of racist acts; they even have names for racial ranters such as Karren's and Tom's. There is body cam footage of police brutality and untrained social media investigators. Who always seem to have the wrong answer to the right situations. I have even witnessed organized destruction in the form of defunding the police department or burning down buildings paid for with our tax dollars to prove a point that has yet to be established. After the killing of Mike Brown Jr. and forming of the group Black Lives Matter, many Americans, seemingly black Americans, have increased their knowledge about racial injustices that are causing destructive generational bondage. This bondage has only been formed on the acquisitional grounds of modern slavery or, as some would put it, the new Jim Crow. Many instances of oppression have long existed since before the Great Migration in 1910. I mean, we have issues dating back beyond the Mather family. We also have problems where whites became enslaved by blacks, but many only know the surface of their family history of oppression and not others and refuse to rebuttal the facts. Many will not understand or believe that slavery started before the 17th and 18th centuries; it began in the mid-1400s, and if we want to be honest, it started in Ancient times.

Some people in America love to consider themselves woke, based on the truth they have no proper fundamental knowledge of. I blame this on social media and the misguided information that goes from one mouth to the next, or for their millennial understanding, one post to the next. Most "woke people" can only date facts about racism and slavery as far back as when the colonies gained their independence, post facto civil war. I want to argue the negative of being woke in America. In my opinion, being revived in America is not what society has depicted awakened to be. As an American citizen, I have noticed and understand that we face more problems than just the dishonesty of our sociological perspectives on racism, derived through the language of our estimated progress. This progress cripples our prowess of the truths of racial inequality. Being woke in America is funded through many fallacies, including the bandwagon fallacy, slippery slope, and red herring. Many modern-day "social media" black activists live through the veils of their truth. The truth that many refuse to say is that black people's problem isn't the system; it's the enactment of a depressive lie. A timeline of our racial disparities goes back to Moses, and the Israelites, when he led them from Egypt, as Pharaoh enslaved them. These misguiding activists pretend they know the clause beyond the facts because they can argue the affirmative of slavery, and racial injustices, that are visible but will always exist.

The oppression of Black culture isn't the discrimination in white America; it is a biblical thing. It follows the pattern of our ancestors' curse, not our predecessors' transgressions. What I do not understand about people of color is how every time a black man makes a choice that could harm his brethren, child (ren), wife, or woman, nobody has a cure for that. The disease of black folks is not from gentrification or colonization; it does not stem from slavery. It stems from the mindset of black men and women unwilling to pay for their inconsistencies. They feel as if they should be entitled to live beyond the bereaving process of truth, because of the color of their skin. The black folk problem isn't the problem of Jim Crow; it's a problem with unity, togetherness, honesty, and trust among their peers.

Growing up in St. Louis, I have witnessed men and women have more community involvement with the destruction of a neighborhood the white man gifted them for the help of their lackadaisical efforts than with the bridging of never wanting to live in the hood again. They never try to reform their minds, educate themselves and move on with dignity from the trauma and bondage the hood has brought them. They spend no time forming a group of men rebuilding or designing the reconstruction of that neighborhood but more time competing with their exact skin tone for a monetary and kingpin gangsta status quo. If they tried, maybe the white man wouldn't gentrify the neighborhoods because poor people have more resources for growth than the rich. It seems as though being woke in America has created a crutch of disrespect and disruption, high crime rates, and drug-impoverished communities, not because of the white man, but because this is what the black man is willing to accept. Millions go into these ghettos, trying to motivate whites and blacks to become better men and women. By the time a black man reaches his thirties, he has been led astray by peer-populated discrimination rather than the discrimination of the white man. I mean so much so that they teach their sons, nephews, nieces, and even daughters the same acts of disrespect and disregard for human life and equality.

America's racism isn't for the weak, and you have to understand that excusing your behaviors creates oppression through the lenses of racism, not through the actions that have formed America. We cannot go and change the history of America, but we can change the history of ourselves by first understanding who we are and not who we want to be. Being woke in America is not about racial inequality; it's about waking up with the truth to change what serenity doesn't block. Being woke vs. practicing wokeness will never get to the closing factor because so many blacks are looking for acceptance than wanting to be the change the people need to see. Black people think they know it all but have yet to tap the surface of knowledge. If the white man is so unfair and oppressive, why would one want to teach the younger generations the same oppressive ways? I hear many black men say how the white man did this, flooded America with drugs, etc. but will train the exact oppressive blueprint to children under them instead of freeing the enslaved people; black men are making them. The problem with being woke in America is that the black man will never lead, but will always find someone to blame besides themselves, including the system.


About the Creator

Charelle Landers

Published author, (A Serious of Unfortunate Events, pen name Jessica Wright) and mother to six wonderful children. I find that writing is a healing passion of purpose and the ultimate pursuit to happiness.

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