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When you realize you're approaching your sell-by date!

Embracing Aging with Humor and Confidence

By Emmanuel OjenikePublished 4 months ago 4 min read

 ever had a moment where you suddenly realize that you're getting older? Perhaps it was a fleeting thought that gradually grew louder until you couldn't ignore it any longer. For Roli, a former model turned modeling agency owner, that moment came when she caught a glimpse of herself reflected in a spa's window. As she crossed the road, she noticed a woman whose strides mirrored her own, only to realize that the woman was her—older, dumpy, and far from her former modeling glory. She felt a pang of nostalgia for the days when she was admired and envied by many, and wondered if she had wasted her youth chasing fame and fortune.

Roli had once been a successful model, despite not possessing what she believed were perfect features. With the right poses and skilled photographers, she could stop traffic with her long legs and svelte figure. However, as the years went by, marriage, children, and the natural processes of aging took their toll. Roli found herself battling against time, trying various cosmetic potions and treatments to turn back the clock. She spent a fortune on botox, fillers, facials, and massages, hoping to preserve her youthful appearance and allure.

But a significant turning point came when Roli was recognized as a former model by a young man at a modeling contest. The man's remark about his mother being a fan of hers served as a stark reminder that she no longer resembled the glamorous woman she once was. She felt a surge of embarrassment and resentment, as if she had been robbed of her identity and dignity. It was then that Roli realized the importance of having a sense of humor about aging. Instead of relying on expensive beauty brands and treatments, she chose to embrace confidence, throwing her shoulders back and walking tall. She decided to focus on her inner beauty, rather than her outer appearance, and to celebrate her achievements, rather than her failures.

Another woman, Kunbi, experienced her own wake-up call when she caught sight of herself in the rearview mirror at the age of 42. Wrinkles, a dip between her eyebrows, and streaks of gray hair confronted her, making her realize that her looks had changed significantly. She felt a wave of panic and sadness, as if she had lost something precious and irreplaceable. With four children to raise, Kunbi had been so focused on her family that she hadn't paid much attention to herself. She had neglected her own needs and desires, putting everyone else's happiness before her own. But that moment of realization marked a turning point—an opportunity for self-reflection and acceptance.

As Kunbi and Roli discovered, aging is an inevitable process that defies our attempts to stop it. Despite our efforts with creams, potions, diets, and exercise, time marches on, and our bodies change. We can't control the passage of time, nor the effects it has on our physical appearance. However, both women found solace in their personal lives. Being happily married and having children helped alleviate some of the insecurities they experienced when they were younger. They no longer analyzed their looks incessantly or worried about every gray hair, as their focus shifted to the joy and fulfillment their families brought them. They realized that their loved ones valued them for who they were, not for how they looked.

Moreover, both women realized that attitude plays a significant role in aging. If they didn't behave like old people, they wouldn't look like old people. Aging gracefully meant embracing life with humor, confidence, and a positive outlook. They learned to laugh at themselves, to appreciate the wisdom and experience they had gained, and to enjoy the present moment. They acknowledged that while men of their generation might be drawn to younger women, they found hope in the process. Their daughters were growing into beautiful young women, and their own mothers were still enjoying life well into their senior years. They saw that beauty was not a fixed quality, but a dynamic and subjective one, that changed with time and perspective.

In the end, embracing aging is about accepting the inevitable and finding contentment in the present. While taking care of oneself is essential, maintaining a youthful spirit and attitude can go a long way in defying the stereotypes associated with getting older. Aging doesn't have to be a burden; it can be a relief—a time to reflect on a life well-lived, appreciate the joys of family, and approach each day with humor and confidence. So, if you catch a glimpse of yourself and realize you're approaching your sell-by date, remember that it's just another chapter in the beautiful story of your life. Embrace it with grace, humor, and the knowledge that true beauty comes from within. And don't forget to smile, because a smile is the best accessory you can wear


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