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Upcoming Book to Movie Adaptations

updates on some of my favorite books being translated for the big screen

By erinhastoomanybooks2.0Published 3 years ago 3 min read
Upcoming Book to Movie Adaptations
Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

The world of book-to-movie adaptations is a slippery slope. Everyone wants to see their favorite books adequately presented for a larger audience. The spectrum for these types of movies is massive. Ranging from explosive successes like Twilight, the Hunger Games, and Harry Potter to trainwrecks like the first Percy Jackson movie.

Nevertheless, I am always optimistic about my favorite books being adapted for a broader audience to enjoy. People who aren't interested in reading can enjoy the universe, authors get the recognition they deserve, and it helps motivate new writers. The following is a collection of books that have rights sold to studios.

1. The Illuminae Files by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff.

The Illuminae Files is one of the most thought-out plots I've ever read. These authors poured their hearts and soul into this series. Not to mention, it's one of the most unique books out there. From chatboxes to graphic designs, this book encapsulates every aspect of sci-fi. There are times where it feels like you are reading real files and reports.

Not much is known about the movie itself. The best I can find is that it's in development status. One MAJOR thing to note here is that it's being produced by Brad Pitt. I cannot begin to articulate how awesome that is. Although they have potential, adaptations have gotten a reputation of being cash-grabbing and low-quality. Gone are the days of the Hunger Games level of production. An A-list celebrity producing this shows me that it is being taken seriously.

2. The Magisterium Series by Cassandra Clare and Holly Black.

There is no proper way to describe how much I love this series. The main character Callum brings so much life and personality to this world. This series is too exciting, modern, and personable to not be developed on screen.

Like The Illuminae Files, this series is currently listed as "in development." To my knowledge, the rights to the first book were sold around 2012, while the book was published in 2014. Holly Black and Cassandra Clare had established themselves as solid writers by then. It doesn't surprise me that the rights could have been sold before the book was released. It leads me to wonder why marketing for this series wasn't a top priority. Well, with the rights sold and the plotline completed, we can only hope for more news.

3. The Percy Jackson Series.

Need I go on? It's no secret that most fans of the books loathed the Lion's Gate movie when it came out. The author himself even stated that he had never watched the movie and hated it as well. With a lot of pressure from the fanbase, the rights to Percy Jackson have officially been sold to Disney.

Honestly, it would be easier to tell you what updates have not been released. Rick Riordan has been very transparent about the production process and his role in it. We know that casting calls have been made, scripts have been written, and the premiere is likely in 2022.

4. Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi.

I can't think of any other word to describe this book other than iconic. This book was so beautifully structured and written. There was never a dull moment, and I adore the characters and their arcs. The adaptation is, drum roll, please... in pre-production!

Lucasfilm is handling the movie as we speak. Like Percy Jackson, Children of Blood and Bone is scheduled to be released in 2022. There isn't a trailer yet, but we can rest assured knowing that the gears of production are moving.

Creating an adaptation of a loved book is not easy. Casting, shoot locations, the script, all of it has to be addressed with the added pressure of a built-in fanbase with high expectations. That being said, seeing a studio buy the rights and watching the book just sit stagnantly can be a little disappointing. I'm excited to see if/when these movies get released. In the meantime, we have to be patient!


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Hello! Welcome to my page where I love posting about crystals, design, writing tips, and more! You can find me on Instagram @erinhastoomanybooks2.0

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