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Becoming Human

By Patrick FosterPublished 2 years ago 16 min read

Death was approaching. Greenish-blue blood painted the remains of the sleek, triangular shaped aircraft. It was a tedious voyage through the infinite sea to escape the others. Death would have been a merciful punishment compared to the awaiting punishment. The others have no understanding of concepts such as love or mercy; just power. The others can only assume that I should have died upon impact and the self destruct sequence would eradicate all evidence of my existence. Even with the slim chance of survival upon impact, the others knew I would die soon. Several severed tentacles were scattered in the debris. I needed to get away from the aircraft before the explosion, but the slightest movement sent intense waves of pain through my small frame. The surrounding area was densely populated with tall trees and plentiful wildlife. I assumed I was in the mountains. Despite the slim chance of survival, a faint flicker of fire was noticeable in the distance indicating that against all odds, I could somehow survive. Humans were nearby and one unfortunate being would aid in my survival. Despite the darkness of the warm night, I could see clearly from this distance, the shadows of humans dancing around the flames. Even though my small octopus like body was about the size of a cup holder, I was genetically superior to any other species in the galaxy. We could survive in nearly any climate for extended periods of time, see in the dark, and we're significantly more intelligent than any other species. However, these features meant nothing to the others.

Nothing about myself mattered after the experiment... I'm getting distracted. I am still dying. The humans were only a few thousand feet away, but every inch of movement towards them was pure agony. The remains of the aircraft were going to explode at any moment. The noise would probably attract the humans and would be a perfect opportunity to strike. If the humans were too afraid to approach the sound of the explosion, I would need to move towards the humans if they decided to flee from fear. A bright flash of light and a deafening explosion followed in the next few moments. All evidence of the aircraft was erased in mere seconds. The humans should have clearly heard the noises, but they remained still. Were they too afraid to move? My last resort was to go to them now. This was truly not my day. The cold ground dug deeply into my gray skin. My five remaining tentacles worked as hard as they could as I dragged myself towards the humans. My body trembled violently as my vision became blurry. Time seemed to slow and the world seemed to spin rapidly. The voices grew louder, and I could not die now. I had finally reached the threshold to my salvation and I could see a glimpse of my future. Two human males and two human females were gathered around the fire. Equipment and other belongings were scattered all around the area. Strange looking metal containers were everywhere as well. The humans seemed so oblivious yet happy. Observing them ignited an unfamiliar yet welcoming feeling. Curiosity? Joy? Why was I feeling this now? Only a few of my kind could feel human emotions, but that was only because of the contamination. It was the reason we were targeted.

We were now outcasts. Those of us who survived anyway. "James I... I want you to know that I think you're the best friend a guy could have. If... If I was a woman I... I would have your baby and..." The human male speaking suddenly began to vomit. It must be the substance coming from the metal containers called "Bud Light." Each of the humans seemed to be under the influence of the Bud Light. James, the other human male, was enormous. It was unclear how tall he was since he was sitting on the ground. However, he seemed equivalent to an animal native to this planet called a gorilla.

James' muscles shown greatly through his plain brown shirt and light green cargo pants. His head was shaved yet thick brown hair was on the lower half of his head. His green eyes were a sharp contrast from the rest of his striking features. This would be the perfect vessel. "It's getting late guys," said the human female with brown hair. "There's so much more of the Appalachian Mountains we need to explore in the morning. Hopefully, we won't be hungover too bad in the morning." The humans began to extinguish the fire and slowly made their way to their portable dwellings. After a few minutes of silence, I determined that now was the appropriate time to act. I slithered to the mobile housing unit that James was in until I reached the front of it. Salvation was inside.

With the amount of strength I had left, I weaved my way inside through the small opening of the mobile housing unit. James appeared to be sleeping soundly inside of his red bag. The stench of the foul substances he was consuming lingered on his body. James' head was exposed out of the bag and his mouth hung slightly open. That was my way inside. Once I was attached to the brain, then I could take control of the vessel and given enough time, I could, in theory, become human. How ironic that a human would be my salvation after one human cursed me. I can still remember the event clearly. The subject waking up. The blood spraying on our small bodies. The fear, the pain, the screaming. All seven of us conducting the experiment were infected. It started with the visions of the human's memories. The emotions followed next. Upon returning to the colony, we were immediately condemned. We were no longer pure, but threats to our own kind.

