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Why Vulnerability in Relationships Is So Important

Relationships are hard. It's tough to enter into a relationship, maintain it, and even begin to trust the other person again once it's all over.

By Ali RazaPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Why Vulnerability in Relationships Is So Important
Photo by Pierre Bamin on Unsplash

Relationships are hard. It's tough to enter into a relationship, maintain it, and even begin to trust the other person again once it's all over. With communication being so vital in the dating realm, intimacy is almost always a letdown.

How do relationships survive? It requires two people who are willing to put in the work and be vulnerable for the relationship to be successful. Vulnerability opens doors and strengthens bonds and love. To do this, we have to learn how to be vulnerable in relationships.

Understanding the Importance of Vulnerability

People need to understand the importance of vulnerability. We are all human, and humans are not perfect. It is important to accept that and not be ashamed of our faults or shortcomings.

Humans in general are always looking for ways in which they can improve themselves and their lives. There are many opportunities to do so, but one way might be through vulnerability.

Why Emotional Vulnerability in Relationships Is So Important

Humans are wired to feel vulnerable in relationships. We need that vulnerability and we want to be able to communicate openly with our partners. When we are not emotionally vulnerable, it can lead us to feel frustrated or angry.

Emotional vulnerability in relationships is important because it allows people to feel safe and comfortable enough with their partners so they can express themselves openly. It also helps people build trust, which is the foundation of every healthy relationship.

We should not think of emotional vulnerability as a weakness or as something that will cause problems in our relationships. Instead, understanding the importance of emotional vulnerability will help us get through difficult times and enable us to keep our current relationships thriving.

How to Make a Relationship Work When One Partner is Emotionally Vulnerable

Personality tests and self-help books have enabled people to better understand themselves. These assessments provide the individual with a clear picture of what they need to work on and how they can improve their life.

Many people are turning to these methods as a solution for their emotional issues. However, not everyone has the same success with these methods. Some find that it does more harm than good while others develop new coping strategies.

The key to making a relationship work when one partner is emotionally vulnerable is understanding your partner’s triggers and learning how to manage them.

When one partner in a relationship is more emotionally vulnerable than the other, it can make it harder for the relationship to work. But, there are ways that both partners can make their relationships work.

It's hard to say which comes first: the feelings of vulnerability or the relationship. A person may become emotionally vulnerable because they are in a bad or toxic relationship and their emotions get out of control.

Tips When You're the More Vulnerable Person in a Relationship

In this age where everyone is on their phones all the time, it seems that we spend less and less time alone with one another. The situation can be worse when you're in a relationship with someone who's not as emotionally available as you are.

Relationships are hard work and they mustn't be taken for granted. When your partner isn't always available to do things like go out for dinner or watch a movie, it can be frustrating and lead to resentment. So how do you show your partner that the relationship is still important?

This section will give tips on how to show your partner just how much they mean to you. These tips will help keep the connection strong and make sure there is no resentment in the relationship.

Tips You Can Deal with Someone's Emotional Vulnerability Effectively

Have you ever been in a situation where your emotions are more important than your words?

It's not uncommon to find yourself in situations where you need to deal with someone else’s emotional vulnerability effectively. We all have our comfort zones and sometimes it’s difficult to swallow our pride and express ourselves.

A few ways you can effectively deal with someone's emotional vulnerability are:

- listen attentively

- avoid judgmental language

- acknowledge the person as a whole

The Upside of Vulnerability and How it Can Lead to More Intimacy in Relationships

When we are weak and vulnerable, we feel more connected to our partners. We have a greater sense of trust that allows us to be more open.

Vulnerability is seen as the antithesis of strength and masculinity, yet it can lead to intimacy. It can also be a sign that someone needs support or attention from their loved one.

Intimacy is key for a relationship to succeed and this could be achieved by learning how to become vulnerable with your partner.

It is not uncommon to find that when one begins to feel more and more vulnerable with their partner, they get a deeper connection. It goes beyond just the physical and emotional aspects of intimacy that one can experience.

Intimacy is the willingness of two people to reveal personal feelings and thoughts. It is often thought of as a type of vulnerability.


About the Creator

Ali Raza

Introverted Pen is a concept that is how an introvert sees and perceives the world.

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