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What kind of life is worthy of you

Motivational life

By lanzhijiePublished 2 years ago 12 min read

Do not think what you do not want, or you will get it; Think about what you want, and you'll get it, too. In fact, in life, we should always pay attention to what we want, and not always pay attention to what we fear! People who like to dream, remember not to be dominated by dreams; Good at planning, remember that dream can not reach the goal; For people with a can-do spirit, remember that choosing the right direction is more important than working hard. Do not think that by building a city you will settle down; Do not think that if you sow, you will reap; Do not think that by reaching the summit you can conquer; Don't think that by gagging people, all you hear is praise! Take yourself as a tree, then there is always the wind blow down the sorrow; Treat yourself as a seedling, then you will always enjoy the sun and rain. Youth, then grow up; When ripe, it rots! Life should pursue four dimensions: width, depth, heat, speed; Work to form five dynamic personality: active, action, vivid, moving, moved; Life must be clear about a concept: only by shortening the days and months of success can we extend the time of enjoyment! Everyone has two doors: one is home, the place of growth; One is the heart gate, the place of success. If you drive out the little man in the door, you wake up the giant in your heart! The eyebrows that grow first are not as long as the beards that grow later; The first born ear is not as long as the last born horn. Wisdom lies not in age, but in age. It's not that the streets are expensive, but that you have no money in your pocket. It's not that you don't have money in your mouth pocket, but that you don't find opportunities to make money. It's not that you don't have the opportunity to make money, it's that you don't have the idea of getting rich in your head! It also means that you have no intention of making money yourself. When you hold on to something, it may be the only thing you will always have, and if you let go, other options open up. Old ideas do not give up, new ideas are difficult to produce! Looking in the mirror eight times a day does not equal beauty; Empty talk nine times a day does not make a man of action. He who is good at boasting is wearing an open gauze garment! There are dilemmas in this world: one is to change others, the other is to change yourself. Demanding others is painful, it should be very happy to change yourself. If you want to change others, change yourself first! There are many difficulties in the world, but there are two hardest things: one is to take money from other people's pockets and put it in your own pocket. The other is to put your ideas in other people's heads! Doubt is the beginning of pain, doubt is the beginning of happiness. Doubt solid can, more important, and its long time of doubt, not such as a short time to prove! With the soul to hit fate, with ideas beyond the dream. It's not what you do now that matters, it's what you do in the future. In order to change the future fate, first change the concept of the present! People without foresight, there will be near worry, worry is not far away, the worry will come. For many misfortunes are hidden, and begin in ignorance. The wise avoid in invisible, Ming foresight in not sprout! The most difficult to open is the heart door, the most difficult to walk is the heart road, the most sad bridge is the heart bridge, the most difficult to adjust is the state of mind. The hardest task in the world is to transform one's inner world! True love is acceptance, not tolerance. Support, not support; Sympathy, not inquiry; True love is thanks and apologies. Be considerate and understanding. To admit mistakes, or correction; True love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction. Love is not finding a perfect person. Instead, learn to appreciate an imperfect person with perfect eyes. In life, some people come and go, some people come and go, some people come and go, some people come and go, some people come and go, some people come and go, some people come and go. Maybe we meet at the end of two roads, walk for a while, and say goodbye at the next fork in the road. In any case, will inevitably come to an end of sadness. Far in the tianya friend: perhaps is far too far to greet, but also thank you once companion. No matter what your income is, divide your investment into five parts: invest in your body to keep it working; Invest in networking to expand your network. Increase your investment in learning and increase your confidence; Increase your investment in travel and expand your knowledge. Increase your investments in the future and increase your returns. With good planning and implementation, you will find that your life will gradually become more and more profitable. In the journey of life, there are always people coming and leaving. When the new name becomes the old name, when the old name is gradually blurred, it is the end of one story and the beginning of another. In the constant encounter and stagger, finally understand: people around you can only accompany yourself through or near or far a journey, but not with their own life; Accompany for life is their own name and those clear or vague names brought by the