We couldn't stay or leave what was then our home. My species only understood power and domination. Any and all foreign species needed to be enslaved or eradicated, and now we fell into that category. While the others who were contaminated were decimated before me, I did not hesitate to get into the nearest aircraft to escape and was barely able to manage that. It was uncertain if there were any survivors, but that didn't matter now. All that mattered was that I would live. This was the opportunity to be reborn with a new identity and as it appeared so far, the vessel possessed some things that I've never experienced before. The vessel had friends who loved him and a name. Sure, the others valued each other but that was not love. I, as well as my species, did not have a need for names or even numbers. We only existed to conquer and were doing exceptionally well against other species that opposed us. A planet like this would probably fall quickly but for the time being, the others had greater threats to oppose than humans. This interesting world would protect me until they arrived.

I maneuvered onto James' massive frame until I was on his chest while my blood was still oozing from my dying body. This was it. I slithered inside of James' mouth and my way to the brain. My remaining tentacles attached to the brain and began to fuse with the host. It would take some adjustments to get used to this new body, but each of the senses would soon follow. The nutrients from this vessel would suffice in my recovery. For now, victory was mine and I could rest peacefully knowing that I was still alive.

"A shot of Hennessey please!" My vision slowly came into focus as my body stabilized. Where was I? How much time had passed since I fused with the vessel? It had to be a week since I was able to see and hear what the vessel could. The rest of the senses would follow shortly. Now was the opportunity to observe the vessel and his habits. Multiple humans were crammed into the small facility. The stench of the strange odors lingered in the air and many humans seemed to be under the influence of more strange substances. The vessel was dressed in all black fancy attire and was serving people these strange substances. What a strange task to be given. How did this task ensure the growth of this species? "I want my drink right now damnit! It's a crazy world we live in now and I can't handle all this bullshit," said one of the rowdy humans. "I'm 64 years old working as a substitute teacher with all these crazy kids and you think I've had too much to drink? Boy I've been drinking longer than you've been alive and I don't care if you're young and look like you eat Thanksgiving dinner everyday. This old woman's foot up your ass is still gonna hurt!"

Many nearby humans began to chuckle at the remark from the aged human female. What was Thanksgiving and what was an ass? What the human female said sounded very unpleasant. "Alright then," said the vessel. "My apologies. If I was you, I'd want to drink more to." The vessel turned behind him to an elegant display of colorful and exotic bottles, grabbed the bottle named Hennessey, and poured some into a small glass as the aged human female took the glass. "Thank you baby," said the aged woman. "It would have been embarrassing if I had to open up a can of whoop ass on you at your job. And speaking of jobs, I think I need to retire and take my ass down to Florida. I'm too old for this." The woman and the vessel began to laugh and it was surprisingly pleasant to hear. Considering that the vessel was just threatened. Who knew humans found violence so comical? I suppose that as the process of becoming human advanced, I would need to observe and indulge in human culture.

The vessel looked down at a shiny, silver bracelet on his massive wrist that displayed the numbers 12:56 am. The vessel walked until he reached a brown door near the entrance of the facility and went inside. There were tables, chairs, and other humans dressed in similar attire as the vessel. The vessel reached a strange device with many numbers, entered a nine digit code, and left the facility after saying goodnight to the other workers. Despite the lateness of the night, many humans were wandering the warm streets of the city. The vessel walked to the edge of the small parking lot until he reached a shiny red vehicle with a silver H symbol on the front. It was somewhat comical as the vessel entered the small vehicle as he appeared to large for it. The interior of the vehicle smelled very pleasant. The air freshener said "lavender" on it. The street lights and absurdly large facilities illuminated the night like a beacon. The vessel drove down many streets until he reached a street called Elmwood Avenue. The street elaborately decorated with red, white, and blue flags with stars on them. What was the special occasion? The music blaring did nothing to give me any peace as well. Rap God by Eminem. The sounds, sights, and smells were slightly overwhelming. I suppose this was just the start of the adventure.

