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Types of soul connections in this world

Which ones are you currently tied into?

By Natasha MyersPublished 3 years ago 9 min read

In our lives, we meet soulmates who can be friends, family, whatever. They don't have to be romantic. These are usually good relationships, and hard to leave, but they teach us about love.

We then have karmic partners, which are people from our past lives, in this life with us again. We have some sort of karmic debt to settle with them. They have something to teach us, and we them. Something that wasn't resolved in a life prior. These relationships are very hard to leave, and quite painful if you allow them to be.

Truth be told, we aren't in this life to be abused, we're in this life to learn. Earth is a learning school - the hardest learning school there is. We're here to love ourselves and learn our lessons to come back into union with who we truly are at our core - unconditional love. If a relationship of any kind becomes abusive, we are supposed to love ourselves enough to leave. That connection is then void. You have learned your lesson from them, at that point.

If you choose to stay, that's fine too, that just means your soul knows you have more to learn from them or that ego wants to hold on. Ego is attachment, whereas love is not. True unconditional love is non attachment - it's free flowing.

I'm getting off track here. I tend to do that when I get passionate and start writing. Let's continue with the other types of soul connections there are.

At certain points in your life, you may encounter soul teachers. These people are guided to you, and you to them, because you or they have something to teach. You may be a soul teacher to another, or you may need one. These relationships can be karmic as well. I had a soul teacher that I couldn't seem to leave, and I finally realized our energies don't match up. I thanked him for his time in my life, and we parted ways. Learning to let go is huge in life, but it's not something that is easy.

Ok. Lastly, we have Twin Flames, and I'm capitalizing Twin Flames because they are just so powerful. Everyone has a twin flame, regardless of the information you find out there. There's a lot that's wrong. I'm not a pro, but I've been on the Twin Flame spiritual journey for about a year now, and I've attended a school called "Twin Flame Ascension School" where I learned the mirror exercise to bring me closer in my union with myself and my twin flame.

So, what is a Twin Flame? Your twin flame is unlike anyone you've ever met. They are you, in another body. You have the same goals, the same values in life. Your spirit is the same, and their heart is just like yours. You share a soul and a consciousness with this person, as crazy as that sounds. This person is your energetic match.

You feel a sense of "home" with your twin flame. You understand each other, without even really having to try. There's lot of telepathic communication, and you just feel like you've known them forever, even if you've just met.

You will be drawn to this person and unable to get them out of your head. Sounds like a headache - believe me, I know. You have dreams about this person, even before you meet them. You may not see their face, but you know their energy. It feels safe, warm and peaceful. If someone makes you nervous, they're probably not your twin flame, but only you know. Nobody else can tell you who your twin flame is for sure, it's felt through your heart. Tarot readings are helpful, however. Just take what resonates and don't let them drive you insane. They will, if you let them. Learning to develop your intuition is huge on this journey.

The whole point of this connection, is to trigger you both into an awakening so you both can become the best versions of yourselves. You teach yourselves, and others, how to love unconditionally in the process of this awakening.

Your twin flame is someone you search lifetimes for. You reincarnate with this person and meet them later in life, usually after a few karmic partners, but it's different for everyone.

Your twin flame is your person, which means that no one can ever take them away from you. Don't be fooled, the karmic partners will try, there will be people on your journey that try to keep you from your union, simply because they don't believe in twin flames. Your job is to not let this happen.

This journey will test you in every possible way. Every single fear and insecurity will be brought to the surface, for you to process, heal, and release. Ego has no business staying within our spirit.

It's important to note that your twin flame will never have the intention of causing you pain. I say intention, though. There will be pain - lots - and this is just because you mirror everything for each other so perfectly. Everyone you meet in life will mirror something to you that you don't like (that's what any upset you encounter is) but your twin flame is your perfect mirror. It's hard to face what you don't like about yourself, and your they will show you everything that's hidden there within you.

It's not all bad, don't get the wrong idea. You'll learn things about yourself that you love and never knew. They'll show you who you are, truly, and you'll learn to accept those parts of yourself.

There are many stages of the twin flame journey. When you finally meet, you will be drawn in. You will be best friends, and everything will seem so perfect. After a time, though, something will happen that causes the two of you to separate, and this is a truly hard part of the journey. Don't worry, separation phases are normal. They happen so that you both can go your separate ways and heal. Healing is needed before you can come back into union.

In this connection, there are two energies - the masculine energy and the feminine. We all have both within us, and our job is to balance them with our twin. A chakra system is shared between the two of you.

The masculine energy will pull away at some point before the separation, and this is where they're "running" from the connection - what you mirror to them. The masculine feels unworthy of the feminine and the pure love they offer. I say "they" because energy is just energy. You can have a masculine energy in a feminine body and a feminine energy in a masculine body.

The masculine feels that their unhealed wounds will be a burden to the feminine, no matter how hard the feminine tries to prove her love, and so they stay away. They may ghost, block, ignore the feminine completely, and this will go on for however long it takes both to heal. Patience is key in this journey, but it may take several weeks, months, or years, just to give you an idea. It really all depends on how focused you are on your own healing. As you heal, you heal for your twin flame as well.

On this journey, you will hear the term "shadow work." This is the work needed to heal on your spiritual journey and help you come into union. Shadow work is simply doing the inner work to bring out the unhealed, unseen, unloved part of you. These things may be something you've suppressed in your life or chose not to embrace. We all have shadows and it's okay not to like what you find.

There is a ton of support on this journey, and actually I offer support with this work as well. I teach the mirror exercise (something I've perfected within myself) and help coach people on their spiritual journey. Everything from self love, to boundaries, discernment, intuition, and all things universe, is what you get with me. I'm authentic as they come, and teach others to be as well. Feel free to look me up on Facebook under "Natasha Myers." My page is available to the public, as that's what I feel called to do.

Some other things I want to mention are that not everyone will come into union with their twin flame, in this life. They can, if they choose to start doing the inner work. That simply starts with choosing to mirror upsets, rather than project out onto the person who made you upset. Every upset is always reflecting something unhealed within you. It's completely possible to live without drama. I do every day, because I set boundaries and choose myself before anything else. Self love is not ego. I may write another story about that one.

Twin flames share a life purpose together. As twin flames, you both help to raise the vibration of the planet. You show others what true, unconditional love is supposed to be like, as opposed to what egoic love feels like. Your values align perfectly and you share the same vision for what you want to bring to the world.

All things said, please understand that this isn't to discredit soulmate relationships. You can always choose a soulmate, rather than your twin flame. My personal choice is my twin flame, and this is because for me, a soulmate relationship couldn't touch the perfect love I know I'm deserving of, and will receive, with my twin flame. We are all deserving of the perfect love, and we find that when we heal within our union.

Whether you are new on the journey, or are in separation with your twin, I hope this has brought you some comfort. Trust that everything always happens perfectly, as it should, and always in divine timing. This is a union protected by God (however you see God), and you are guided every step of the way.

Ask your spirit guides and angels for signs and synchronicities, and be open to receiving them, when you feel lost. I'll likely do another story about angel numbers and different signs you may receive. There is a lot to cover there.

Thank you taking the time to read! I know it was long.


About the Creator

Natasha Myers

Hey :) I'm Natasha. I'm a 28 year old mom and writer on my spiritual/Twin Flame journey. I coach others and teach on the subject. My passion fuels me and I follow love in everything I do.

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