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Why the 50/50 Rule in a Relationship Is Not Realistic?

It's common sense - life happens.

By CharlenePublished 2 years ago 3 min read
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Serious relationships are hard work, I think we all know how true that is. There are many different aspects of a relationship that need to be met and dealt with in a respectful and realistic manner. Whether it be financially or physically you won't always meet half way, and that's just how it is sometimes. With being part of a serious committed relationship, you need to know and accept that. People get sick, people lose jobs, people have bad days. We must take all of that into consideration and focus on love, comfort, and most importantly support.

So, if we're being honest here the 50/50 rule in a relationship is not realistic. Life shifts sometimes and sometimes it can knock you on your ass harder than you expected, and it's okay because that's normal. Here's what I think about this topic.

Always be reasonable.

One makes more money than the other. This is a real thing; one will always make more money than the other. If you're making a significant amount of money that is less than your partner, do you think it is realistic to have them pay half of the $1200 mortgage and utilities or perhaps should it be split 60/40? Or maybe you can pay the mortgage and they can buy groceries and pay utilities. That is being reasonable, that is being realistic, that is how you manage a successful partnership. It will not always be 50/50. Simple.

We enter into love for love and not for money (at least some people do). Things won't always be split down the middle and we should accept that this is okay. People lose jobs, people get pay cuts, and so what, you're going to hold it against your partner to make sure they have their half no matter what the situation? Come on now. How is that being supportive? Exactly, it isn't. Understand real life struggles, and always find a way to support your partner through the ups and downs of life.

Photo By: Anete Lusina from

Another reason why the 50/50 rule in a relationship is not realistic is if one is physically hurt, or if they are just having an off day, maybe anxiety, or even just sick. Would you expect them to get the errands or chores done that day? or maybe even the next? Should this turn into an argument because you did your half and they MUST do theirs despite the circumstances? No. We have hearts don't we. Then let's warm them up and put them into action.

If your partner can't get to their part of the household chores or errands, then split it differently. You get todays done and they will get the next day. Having sympathy is a huge factor in a relationship. You must work together. If they fall you pick them up, vice versa. It's what love is all about. It's what unconditional love is all about.

No relationship is perfect and I am certainly no expert but I am going by common sense here. There's no way it is realistic to believe that everything must be 50/50 in a relationship. Life happens sometimes and we should be able to count on our life partner to be reasonable and supportive through all the hardships. It is what keeps the relationship whole.

Find your comfort zone. Find what works for the both of you. Work together through the ups and downs and never forget the bigger picture when it comes to partnership. Can't have one without the other, and once you have each-other you become whole. And being whole means you must always work together in order to remain full.


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she/her Creative Writer, Poetry, Blogs, Short Stories, Articles. Thoughts become letters, letters become words, & it all forms sentences that turn to magic!

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