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To Bloom Vivacious on the Vine

So Many Smiles for One Day

By Archbishop Alchemy Published 3 years ago 8 min read

As Daisy finds herself amidst an inner challenge with her standard personal taste (maybe a bit boring) and possible dabbling in eccentric flair (maybe she can't pull it off, or will be coming on too strong), she stands amused and nervous viewing what the boutique's owner has gathered for her. This particular boutique's owner is not a stranger. Her name is Janice. Janice being a lifelong bestie who eagerly went about finding an outfit to either, "Not bore to death" or to, "Wow" on a first date. These were the parameters given to her.

Janice has picked-out six outfits, three to not bore to death and three to hopefully wow. Although Janice would rather have her go with a wow outfit, she knows Daisy's personal style is more subdued. That doesn't mean she will not try and get Daisy to venture boldly. She already has tried to influence that exact outcome.

When Janice struck the match to light some candles a half an hour before Daisy was to arrive, she chose scents she hoped would help entice her precious friend to step out of her comfort zone. She thought "Exotic baking spice" would do the trick. Dried Fig & Vanilla, Mulling Spice and Blackberry & Oak candles. One scent alone would not do. Not even close. The smell was exotic indeed. Intoxicating. Someone should make a single candle with this exact brew of smells! Daisy will surely go for an outfit from the wow trio! Surely. Fingers crossed still. Come on Daisy...

Feeling overwhelmed, Daisy decides to snap shots of all the presented garments and declares that she wants to head for lunch to ponder on her choices before trying any on. She also has an anxious belly and that anxious belly was not at all hungry when she awoke. It now is. She knows Janice has a free afternoon and will join her. There is a lovely bistro a short walk away that they frequent often. The food and drink always on point. With weighted hesitation, Janice blows out the candles knowing they had no chance to work their magic...

The Northern California air still is cool this September day. The sky is a clear powder blue. They are warmly greeted and seated at the bistro. Janice misses the smell of the candles already...

"So, the wow outfits..."

Daisy smirks, "I don't know if I can pull them off."

"I am certain you surely can."

"Certain, huh?"


Janice ignores Daisy's wry smile and purveys the wine menu. Their server arrives to make suggestions. Janice opts for a 2019 California Primitivo. Daisy's stomach is calling for something with tonic water, not fermented grape. She opts for a gin and tonic and decides on a chicken and avocado sandwich. Too boring she thought? So what, she has a fancy man from a fancy wine family to meet tonight. She can wait to sassafras things up until after the sun sets... She may be enjoying a sassafras type meal in a bland outfit though. Lame, she knows, but unfortunately true. So Daisy.

Janice was impressed as always with the food and wine pairing. A fine meal on this fine day. Daisy picked at her sandwich like an uncertain silly bird. She said it was good. Janice could see how anxious she was. About the date itself and the outfit options. Daisy wanted to choose a wow outfit to please Janice, but so hesitant to go there. She was constantly swiping through the pictures of the outfits while quickly injecting things like -

"I just don't know."

"You really think I can pull this off?"

"Is this too much?"

"I just really cannot."

"You really think I can?"

"I will feel silly in that. So out of my comfort zone."


What a silly uncertain bird Janice thought. I sure do love her though. If the melody of candles just had more time to work their magic... Dammit.

As Janice re-enters her boutique fully sated from a good meal with good drink, she immediately heads for the candles. She strikes a match and lights each one with some excited flair. It has been so long since Daisy has wanted to venture out. She has been through so much with the loss of her only child. Raising her daughter was never easy given her daughter's disabilities, especially as a single mother, but Daisy was a phenomenal mom and her daughter was her whole world. Okay, back to this silly, silly uncertain precious bird...

"Where were we?" Janice announced. "You were going to only try on the wow outfits..."

"Um, no, I said I would at least try them all on." Daisy said with another wry smile.

Janice receives a business call. Janice had planned on this being attended to later this evening but now has no choice but to attend to it now. She must leave. Janice apologizes and asks Daisy to blow the candles out before she locks-up and leaves. Daisy has locked-up before. As Janice takes a deep breath of the lovely scents just starting to come back to her beloved boutique, she turns to Daisy, "Try them all on girl, go with what makes you feel best. Call me after the date and fill me in. Have fun. Have fun. Love ya." She winks and heads out the front door. The bell on the door chimes its lovely sound. Daisy has always loved that sweet bell.

As Daisy stands in front of the six outfits, she is glad she had another gin and tonic. More so for the tonic than the gin. The tonic is helping her nerves and anxious stomach. The three non-wow outfits are perfect as Janice knows her style and personality well. So Daisy they are. A perfect match. Janice also knows how Daisy wants to strive to be more vivacious and daring, and this is quite evident in the three wow outfits. Daisy proceeds to try them all on. The wow set last. As she goes for the last three, she realizes how amazing the boutique smells. These candles are creating quite a pleasant olfactory experience. Enticing. A non-wry smile finds her face...

