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What is Minimalism?

Too little?

By Kahi Bradshaw-WilliamsPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Minimalism: An Artform

Minimalism is a philosophy and lifestyle that focuses on simplification and the reduction of unnecessary possessions, distractions, and obligations. It is a way of living that values intentionality and purpose over materialism and consumerism.

The origins of minimalism can be traced back to the 20th century, with the emergence of the minimalist art movement in the 1960s. Minimalist artists such as Donald Judd and Dan Flavin sought to strip away unnecessary elements and focus on the essentials in their works. This concept of minimalism then spread to other areas such as architecture, design, and literature.

In recent years, minimalism has gained popularity as a way of life and has been embraced by people from all walks of life. It is often associated with the idea of living with less and embracing a more minimal and intentional lifestyle.

Minimalism is not about deprivation or living in poverty, but rather it is about finding freedom and happiness through simplicity. It is about letting go of the things that do not serve a purpose in our lives and focusing on what truly matters to us. This can be achieved through decluttering and simplifying our possessions, our schedules, and our minds.

One of the key benefits of minimalism is the sense of freedom it brings. By letting go of unnecessary possessions and obligations, we are able to free up time and energy that can be used for more meaningful pursuits. This can bring a sense of clarity and purpose to our lives and allow us to focus on the things that truly matter to us.

Minimalism can also have a positive impact on the environment. By consuming less and being more mindful of our purchases, we are able to reduce our carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future. Additionally, by decluttering and simplifying our homes and possessions, we are able to create a more peaceful and clutter-free environment.

However, minimalism is not a one-size-fits-all solution and it is important to find a balance that works for each individual. It is about finding what works for us and our unique circumstances and not comparing ourselves to others.

For some people, minimalism may involve living in a tiny house or apartment, while for others it may simply mean decluttering and simplifying their possessions. It is important to remember that minimalism is not about perfection or achieving a certain aesthetic, but rather it is about finding what works for us and our needs.

Minimalism can also be a process and it may take time to declutter and simplify our possessions and lifestyles. It is important to be patient and take small steps towards minimalism rather than trying to overhaul our lives all at once.

Minimalism is a philosophy and lifestyle that values simplicity and purpose over materialism and consumerism. It is about finding freedom and happiness through simplicity and decluttering our lives of unnecessary possessions, distractions, and obligations. It is a way of living that can bring a sense of clarity and purpose to our lives and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Summary: Not just an aesthetic

Minimalism is a philosophy and lifestyle that focuses on simplification and the reduction of unnecessary possessions, distractions, and obligations. It is about finding freedom and happiness through simplicity and decluttering our lives of unnecessary possessions, distractions, and obligations. It can bring a sense of clarity and purpose to our lives and contribute to a more sustainable future. Minimalism is not about perfection or achieving a certain aesthetic, but rather it is about finding what works for us and our needs.


About the Creator

Kahi Bradshaw-Williams

Hey there! I'm Kahi, a tech content writer and web designer with a love for all things tech and science.

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