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What if I won the lottery

What I would do with my lottery winnings

By Dyllon RodillonPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Stock photo of money, I do now own the image above. no copyright intended

Living in Las Vegas, my family and I would play the lottery in Primm, Nevada at least once a month. We all know the odds of winning the grand prize are monumentally against us, but what can you say? We have all fantasized at least once or twice about what we would do with hundreds of millions of dollars if not a billion dollars won over night and it is incredibly fun. Nowadays though, instead of just playing the state lottery. I very recently opened a savings account with Yotta savings. For those of you unfamiliar with Yotta, every $25 you have deposited in their savings account will earn you one ticket to their weekly lottery. However unlike the regular lottery, you don't lose any money. The funds you have held in their savings account will stay there until you decide to withdrawal them. Also I am not sponsored by Yotta savings in anyway shape or form. I just wanted to get that out there. Back to the topic at hand though. Today I want to talk about both my responsible side, and my irresponsible side with those winnings.


Let's be real, the first thing that runs through everyone's mind is all the crazy stuff we'd immediately buy if we had more money than what we know what to do with. From mega mansions, to yachts, to dozens of sports cars or super cars we have all fantasized about these toys we see on "Lifestyles of the rich and the famous". I am a little bit different because in spite of winning the lottery I'd shockingly not want a ton of houses or ridiculously expensive jewelry. And above all else I shockingly don't want to travel too much. I would love to visit some major landmarks; Eiffel tower, Stonehenge, The Great Wall of China, etc. But in terms of just visiting the beaches of Dubai on a private jet while taking a ton of Instagram photos, does not sound all that appealing to me.

Now if we are talking hundreds of millions, I would actually live in a very normal looking house somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Key word of that sentence though, was normal looking. This house would secretly be a front for a crazy elaborate fallout shelter. Inside my shelter I would put a swimming pool, a movie theater, an armory, and pretty much anything to help me survive the apocalypse while still being entertained. Also I would love to own every single movie car of my choice, reference my favorite movie muscle car articles for an idea. Lastly I would love to be able to own a bullet proof suits. Why you may ask, because John Wick. I would love to have my own bulletproof suits to feel like John for at least a day.

If we are talking over a billion dollars won? I am literally buying an NBA team for the city of Las Vegas and sitting courtside for the rest of my life collecting a passive paycheck. I would eat ridiculously expensive steaks every single meal for the rest of my life. I'd buy every single one of my dream cars. I would also love to buy countless custom suits of various designs and colors. And above all else, just to be extremely extra because I can. I would love to just mindlessly throw money at start up companies just to see if I can magically strike gold. Even though I know majority of the time I know I would most likely lose a significant amount of money. Because why not?


Okay, now let us take a step back and be responsible with our money. First and foremost of course I would handle any and all debt I have. I would pay down all my credit cards, pay off my car, and pay off my mortgage. Next comes my immediate family, I'd help them pay off any debt they have up until that point. However of course not let them get any more debt to maximize their payment. Now I do not have any kids, but when I eventually do of course I would open a college fund for my kid(s), then have dividend portfolios where all the dividends would be automatically reinvested for them. Then I would continue to expand on my portfolios, specifically those with high dividend paying stocks and once more letting the dividends auto reinvest themselves until I am ready to retire. Lastly I am a huge believer that if you win a substantial amount of money, you need to pay your debt to society somehow. I would love to give hundreds of thousands of dollars to various charities and foundations. These would range from animal shelters, various schools for their extracurriculars, safe homes for those trying to escape domestic violence, and of course children's hospitals.

Thank you for your time, I hope you enjoyed what you have read today. I have plenty of different articles on many different topics. Feel free to give those other articles a read or two. Also if you'd be so kind, I'd greatly appreciate a heart and if you really feel so inclined tips are always appreciated but by no means required.


About the Creator

Dyllon Rodillon

Jack of all trades, master of none.

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