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Traditions that are totally normal in other countries

By Really VennyPublished 12 months ago 7 min read
Different countries have different beliefs

So what would you do if you walk into a

bathroom and instead of toilet paper

you found a bowl of water and no

instructions either.Or what if warding

off bad luck meant talking to birds at

the park, sure these things may seem

wacky to you but they're pretty normal

customs in other countries and some

actually sound pretty fun.

Counting down from from number 18,here are:


Number 18

If you ever find yourself in the Spanish town of Bunol at the end of August I sure hope you brought some protective gear that is, if you happen to catch La Tomatina, a massive one-day light-hearted food fight with none other than the beloved tomato or tomato.yep thousands of people, thousands of

tomatoes you do the math and don't forget to dock.

Number 17.

Happy birthday Now shove your face in this cake is something you might hear in Mexico, here as you get handed your birthday cake and are about to take that first delicious Bite, someone will likely push your face right into it .You see that at U.S. weddings a lot these days ,just a waste of good cake to me.

Number 16

In Germany if you're 25 and single your friends will often lead you to your birthday party with a string of old socks as you

celebrate with drinks ,well I sure hope

they wash those socks beforehand

Number 15

In the States ,pull my finger is a risky and smelly

game. But in Scandinavia Austria and

Bavaria Germany ,finger pulling or finger

hacklin is a competitive sport that

real competitors will often even pull

each other across the table with their

middle fingers, because they're pulling

so hard. Now are we sure it's not that

the guy is being jet propelled across

the table?

Number 14

If you're going on vacation and want to leave with as many good vibes as possible, sit down with your household first before you head out the door. In Russia they believe that doing this ensures you have a good trip and Wards off bad luck.

Number 13

If you're taking a walk in the park in the UK you might spot a gentleman tip his hat to a magpie that's because in British folklore, these little birds are bad omens, but if you tip your hat to it and say good morning mr.magpie and how is your lady wife today ,you'll reverse your bad luck .The bad

British accent is optional.

Number 12

In Denmark, if it's your 25th birthday or higher and you're still single your friends and family throw handfuls of cinnamon at you. The odd tradition is

based on history that way back in the 16th century Danish spice merchants used to stay unmarried because they were too busy traveling around the world you know trying to spice things up.

Number 11

Roses are red, violets are blue but give someone yellow roses in Mexico and it's goodbye to you .That's because in this country yellow roses signify death, oh if you're gifting someone a bouquet for their birthday or anniversary ,you better stick with a good old dozen red roses.

Number 10

If you were to spit at your boss or a family member when you greeted

them it'd be considered pretty darn rude,but in the Masai tribe in Kenya and northern Tanzania spitting into their hands before a handshake is considered appropriate and respectful. This is often the way people in the tribe wish each other good luck and safe travels .it's even done at weddings So imagine spitting on the bride as a good gesture.It's also how they secure a deal, put a rat there, yeah that'll take some getting used to.

Number 9

You might gift newlyweds with some sparkling new China but in Germany,

family and friends actually break dishes the night before a wedding ,doing this tradition known as poulter abend is believed to bring good luck to

the couple ,who are expected to clean the mess up and learn how to work too and if not. There will be more dish breaking later.

Number 8

In Venezuela the early bird doesn't necessarily get the worm. They're running late isn't a problem the way it is in the US and other countries, when it comes to parties or even work meetings ,arriving a few minutes late isn't considered rude. All right I'll be booking my ticket now.

Number 7

All right you didn't think I wasn't going to include something strange from the US did you? how about donning top hats and looking at a groundhog named Punxsutawney Phil to tell us if spring is here, or not ,the

groundhog tradition goes back to February 2nd 1887 .You know before we had advanced meteorology to really goof up the forecast, well in any case if this furry ground dweller sees his shadow .That supposedly means six more months of winter.

Number 6

If you'll want to stand out as a single person, you'll love the French celebration of st. Catherine's day, or the patron saint of unmarried women .On this day in November ,bachelorettes age 25 or older rock green or yellow hats to celebrate the single life. Hey what's up at 25 it's always 25 is that the deadline or something?, well probably long long ago when life expectancy was like 28 they didn't want you to keep dilly dallying or something. I guess.

Number 5

who needs noisemakers and champagne when you can just throw your furniture out the window to ring in the new year. In South Africa the tradition of chucking chairs tables and whatever furniture out the window onto the street for the new year has been going strong since the end of apartheid. This symbolizes the act of ridding your home of past sorrows so that you can make room for happier more hopeful times, you know if they started

doing that in Times Square in New York I think I'd watch from a distance .

Number 4

And if you thought throwing your furniture out the window is strange you'll definitely be scratching your head at the South American tradition of carrying around an empty suitcase for the new year, by walking a block with the empty luggage ,you're supposed to bring hope and new adventure into the upcoming year and hopefully a nice vacation so that you can actually put stuff in that suitcase.

Number 3

Business meetings in the office can be so stuffy and boring so why not head to the sauna with your boss and co-workers, well that's how they do

it in Finland, where the sauna serves as a perfectly good spot to hold meetings and other important gatherings. In the

professional space but you'll probably

want to remember your robe there.

Number 2

Even if you're naturally a lefty, using this hand is considered pretty rude in a lot of Middle Eastern countries. This is because the left hand is the designated cleaning hand in the bathroom and therefore it's the dirty one.

The right hand is supposed to be used during meals and for shaking people's hands, and since we're on the topic of bathroom duties.

Number 1

If your biggest fear is doing your business in a restroom that's run out of toilet paper, well you might have some problems when visiting India, that's because in most parts of this country instead of toilet paper people use water to cleanse their private areas. It may sound odd to Westerners but at least they don't have to worry about clogging up the plumbing as much.

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