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Tying Knots, Relieving Stress

the positive impacts of macrame

By LeeAnna TatumPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

I’m an introvert. As a child, I was considered shy - painfully so, I might add. Being around kids my own age, especially in large groups, was rarely “fun” for me and I often gravitated toward the adults in a group.

So, it’s not too surprising that one day during camp when all the kids were swimming, I found my way to a group of women who were doing macrame. This was the 80s, so macrame was still something people were doing but maybe on the downward slope of trendy for the time.

I asked if I could do it too and I was allowed to join in and I made my very first plant hanger. I loved it. Creating something beautiful from a few rough cords (that scratchy jute that it is so unpleasant to touch!) and some beads.

Although more than 30 years would pass before I would make my second macrame plant hanger, I never forgot that feeling of accomplishment, that spark of creativity or that almost meditative act of tying knots and creating something cool.

In those intervening years, I have indulged in several creative outlets, most of which required me to be seated, using small tools and bent over a work surface. I was recovering from serious shoulder issues and looking for a hobby that would allow for greater range of motion and get me out of a seated position.

And then it hit me. Macrame!

I watched a few Youtube videos, ordered some supplies and I was ready for some knot-tying creativity.

There are so many things I have come to love about macrame.

One of the main things that appeals to me is that you need only learn a few simple knots and understand how they can work together to start making functional art.

I have ADD, so following complicated directions or having to use a pattern just kills my creative vibes and sucks out all the joy that should go along with making art. The simple artistry of macrame keeps my hands moving, allows my mind to wander and offers endless opportunities for creativity and personal expression.

I also love that it is functional art - or can be. I enjoy houseplants and making plant hangers has given me more space in my small house to add more plants! What can be better than that?

With macrame, my hands are the tools and I find that to be a really satisfying way to create. I have the spirit of an artist, but not the skill set! So, I’m often frustrated when trying to create something that accurately reflects my vision. I have found with macrame that I’m able to express myself well and with little experience could create a final product that closely resembled what began in my mind’s eye.

As much as I enjoy both the process and the outcome of macrame, I have been really surprised by how much it has helped me in intangible ways.

Just as it was a wonderful escape for me as a child, it has been a great way for me to help manage stress and anxiety as an adult.

As I mentioned previously, there is something quite meditative about the act. Since it is not necessary to count or follow a pattern, the mind can be both engaged and quieted at the same time.

As a physical act, it helps ground the mind and body in the present moment. Ironically, as my hands are engaged in tying knots; my mind is able to unravel some of the day’s stress, worries are untangled and anxiety is released.


About the Creator

LeeAnna Tatum

Writer, entrepreneur, animal-lover, gardener, artist and traveler. I am passionate about leaving this world a better place when I'm gone then it was when I got here!

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    LeeAnna TatumWritten by LeeAnna Tatum

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