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Who will you meet

Depends on yourself

By LonetoftPublished 2 years ago 7 min read
Who will you meet
Photo by Pacific Office Interiors on Unsplash

Buddha said that the world in your eyes is a projection of your heart

Everything in this world is arranged, and what you experience is not unexplained or inexplicable, but long predestined. --Siddhartha Gautama


No matter who you meet, he is the one who should appear in your destiny. All encounters have a cause and effect.

No one enters our lives by chance.

Every person we interact with represents something. Maybe to teach us something, to help us improve a situation in front of us, to make us aware of a certain character or ability we have to improve.

So, whatever happens, that's the only thing that's going to happen to you.

The people and things that come up around you are the results of your attraction because you are, both in your thoughts and in your dealings with people, in the same frequency. -- The Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction: The people around you are attracted to you, the world is a mirror, and what kind of person you are, you will meet the same people.

If you are a kind person, you will gather some kind and cheerful people around you; if you are a hardworking person, you will meet hardworking friends.

If you are selfish and narrow-minded, you will feel that people around you are selfish, mean, and sarcastic; you are full of jealousy in your heart, you will denigrate others' achievements and successes, and finally return to your own body.

Only when you change from within yourself will the situations around you change with it, because you are the one who attracts them.

Everything that happens in your life is attracted to you. They are attracted by the "mental image" that you keep in your heart, and they are what you think. Whatever you think in your mind, you attract them to you. --The Secret

The "projection effect" in psychology: we see the bad side of the other person because we project our hidden inner self onto others.

Those who make us feel great emotional experience, have certain qualities that we must have in ourselves.

So, the next time you are angered by someone, try to think about what you can learn from that person.

For example, when I see a hypocritical person, I get very disgusted and can't accept why this person is so false. When I realize that I hate this person because of one of their actions, I start to realize my subconscious projection, the fact that I don't want to admit that I have a hypocritical side too, and I hate this side of myself that is hypocritical.

But I can't scold myself all day long, so when I see someone else being hypocritical, I scold him in my mind that this hypocrite is too hypocritical.

Buddha said, to look at others as disagreeable if their cultivation is not enough.

Psychological investigations have found that the people around you are your subconscious. They are your projection or mirror, repression of your inner psyche, or perhaps an externalization of your emotions.

After they externalize your mask, they allow you to see yourself, to know your subconscious, and thus understand that part of your subconscious that is repressed.

Freud, the master of psychoanalysis, said that projection is a manifestation of self-defense.

A psychological defense mechanism refers to an operation that eliminates some unpleasant emotional components from the conscious level. It is a self-protection mechanism used by the individual internally in response to various psychological conflicts that arise in the external world.

Protective identification, therefore, is a self-protective mechanism. This self-protection mechanism is primarily designed to keep the individual from being affected by uncomfortable internal feelings when encountering external circumstances.

Projection can take some evil thoughts or vices in ourselves and blame them on others. Using someone else as our "scapegoat" allows us to escape our responsibilities and gain peace of mind.

If we use projection as a mirror, we will find that the person we hate is the person we don't like.

Emotional projection

Emotional projection refers to judging another person's behavior based on your emotional tendencies, looking at people you like as good and people you don't like as bad.

When you like someone, you will find that what you like about the other person is that: within you, you also appreciate your qualities.

For example, if you are a decent and kind person, then when you see another person is decent and kind, you will unconsciously appreciate and agree with him: Well, this person is quite good.

Or the other person has the qualities you want, but you do not yet have, such as you timid and inferior, and the other person is funny and humorous, you would love to be like him.

When you hate someone, you will find that what you hate about the other person is: inside you, you also hate the qualities of yourself or the parts of yourself that you don't allow yourself to have.

There was a rich, ugly, fat man who took a beautiful model as his wife and came back from his honeymoon to party with his brothers.

His brothers asked, "Did you regret it after you got married?"

The brothers who asked this question all regretted it after the marriage, that's why they asked the rich man this.

"Do you regret it?" -- this is also a psychological projection.

This rich man said I am happy, my wife is happy, we are even happier than before we got married.

One of the brothers laughed at him: "Look at you, you are so fat, over 200 pounds, and not handsome, and your wife is so beautiful and in such good shape, she married you just for your money."

In this brother's eyes, there is the notion that a beautiful woman is not going to marry an ugly man, that an ugly man cannot get true love, and that a woman marries him for his money.

Imagine if this rich man had the same notion in his mind, how would he face his wife when he returned? He might have spent less money on his wife, and when she became dissatisfied, he might have said, "You married me for money, didn't you?

But fortunately, there is no such trauma in this rich man's body.

The rich man replied, "Making money is one of my abilities. My wife loves me and the money I earn, it's perfectly normal."

His brother asked again, "You said that you were both happy after you got married, why was that?"

The rich man said, "My wife is beautiful and well-built, I am very happy with her, and after I married her, I found out that she can cook, so I felt I married a treasure, so I was happy."

His brother asked again, "And what is your wife happy about?"

The rich man said, "She found out that I was richer than she thought, so she was happy too."

Psychological projection is everywhere, and the rich man's optimistic and humorous mind projects a world of joy and happiness.

And a person who does not love himself and does not recognize his value, if he bases his value on whether he can earn enough money, instead, he will always wonder if others look up to him and respect him for his money.

When we are aware of our shortcomings through projection, we can consciously improve and correct our shortcomings.

Just how can we reduce the conflict and entanglement caused by projection?

Stay aware, understand your projections, explore those traits that are not accepted and integrated by the ego, separate the ego from others, and maintain a distance from the ego.

When you can hold more openness, allow experiences to occur, emotions to flow, and awareness to rise in the "you-me" relationship, those projections that you see will slowly retract into your inner being and become part of your ego, creating your wholeness.

Those who give kindness will reap kindness; those who give warmth to others will be surrounded by warmth themselves because all of them are attracted by us.


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