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Why you shouldn't quit your dreams

"Dreams are what fuel us to work harder, strive for better and push ourselves beyond our limits."

By Allison McArnoldPublished about a year ago 3 min read

As human beings, we all have a dream, a goal or a passion that we aspire to achieve at some point in our lives. Dreams are what fuel us to work harder, strive for better and push ourselves beyond our limits. However, at some point, we might lose sight of our dreams, and the pressures of life can weigh us down, leading us to believe that our dreams are unattainable. It is during this moment when we are tempted to give up and quit pursuing our dreams. But, why should you not give up on your dreams?

Achieving dreams is something that we all aspire to in our lifetime. Dreams give us the potential to be successful in our chosen fields or passions. Some people, when faced with the challenges and obstacles that come their way, often chose to abandon their dreams. They give up and settle for less or nothing at all, and ultimately become unhappy and unfulfilled.

Firstly, giving up on your dreams is pure self-sabotage. No one will ever achieve success by quitting their dreams. Even with the most significant hurdles and setbacks, every successful person on this planet has been through a process of persistence and perseverance. They never quit their dreams, no matter how daunting or unachievable they might have seemed. Therefore, it is important to understand that quitting on your dreams might be the main obstacle to obtaining success.

Secondly, pursuing your dreams is essential to living a fulfilling life. Our dreams are an expression of our inner self, our desires and passion. Giving up your dream means that you will never experience the joy, fulfillment, and contentment that comes with working towards something that is truly important to you. At the end of your life, you would not want to look back and regret that you did not pursue your dream because you allowed life’s challenges to hold you down.

Thirdly, it is important to persevere and have determination in achieving your dreams. This trait is invaluable even in other aspects of life. People with determination do not give up easily. Instead, they see the journey as a challenge and work hard to overcome obstacles, and achieve their aspirations. The process alone will help you develop a sense of self-discipline and an attitude of never giving up in everything you do.

Another reason why you should not give up on your dream is that we all have unique talents, abilities, and personalities. Your dreams are a reflection of your individuality, and nobody can achieve your dream quite like you. Giving up on your dream means that the world will miss out on the unique contribution that only you could have made. Think about it. If J.K Rowling gave up on her dream of creating a fictional world of wizards and witches, then we would never have experienced the amazing world of Harry Potter.

Moreover, quitting your dreams robs you of the opportunity to learn and grow. When you work towards achieving your goals, every experience that you encounter provides you with a new skill or teaches you something new. You becomes wiser and more knowledgeable due to the experiences gained along the way. By quitting your dreams, you miss out on all these opportunities to learn and develop.

In conclusion, we should not let the pressures of life or setbacks discourage us from pursuing our dreams. It takes perseverance, patience and determination to achieve success. Quitters never win, and winners never quit. Pursuing our dreams is what makes life worth living, and it is our unique contribution to the world that adds value to humanity. Therefore, we should embrace our dreams with courage and determination and never give up, no matter how big the obstacles may seem.


About the Creator

Allison McArnold

Born and raised in the Big Apple. Big personality and a sharp wit.

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