Daisy felt some electricity as she tried on the wow outfits. She was not expecting that. Not at all. Maybe it was the gin. Nah, she has only the slightest buzz. Maybe she was more relaxed all alone. Maybe. Maybe it was just the anticipation of the first date. No, she is by far more nervous than anything. Maybe it was the candles... If only this one wow outfit was not that color. The color of red wine. It is beautiful and elegant, but there is no way in the whole wide world she can pull that color off... My goodness, she is not Julia Roberts nor British royalty. How different would Pretty in Pink have been if titled - Pretty in Merlot? Ha. Well, you tried Janice, but maybe in another lifetime I go wow. She took her hands off her hips, paused a moment, then grabbed an outfit. She blew out the candles, locked-up and headed out the front door. The bell chimed sweetly behind her.

The Northern Californian evening air remained cool but has gone from still to anything but as a brisk wind was now afoot. The powder blue sky now squid ink black. The stars were plentiful and bright amongst that black ink as Daisy arrives at her first date destination - her dates family run winery. Inside there is an elegant restaurant and she is quite curious about the menu. Sometimes she checks menus ahead of time, sometimes she does not. Tonight was the latter, she is excited. She is spending the night at a hotel, if the date goes well, a tour of the winery and the grounds will be had tomorrow. If not, she has the whole day planned anyways. It was almost a two hour drive. She did not mind. He offered to send a car and she declined. She rather much enjoyed the ride. As a child she never slept in the car on long trips. How can you enjoy the ride while asleep? She also used the time to get her stomach to relax as much as she possibly could. She wishes she had another two hours...ugh.

They agreed on doing something out of the ordinary. She would be seated without him, he would have the wine he paired for her sent out and she would order an appetizer. He would join her after and they would order entrees together. It felt like it would add a mysterious flair to the start of the date when he suggested it. He was not being pompous. Daisy completed a flavor profile questionnaire last night. She only likes white wines, well, she has never really given reds a proper try. The first one she ever had was so dry in her mouth it soured her opinions on them.

She was very warmly greeted and taken to her table. A beautiful restaurant this is. Elegant, but not stuffy at all. As she sits down, she is far more practical than mysterious in the moment and relishes more time to try and calm her stomach. How long can one sip wine and eat an appetizer? Another two hours? No, mysterious will give way to annoying... As her perceived waitress approaches, she sees a glass wine in hand.

"Hello Daisy, my name is Alexandra. Welcome. We know you mentioned preferring white wines, but we wanted to see if you would venture out of your comfort zone. If this does not please you at all, we will bring out a white wine for you. Either way, I will be happy to recommend an appetizer pairing for you. I will be back. Hope you enjoy." As Alexandra leaves, she slides a note to her...

"Good evening Daisy. I hope this night finds you well and your trip was a pleasant one. My family and I (our staff are like family as well) are so happy to have you here and hopefully have you depart with a fond memory. We really believe that good food and drink are one of the best pleasures possible. I have enjoyed getting to know you a bit and very excited to meet you in person tonight. Until then, you are in fine hands with Alexandra. If this Merlot was a total miss and thus an inconvenience, be sure to let me know when I am in shouting distance...

~ Dalton"

The third wry smile finds Daisy's face today as she tries the Merlot. She braces for a dry mouth but instead finds velvety dark fruit jam. Smooth. Decadent. This is a good start. Indeed. She finishes the wine. The paired appetizer was sublime. She asks for another glass. Alexandra brings out the bottle instead and pours her another as she informs her that her date shall be joining her soon. With Alexandra's back turned, Daisy grabs the bottle and fills her glass like a king's goblet. She soon sees her date on his way. Clumsy with nerves, she stands up quickly, feels too much leg showing and hastily pulls her form fitting skirt down. As she brings her arm up she knocks the table, goes to stabilize her overfilled glass and instead causes a spill to hit her pencil skirt.

"Well, it is a good thing your beautiful skirt is the same color as that Merlot or you may have felt silly."

Her date's British accent is almost as lovely as the bell at the boutique shop. His eyes are warm and kind as he summons Alexandra over. She glances down and the wine is indeed almost an identical match. Thanks Janice... Love ya. She looks up and he smiles. She smiles. Her smile is not a wry one for the fourth time today, it is a hopeful one. She feels solid sassafras energy and it is not concerning any forthcoming fancy sassafras meal. She smiles yet again.


About the Creator

Archbishop Alchemy

I am an avid reader now dabbling in writing myself. I have had a blast writing here. Any hopeful entertainment or induced thought is a plus.

To get lost in a book is a grand adventure. Try and get lost copiously. Cheers from Wisconsin

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    Archbishop Alchemy Written by Archbishop Alchemy

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