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Why Do Smart Humans Have 'Not-So-Smart' Babies?

Exploring the Mystery of Infant Intelligence

By Tallal JafriPublished 6 months ago 3 min read
Why Do Smart Humans Have 'Not-So-Smart' Babies?
Photo by Christian Bowen on Unsplash

In the dimly lit room, the hushed atmosphere bore the weight of anticipation. Subject A-34, nestled in a neonatal cocoon, faced the Neonatal Intelligence Battery, a surreal amalgamation of baby noises and mathematical challenges. Trial 17 unfolded in the fourth hour, an unorthodox spectacle guided by a determined narrator.

"Let's just get on with this," the voice echoed, urging the enigmatic subject to solve for X. Yet, the quest for numerical enlightenment faced interruptions – pauses marked by the narrator's contemplative musings, the rhythmic pounding of an unseen force, and the unmistakable sounds of a baby exploring the world in its own unique way.

Forty-seven minutes into the trial, a sense of impatience tinged the narrator's voice. "Oh, well if that's how you're gonna play then fine." The unfolding drama took an unexpected turn as the narrator posed a question about the relationship between two mysterious objects, accompanied by the unmistakable coos and gurgles of an infant.

"I think he's gonna get this one!" declared the narrator with a touch of enthusiasm, only to be met with the revelation that the baby was not just contemplating the question but also savoring it – eating the very concept of an answer. Cheating accusations followed, marked by a stern "Marks off for that." The narrative embraced chaos, a chaotic dance of intellect and innocence.

The scene shifted abruptly to the energetic introduction of a new character – Smart People's Joe. In a swift transition, the audience found itself amid the wonders of the animal kingdom, witnessing the remarkable feats of baby giraffes and blue whale calves. Yet, the focus shifted dramatically to the perplexing question: Why are human babies seemingly less equipped at birth?

The answer unfolded with a blend of scientific inquiry and the quirky charm of Joe's storytelling. Human babies, it appeared, embarked on life's journey in a state of unparalleled vulnerability, often referred to as the "fourth trimester." The evolutionary paradox of human babies' underdevelopment was dissected, challenging preconceived notions of birth and intelligence.

As Joe delved into the obstetric dilemma, the once seemingly logical explanation crumbled. Pelvic size, once considered the arbiter of birth canal limitations, faced scrutiny. The narrative navigated through the maze of metabolism, introducing the EGG hypothesis – the Energetics of Gestation and Fetal Growth. A journey into the intricate dance of energy demands and metabolic thresholds painted a nuanced picture of the human birthing experience.

But the story didn't rest on scientific laurels alone; it intertwined the evolutionary tapestry with a touch of humor and familial chaos. A shouted interruption from Joe's mother and the subsequent need to start over added a touch of authenticity to the narrative, reminding readers of the human essence behind the intellectual inquiry.

The story, like a river finding its course, meandered into the realm of parental care and intelligence. The feedback loop of intelligence begetting longer parental care, fostering larger brains, and ultimately shaping the course of human evolution unfolded. Joe's animated storytelling brought to life the intricate interplay between helpless infants and the intelligence of their caregivers.

In a poignant moment, the narrative touched upon the prolonged development of the human brain, a process spanning well into the mid-20s. Joe skillfully weaved together elements of tool-making, hunting, and social evolution, attributing the complexity of human traits to a multitude of factors.

The story concluded not with a grand revelation but with a gentle reminder of the uniqueness of human intelligence and the extraordinary care bestowed upon helpless infants. Joe, in his signature style, urged the audience to stay curious, wrapping up the intellectual rollercoaster that unfolded over 700 words.

As the final paragraphs unfolded, the narrative seamlessly transitioned from the complexities of human evolution to a personal note. Joe thanked the audience for their engagement, playfully drawing parallels between nurturing a YouTube channel and the intricate dance of raising a human being.

The journey, however, didn't end there. A casual mention of "Antarctic Extremes," a miniseries exploring Earth's remote laboratory, seamlessly integrated with the narrative. The audience was encouraged to embark on another thrilling adventure, bridging the gap between scientific inquiry and the captivating storytelling that defined the entire piece.

The story that began with mathematical challenges and the cries of a newborn found its resolution in the intricate tapestry of human evolution, parental care, and the resilience of the human spirit. In the end, the reader was left with a lingering sense of wonder, a testament to the extraordinary journey from the enigma of Subject A-34 to the complexities of human existence.


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Tallal Jafri

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    Tallal JafriWritten by Tallal Jafri

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