I was excited yet anxious of this new life ahead of me and even having emotions about the entire ordeal was another reminder that I was already partially human before returning to this planet. I would adapt eventually just like I have to every situation I've encountered. The vessel made a left onto Sunset Avenue and the red vehicle eased its way into the driveway of a beautiful black and white home near the end of the street. The front yard was small and adorned with yellow flowers. Three white stairs led to the black door that was carved with exquisite circular patterns. The stairs creaked lightly as the vessel put his massive weight on each step. A gray welcome mat greeted all guests to the comforting sights that awaited inside. To the right were pictures on the wall hung above a gray fireplace. A gray couch and glass table were directly across from the fireplace and television. To the left was the kitchen and the stairs to the basement and next floor. All of the kitchen appliances were black except for the one creature that began to rub its body against the vessels legs. "I'm glad to see you to Star, my precious little baby." The creature let out a soft meow and walked to the next room to jump on the couch. The vessel hurried up the stairs to remove his clothing and get ready to sleep. The bedroom was entirely different from the rest of the house. The walls were sky blue and another massive television was on the right side of the room next to the door. The massive bed with red and gray attire was neatly arranged and a strange tower like structure was to the left of the bed. Must be for the cat I suppose. To the right of the bed was the closet with a variety of colorful clothes inside. At least the vessel had style I suppose. It made me want to laugh even though I couldn't yet. Soon enough, the other senses would follow, but for now the vessel and I needed rest.

"You make me feel so happy when I'm with you," said the woman with blond hair. Who is this and what was happening? Was this an illusion? The woman was held tightly by the vessel as they sat on the gray couch downstairs. The vessel seemed like a giant compared to her. Her blue eyes were a sharp contrast to the rest of her features. She wore a white shirt and dark blue pants as well. Was the vessel dreaming? Since I was fused to the vessel, his memories would become mine as well. He would still maintain a human like appearance, but the interior of the vessel would be molded to suit me. The vessel would even become immortal too once I had full control unless it will killed or I detached from him.

In the morning, the vessel showered, ate, fed the cat, then went to exercise. Crunch fitness. What an interesting name. The vessel was clothed in black shorts and a green sleeveless top. The vessel was also listening to music through his red ear buds and his musical interests were fascinating to say the least. I Will Not Bow by Breaking Benjamin. Animal I Have Become by Three Days Grace. Habits by Tove Lo. The music seemed to help as the vessel pushed around 300 pounds up and down from his chest several times. A small crowd gathered to observe the tremendous display of strength and seemed in awe. The vessel seemed flattered and a sense of pride washed over me. This was going to be my strong body soon. "I want to be like you when I grow up," said a man who had grayish hair. He laughed and so did the vessel. What was so funny? I thought humans with gray or white hair were older. Was I missing some context from the encounter? Even so, it was pleasant to see and hear the laughter. It was still foreign, yet comfortable to me.

After the vessel left the facility, he returned home to relax and watch television. Out of all the things the vessel has done so far, what he watched on television was by far the strangest action he has taken. Rick and Morty? How... I don't even have the correct words to describe this. The vessel seemed amused so I suppose that's all that mattered. If I was going to be the vessel... James... I would need to act like him to not attract too much attention. I also needed to get into the habit of referring to the vessel as James because that is my identity as well. It was easy to forget sometimes given my circumstances a few weeks ago.

As time progressed, James got ready for work and arrived around 10 pm. The name of the facility was named "All-Nighters." What a fitting title. James entered his code into the device and went behind the counter to serve humans more of the strange substances. "Hey sexy. What's new with you?" The voice was familiar. James turned to the left to see the woman from the vision. They wore similar clothing so she must also work here as well. "What's up Stacy?" James pulled the woman close for a tight embrace and when they pulled away, Stacy had the same expression she had in the vision. It was a look of passion, desire, and joy. As the night progressed, Stacy gave James several more seductive glances before she left at midnight. "I'll see you tomorrow," said Stacy as she hurriedly left before the customer could ask for her phone number again.

It was obvious the customer had ingested more of the substances that he could handle and he was making poor decisions. James seemed annoyed at the man, yet prideful. Stacy was his, and no one would separate the two of them. The sense of pride was greater than the feeling of anger, but it was clear how much James loved this woman.