touch. There are always some people around you, you see him happy all day, frank like a child, everyone envy him; In fact, where do you know: before a second person also sadly shed tears of him, after a second person immediately filled with bright smile. In fact, they do not have the ability to be alone, late at night when people are quiet, always sit in front of the window to the night sky meditation frustrated pain. They are like sunflowers, always bright to the sun on the front, but not on the back of the sadness deep. In life, some are unavoidable, such as fate; Some things cannot be changed, such as love; Some are indelible, like memories; Some things are hard to put aside, like love... It is better to face it bravely than to bear it passively. It is better to hit the wind and rain than the bird under the eaves; It is better to break out in conflict than to be alone in silence... The more difficult the road, the greater the resistance, the more risks, as long as the past, life will be more wonderful. You can't change the environment, but you can change yourself; You can't change the facts, but you can change your attitude; You can't change the past, but you can change the present; You can't control others, but you can control yourself; You can't predict tomorrow, but you can seize today; You can't do everything well, but you can do everything with your heart; You can not extend the length of life, but you can decide the width of life. Charming woman: 1, good at discovering the beauty of life. 2. Get into the habit of reading. 3, have taste. Make friends with thoughtful people. 5. Stay away from bubble shows. Learn patience and tolerance. Develop a healthy attitude, pay attention to their own body. Leave any man, will live well. With the financial management of the machine, learning investment management. Respect feelings and cherish fate. Fools seek pleasure in the distance, while wise men cultivate joy around themselves. Every detail of your life contains happiness, just whether you feel it or not. A happy person finds something in everything and everyone that makes him or her happy, and allows that happiness to spread, inspire and influence those around him or her. 1, the most important thing is today's heart; Don't always talk to yourself; Do what you should do with your heart; Don't care too much about other people's evaluation; Everyone has his own way of life; Like yourself will embrace life; Don't blindly please others; Wood has become a boat to follow its nature; Might as well temporarily put aside trouble; Oneself feel happiness is happiness. There is no eternal fate, no eternal life, what we can have, may be just ordinary life. However, because of you, life is completely different, no oath, no commitment, we only need to love the edge, with the eyes as the medium, confirm the agreement on the stone, then hold hands, do not have to grip, but never relax, to their own design of love program, to deduce a classic eternal. We are tired, is often hovering between adhering to and give up, indecisive. The reason why we have trouble is that we have a good memory. What should and shouldn't be remembered will stay in our memory. We suffer because we pursue too much. We are not happy, is caring too much, not we have too little, but we care too much. 10 things that attract women to men: 1. 2. Deep; 3. The mind; 4. Dare to; 5. Grace; 6. Clever; 7. A sense of humor; 8. Into take; 9. Romantic; 10. The risk. 10 things that attract men to women: 1. 2. Intellectual; 3. In laymen; 4. The self-restraint; 5. Hazy; 6. Small gestures; 7. Be diligent at home; 8. The skin white; 9. Dress sexy; 10. Sweet atmosphere. Be misunderstood when can slightly smile, this is a quality; Wronged when can calm smile, this is a kind of generosity; Lose when can happy smile, this is a open-minded; Helpless when can philosophical smile, this is a realm; When the crisis can calm smile, this is a kind of atmosphere; Having a calm smile to face with being disdained indicates kind of confidence. When lovelorn can gently smile, this is a kind of free and easy. The past one page, can not turn do not turn, turn off the dust will be lost in his eyes. Some people can not say where good, but no one can replace! Those who used to say never separated, already scattered in the horizon. Pick up the mood, continue to go, miss the flower, you will harvest rain, miss this one, you will meet the next one. There is a famous Harvard theory that people are distinguished by their spare time, and that a person's destiny is determined between 8 and 10 p.m. Set aside two hours a night to read, study, meditate, or attend a deliberate talk or discussion. You will find that your life is changing, and success will follow you over the years. Love is simple, because everyone will say: "I love you, will give everything for you!" Love is hard, because not many people keep their promises. If you truly love someone, you will love without commitment. If you do not love a person, once promised will betray. What do you regret most? Some magazine to the country above 60 years old old sample survey: the first: 75% of the people regret not hard enough when young, resulting in nothing. Number two: 70 percent regret choosing the wrong career when they were young. No. 3:62 percent regret improper parenting. Number four: 57 percent regret not taking