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What Happens When Evil Wins?

Unveiling the Ongoing Tragedy: Understanding the Roots of the Palestinian Struggle

By ClaudiaPublished 5 months ago 3 min read
What Happens When Evil Wins?
Photo by Peter Forster on Unsplash

In recent times, the world has witnessed the unfolding humanitarian crisis in Gaza, particularly on October 7th, 2023, when the Palestinian resistance confronted the Israeli occupation. This article aims to shed light on the historical context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, emphasizing the urgent need for global attention and action to address the ongoing atrocities in the region.

Historical Background:

The roots of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict trace back to the aftermath of World War II, where rising anti-Semitism fueled the political Zionist movement. This movement sought to establish a Jewish ethnostate, with Palestine chosen as the location. However, this decision was not the only option, and it sparked a series of events leading to the creation of the State of Israel in 1948.

The Birth of Israel and the Nakba:

With the violent support of the British military, Israel was founded on stolen Palestinian land, displacing hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in what became known as the Nakba, or catastrophe. UN resolution 181 granted settlers 55% of the land, disregarding the rights of the Palestinian people. This period saw the expulsion of 750,000 Palestinians, the destruction of over 500 villages, and the loss of countless lives.

Ongoing Occupation and Human Rights Violations:

Contrary to the misconception that the Nakba concluded in 1948, the subsequent decades have witnessed a relentless campaign of occupation and extermination by the Israeli government. Palestinian homes are regularly demolished, arbitrary arrests are common, and entire villages are ethnically cleansed for the construction of illegal settlements. The Gaza Strip, home to over 2 million people, faces severe restrictions on movement, access to resources, and constant military attacks, resembling a concentration camp.

Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza:

The Gaza Strip endures dire conditions, with controlled entrances, restricted imports and exports, undrinkable water, and frequent attacks on civilian infrastructure. The international community condemns these actions, but the perpetrators face minimal consequences. The situation prompts questions about the role of the media, Western governments, and the collective responsibility to address such blatant human rights violations.

Global Response and Political Dynamics:

Despite overwhelming evidence and condemnation from various quarters, Israel remains largely unchecked in its actions. The United States, a key ally of Israel, provides substantial support, both politically and financially. The relationship is deeply rooted, with historical statements from leaders like Joe Biden highlighting the perceived strategic importance of Israel to U.S. interests. This support, however, contradicts the growing global dissent against Israeli actions.

The Power of Awareness and Collective Action:

The global community, though increasingly aware of the ongoing crisis, struggles to prompt substantial change. Social media platforms and public discourse have exposed the true nature of the atrocities, with videos depicting war crimes circulating widely. However, the lack of meaningful consequences suggests a broader challenge in addressing the complex dynamics of international relations.

Hope Amidst Despair:

While the current geopolitical landscape may seem grim, it is essential to recognize that evil, in the form of oppressive regimes, does not endure indefinitely. The decline of the U.S. Empire and the eventual shift in global power dynamics offer a glimmer of hope for positive change. Though dismantling deeply entrenched systems may seem daunting, the ongoing resistance and global awareness indicate a potential turning point.

The Role of Individuals in Shaping History:

The responsibility to effect change lies with individuals who refuse to accept the normalization of injustice. Despite the formidable obstacles, history shows that sustained activism, awareness campaigns, and grassroots movements can contribute to transformative shifts. The evolution of public opinion, especially in the face of atrocities, has the potential to shape the future and redefine global priorities.


The ongoing tragedy in Palestine demands urgent attention, compassion, and concerted efforts from the global community. Understanding the historical context, recognizing the power dynamics at play, and acknowledging the role of collective action are crucial steps toward addressing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. While the path to justice may be challenging, history reminds us that persistence, awareness, and solidarity can ultimately prevail against oppression.


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