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To Be or Not to Be?

That's the Question???? Authentic Vs. Counterfeit

By J.ClarkPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Authentic or Counterfeit?

Have you ever been suckered into purchasing a swap meet MK or Louis Vuitton bag? Yep, I know what you mean lol me too thinking you were styling and profiling with your fake MK or Louis bag haha. In the back of your mind, you were like, "this bag is so fake, I'm imposing a fraud right now". It just doesn't feel right not having the real thing right? It's almost like it's beneath you to be rocking the fake and not the real, not in an ungrateful, arrogant sort of way, but in a, it's okay to want the real thing sort of way. Yeah so, it's the same for our character, and walking in our authentic self. It just doesn't feel right when you are not being yourself, everything seems out of order right? and that's because it is, you are actually a counterfeit when you are not being who you were purposed to be, or you are being like others because it works for them so you think it should work for you. Absolutely NOT!!! It's okay to take healthy advice and receive healthy counseling and mentoring etc. but it's also even healthier to want to be your authentic true self and not the counterfeit. It's not easy, but it's worth getting to know you and who you really are. I have learned that I'm fearfully and wonderfully made and learning about me is beautiful, the reality is exciting and absolutely will be a journey.

Did you know the difference? Be real about it lol it is ok you live and you learn.

Have you seen the movie "US" by Jordan Peele? He is a great actor, comedian, and filmmaker. His movies always have some sort of mysterious subliminal message hidden for you to dig deep and discover what the moral to the story is. It may take you a while to understand but if you are a seeker of truth and understanding you'll get the message. So, the movie "Us" reminds me of how the authentic you, fights with the counterfeit you. In this movie, you had to figure out which person was the doppelganger. A Doppelganger is a German word meaning “look-alike,” or “double walker,” originally referred to a ghost, or shadow of a person; but in modern times it simply refers to a person that is a look-alike of another person or could also sometimes mean, a doppelgänger can be the "evil twin"; it can also be representative of a double-life and not be true to others around you or yourself. Hard pill to swallow, right? Doppelgängers are intriguing because they explore the duality of human nature and the two sides of people that coexist but sometimes clash with each other.

This image is from the movie "US" (Doppelganger)

For me being able to look in the mirror and like what you see is refreshing and liberating. Authenticity keeps you grounded, Counterfeiting keeps you bounded lol ijs. Grounded: mentally and emotionally stable. Bounded: confined and limited. The reality is you're gonna have to start oneday being happy with who you really are and not who others say that you are, you are not what happened to you. Alot of times things that happened to you in the past, label you and you take on that lie unto yourself and become a walking contradiction out of fear and believing that you cant become who you were created to be. Past experiences can be deeply rooted and traumatic , causing you to hide within yourself and never spring forward, it's such a death burial of the best of you ever coming forth. All of this was said to simply say, let your light so shine, and Hey, don't apologize for it(note to self) You're just being who you were called to be and that's being Authentically YOU!!!


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