good care of their partner. Number five: 49 percent regret not treating their body well. Life ten scheming: 1, life can not be too simple, moderate camouflage themselves. Always leave room for retreat. Words do not say, mouth is difficult to deal with. Mature without sophistication. Good attitude, want to live not tired. Understand the radius of the road: no matter not trouble, not afraid of things. Not less than two ceremony, etiquette and gifts. People floating in rivers and lakes, prevent friends knife. Occasionally snob, looking for a reliable partner. Put down face to be a man. The president of Tsinghua University told students five more important; Direction is more important than effort; Ability is more important than knowledge; Health is more important than achievement; Life is more important than a diploma; Eq is more important than IQ. From now on, be smart, do not ask people if they miss you, love you? If they want to miss you or love you, they will say it to you, but if they say it from your mouth, they will be proud and don't care about you. Don't care too much about some people or things any more. Just let them be, because it is the way of the world that the things we care most about are the least worthwhile. A person's achievement is not measured by money, but by how many people in your life you've been kind to and how many people miss you. In a businessman's book, he records income and expenditure, and when the two are subtracted, he makes a profit. Life ledger, record love and be loved, the sum of the two numbers, is achievement. There is no absolute happiness in the world, only not happy heart. Happiness is your own business, as long as you want to, you can be happy; Even in the eyes of others, you don't even have the happiness capital. The most precious thing in the world is not "can't get" and "lost", but can grasp happiness now. What is happiness? Happiness is about having small wishes come true. Happiness is about living simply. Sometimes, clearly his heart has a lot of words to say, but do not know how to express; Sometimes, a lot of their dreams, but not from the heart; Sometimes, others misunderstood his careless words, depressed in the heart of panic; Sometimes, the heart suddenly out of a tired mood, feel very tired very tired; Sometimes, I find myself growing up overnight, but I can't see my future appearance, confused at a loss. Don't always compare yourself with others, people have their own characteristics, can not be a tree, can be a grass, can not be a captain, can be a sailor, the most important thing is to know yourself, find yourself, do the best yourself! Dream a, drunk a, after wake up, everything is like the passing clouds, if you can't have, then forget is the best choice, life is short and fragile life can't carry too much load, learn to forget, forget those who shouldn't remember things, forget everything that does not belong to you, no matter how beautiful scenery, we can only do a short appreciate, Life can't be perfect, the life with regret is the real life. Life is a dream, time is ruthless. Suddenly look back, just found people alive is a mood. Poor or rich, gain or lose. Everything is gone. Think, no matter yesterday, today, tomorrow, can suddenly see is a good day. Regardless of family affection, friendship, love, can cherish forever is a good mood. Every one of us has been at the crossroads of our lives countless times. We have been confused, waiting, begging, choosing and giving up. Choose what you can't bear to give up, give up what you can't choose. Life can not come over again, everyone can not repeat standing at the same intersection. But please do not be afraid of choice, because there is no perfect good or bad choice, each choice will bring you a different feeling and a different kind of wonderful. A person always look up to and envy the happiness of others, a turn around, but find themselves are looking up to and envy. In fact, everyone is happy. But, your happiness, often in the eyes of others. Pain, just know how to protect themselves; Cry, just know what heartache is feeling; Silly, just know timely adhere to and give up; Love, just know oneself actually very flimsy -- in fact, life does not need so many meaningless persistence, what really can't cut give up. Life only come out of the beautiful, not out of the brilliant; There is no beginning and no end that cannot be saved. Even when all is lost, there is no reason to despair while breath lingers. We may not change the environment, but we can change ourselves; Can not change the past, but can grasp the present; Not everything goes well, but everything can be dedicated; You can't choose your appearance, but you can show your smile. In the heart of spring, elated to in full bloom; In the heart of the sea, the mind can be open; Good strategy, things can be neat; Eyes have god, eyes can be keen; The strength of the arm, the fist is heavy; There is a rhythm to the pace to light. If you want to go famous, then you have to slow down to sleep; If you want to grow wisdom quickly, then you have to slow pride. If you want to slow down the aging, then you have to learn faster; If you want to slow down, then you have to move faster. Not afraid of road, afraid of short; Not afraid of slow, afraid often stand; Not afraid of poverty


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