In the morning, James followed a similar routine as the previous day. Today, however, James wore a gray shirt with a tattered American flag on it with black pants. He rushed out of the house by noon and drove for some time until he arrived to a town called Tonawanda. James turned onto a street named Kessling Avenue, and further down the street, Stacy could be seen standing in front of a tall white apartment building. Stacy wore black pants, a white shirt with red and blue stars on it, and a heartwarming smile on her beautiful face. Her long hair swayed behind her as she ran to get in the car. Without saying a word, Stacy pressed her lips against James' and feelings of intense joy flowed through me. The feeling was so intense and it felt like I was going to explode. Stacy tasted and smelled pleasant and... I could taste now! The process was advancing faster than I anticipated.

As Stacy pulled away from James, she looked into his brown eyes and said "happy Fourth of July baby." Stacy placed her small delicate hand into James' massive rough hand as he drove. The two drove until they reached the Galleria Mall while listening to more interesting songs on the radio. Cupid's Chokehold by Gym Class Heros. I actually liked this song. The mall had an enormous selection of stores inside and many people were shopping. The two lovers went went into many stores such as Macy's, Dicks Sporting Goods, and, the most fascinating store, Spencer's. The vast array of items in this store were comical and absurdly ridiculous. A large portion of the store was clothing and games. Some posters had these strange leaves. Another similar poster had a depiction of what humans thought aliens looked like. The green "alien" was surrounded by these leaves as well. Marijuana I believe it was called. What was so special about this leaf? The humans in this store seemed just as fascinated with the leaves as I was.

After some shopping and watching the movie called "The Hitman's Bodyguard," the two lovers spent some time at a place called Canalside. Night fell quickly and a number of humans gathered around as the explosions started. The sky erupted in a collage of beautiful vibrant colors and all the humans watching the show were in awe. It's amazing how such simple things could entertain humans, however, I suppose that's what makes a being a human special. Humans were not immortal, so every second was precious. What a spectacular day this has been. I would have never thought a species could be so... magnificent. Sure, humans did have troubles of their own, but it seemed as though the joyful moments were superior. I wasn't fully human yet, but I was enjoying every moment of this experience so far.

A warm streak of water flowed down James cheek and he wiped away the tear with his arm. Was I making him cry? Were my feelings about humanity that intense? Stacy and the other spectators were preoccupied with the light show to notice that was fire. Today was possibly the happiest I've ever been in the centuries I have roamed the universe, and I had high expectations for the future...

As the days, weeks, and months have passed, I have reaped rewards I never thought were possible to obtain. A few months ago, I was unnamed, abandoned, and left to die by my own kind. Now, I have everything I never knew I wanted. I have an identity, friends, emotions, and joy. Stacy leaned on James as they watched the television in James' bedroom. Many people were gathered on live television to celebrate the end of the year and the genesis of a new era. Human traditions were still strange to me, yet exciting. James and Stacy decided to enjoy the holiday to themselves and that was just fine. Although, I could control all of James' movements now, I decided that now was not the ideal time. Observing James' and Stacy's love story was like a movie I didn't want to end. The two lovers could live their lives together, however, once Stacy died, then I could use James.

My former species would never understand this world. Although, my former species was superior in intelligence, and was possibly the greatest threat in the galaxy, the humans had one tremendous advantage. Love. The power of love could destroy even the strongest obstacles in the way. Despite the trivial hardships humans could encounter such as financial instability, emotional trauma, and even the death of beloved ones, love bonded people together. As long as the chains of love were not broken, then humans were strong.

10, 9, 8. Stacy grabbed James' hand and began to count down along with people on the television. 7, 6, 5, 4. The excitement was getting stronger. 3, 2, 1. "Happy New Year!" The humans on the television began celebrating as the fireworks exploded. James and Stacy kissed and held each other for some time. Hugging another person felt so comforting.

Now was a new year, and a new me. I've enjoyed my times with the humans so far, and was looking forward to spending more time in this world. The contamination that infected me was not a curse, but a blessing in disguise and I regret nothing. I am human, and that is just fine.


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