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We Are Not Broken

We Never Were

By Keana LambertPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
You were right all along

We aren't broken.

We never were.

Read that over and over again, as many times as you have to, to remember.

We are here to learn and give back through our creative expression.

To be the architects of our human experiences.

Our religions are different and unique as we are individuals.

They resonate differently with each one of us as they are supposed to.

We are all different, but it is in our differences, that we are the same.

Hurting one another is hurting ourselves, because we are all connected.

From the sea life to the mass of Universe, we are one.

There is nothing wrong with loving one another unconditionally.

When you surrender, there is nothing and no one that can hurt you.

When you have nothing left to fear, you realize this is not your home.

This face is not your face.

The only thing that is real, is the love and energy connection, we have with the souls that live in each other and everything around us.

Love the unloving. They are in pain. Feel what they feel, you are connected.

Be understanding of the life that must be led my those who do not understand they are sleeping awake.

They must awaken to realize it is a dream and can be changed just like a dream, in no time at all.

Everything is relative and there is not just one answer, but many and they all fit together like a puzzle.

That puzzle is you.

Your answer to life and happiness and is yourself.

When you understand who you are and where you came from, you will understand why you chose to come.

You will see how every single choice you made, was you making it, so you could break out of your cocoon.

So, you could be the person you are:

- inside, outside, above, below, and everywhere at once.

Don't live in a shell.

Don't isolate.

Don't be afraid of love.

Don't be afraid to face your past, your fears and conquer them, like the Spartans you are.

It is in our DNA, it comes from the ancestors before us, our environment and who we love; it is impossible to fail.


We never fail, we learn, we start over, we pick up the pieces and we fight for what we love and what we believe in.

We are all waking together.

It is the most amazing thing to see.

We have all had so much pain and we have been cocooned for far to long, but now we are breaking out and becoming billions of butterflies.

Look at all the new creative tools that are coming out for content creators.

Look at how many people are supporting themselves by teaching each other.

We are no longer relying on corporations and corporate greed.

We are going around obstacles like water ebbs and flows in a river.

We are creating. We are growing. We are loving.

Yes, we are still afraid.

That is how it is supposed to be.

Because the exhilaration of conquering fear is a launching pad to happiness and continued adventures.

The bigger the task, the larger the fear, the harder the fight, the higher the launch.

If you are still in the fight, realize the above. You are brave for reading this, for realizing that you are not over.

You are not done.

Not by a long shot.

You are realizing that bravery is not the absence of fear, but fighting through fear, to get to the otherside.

Realize that some days it will feel like failure.

It will feel like it is over.

It will feel impossible.

You will feel like giving up.

You will hurt.

You will be hurt.

You will cry.

You will scream

And that is okay. Do it all. Feel it all.

And then fuel yourself into bravery and action towards your goal; whatever that is.

If one door closes, open another fucking door.

There are as many doors as there are possibilities for your life experiences.

There was never just one. There are million and billions everyday.

You decide how and when you are going to get there.

Theee is no time limit. There is no right, or wrong time.

There is only you and when you decide the time is right.

That is exactly how it is supposed to be.

Never let anyone tell you that you should do, or be anything at any point in time.

You decide. It is your life. Your human experience.

Love yourself first by realizing who you are and the truth that you can choose anything and everything at every point in time.

That you are good and wise and loving and passionate.

Talented and creative.

Capable of so much more than what society has been telling us.

Be individual and find your tribe of those most like you, because they are all around you.

Connect. Love hard.

Create that art work you've been working on.

Apply for the acting jobs.

Create the script.

Sing your heart out everywhere.

Dance like everyone is watching and stop giving a shit.

Fall in love over and over.

Have a sailor and sailoress in every port, if you want to.

Just don't hurt anyone and be aware that when you start to butterfly, you will have so many want to capture you and pin you to their wall to admire.

But, you are free and do not belong to anyone, but yourself.

However, if you want to be caught and admired and loved, you are not falling from grace, you are falling for an experience you want.

This is perfectly okay.

Remember that money is a tool, nothing more.

Use it to find someone to show you how to make more of it.

Start as soon as now. Then grow it and use it to do whatever it is that you've always wanted to do.

Thinks back to when you were a child or teenager.

What did you want to be? To do?

Go for that. Make a plan. Execution is easy.

Do it scared, but do it smart.

Take your time if you want.

There is really only one way that it needs to be done and that is your way.

Pick and choose different things that you have learned throughout your life and piece together a plan that works for you.

Gurus only have the way they know, so glean what applies and leave the rest.

Never Accept "No" as an answer.

Don't keep asking the same person; find another solution around the problem.

Jim Carry says, "Hope is walking through the fire, faith is leaping over it."

So leap, jump with all you have, knowing you will land exactly where you want to.

My story has just begun.

I am still in the fight, but I lept because of faith.

I have already been through the fire and I am done being afraid, but not brave.

I am done with Hope. It has served me well, but it is time that I had the faith.

So tonight I jump again with faith.

I found me.

I'm still picking up my pieces, but I recognize every single one of them as mine.

Thank you for reading.

I love you with all I am.


About the Creator

Keana Lambert

Humanist. Mom of 3. Trauma Survivor. Activist. Artist. Adventurer. Lover of Life. Lover of Love. Grateful and Thankful for Everyday. Here to do my part in making our world a better for future generations.

Thank you for reading my words,


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