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There are 10 telltale signs that the man you're dating is dishonest.

A partnership has no chance of lasting if there is no trust in it. As a result, you ought to go on if you see these indicators that he is not trustworthy.

By berry liPublished 2 years ago 7 min read

Undoubtedly, one of the most crucial elements of a partnership is trust. When it comes to giving your heart away and sharing your life with someone else, trust is essential regardless of whether the relationship is new or established. Possibly you're thinking, "Can I trust him?"

And in any relationship, there comes a time when you realize you are falling for the person you are dating and want to advance things.

Being the astute lady that you are, though, you feel it's crucial to discuss and dispel any uncertainty you may have before moving further.

If you find yourself wondering if you can really trust the guy you’re dating, you need to be absolutely sure before either dumping or marrying him.

The biggest test is trust.

Every partnership must have trust in it. If you can't trust someone, it's impossible to feel anything for them. However, it is terrible that our society views lying to someone as a minor offense.

But in any event, avoid being one of the gullible women out there who scumbags love to use.

Determine whether the man you are dating is trustworthy by taking control of your destiny. It can be simple to tell occasionally, but not always. You have to take a chance, and the more you pay attention to the warning flags, the simpler it will be to determine whether you can trust your man.

The glaringly obvious signs you can’t trust him

At the end of the day, some people can be trusted and some people cannot. You just have to learn it the hard way. One way to tell if your man can be trusted is to pay attention to the signs listed below.

If he has committed more than three of these, he is probably not someone you should put your heart in the hands of. But you must constantly remember that your man is a person, and that you should give him the benefit of the doubt.

Never assume anything before hearing him out, and always give him the benefit of the doubt. And never forget to follow your gut and do what seems right.

1. Vague explanations

If he cannot give you a satisfactory reason why he had to cancel your date, was an hour late for your housewarming soiree, or flaked on being your date to a party, you should be suspicious.

Although you should give your man the benefit of the doubt, if at the end of the day, you find that he always gives you unsatisfactory explanations, you do have good reason to distrust him.

Telling the truth should be simple, especially if he did not do anything wrong. However, if you find him stumbling and fumbling for words, or is super vague when explaining why to you, he has something to hide.

2. Not there for you

A huge part of knowing whether you can trust a guy is measuring his loyalty to you. You should be able to count on him when you need him the most.

It could be moving some boxes, being a shoulder to cry on if someone close to you dies, or something really simple like changing a light bulb.

If he jumps at the chance to help you out during your time of need, you can probably trust him with your heart. However, if he is always too busy doing something else when you need him the most, you should take it as a red flag that he cannot be trusted.

3. Secretive with phone calls

If your man always gets up and leaves the room to answer a phone call or respond to a text, you know that he has something to hide.

Sure, it could be a personal or business matter that he is attending to, but at the end of the day, if you are in a relationship with each other, doing something as simple as answering the phone in your presence no matter the situation should not be a problem.

If he does this very often and if he refuses to leave his phone alone with you, you can be sure that he is hiding something.

4. Constantly busy

An actual account of a woman's two-year boyfriend rushing off for work meetings after supper is told here. Evidently, working with overseas markets in several time zones accounted for the strange hours.

But the more times he did it, the more she became aware that she was being duped. The final straw was when he gave her an absurd justification for why he had to meet a customer at midnight on a Friday.

He confessed to her about his dubious affair after she confronted him. At some point, you have to decide when to stop ignoring his transgressions and confront reality squarely.

There is nothing wrong if your man wants to focus on his career but you should be able to tell when he is lying and stop him in his tracks.

5. You do not know his friends

Another sign that you cannot trust the man you are with is when you do not know his friends well. This does not mean that you have to be best friends with his circle of bros, but they should at least know who you are.

If his friends seem to forget who you are the few times you meet up, it is probably an indication that he does not talk about you very often, or it could mean that they have lost track of which girl he is out with.

They probably get introduced to a new girl very often, thus the slip-ups. Be wary of his friends who do not know you well, and vice versa.

6. Takes forever to return calls or texts

If your man really cares about you, he will not leave you hanging when it comes to returning your calls or texts.

Communicating with you should be a happy thing, not a chore. If it always takes him forever to get back to you, you can be sure that you are not a priority in his life.

Sure, it is always a good thing to give him the benefit of the doubt. He may just be in a meeting or his phone died on him. However, if this happens all too often, you should be distrustful of him.

7. Seen with other girls

When you or your friends catch him out and about with another woman getting flirty, chatty, and touchy, you will know for a fact that you cannot trust him. When caught, guilty men usually respond with, “It is not what it looks like and it is not what you think.”

But it is usually always what it looks like and what you think it is, so does not trust the spew of trash that comes out of his mouth. If he really cares about you, he will not be out and about flirting with other girls anyway.

8. Leaves out information

If he is guilty of omitting information that he knows will have you on the edge of your seat, he cannot be trusted. Remember that him leaving out information is just as bad as him lying to you.

For example, he may tell you that he is off to Jeff’s place for poker boy’s night. A couple of weeks later, you find out from someone who was there that it was a house party and not a calm poker night and that it was a boys and girls night.

Do not believe his explanation that he is only trying to “protect you” and that he did not want to “worry you.”

If he has nothing to hide, he would not hide it. There was no need for him to be sneaky and manipulative if he was not planning on being naughty without you.

9. Almost never uses your name

A man will typically write to you in a very general way if he is trying to balance and manage his time between multiple girls.

If he refers to you only by a generic moniker like "babe" or "sweetheart," whether via direct messages, texts, or even a phone conversation, you should be wary.

This does not imply that all guys with cute nicknames are slobs who cheat. You should be cautious, though, if he hesitates every time he introduces you to a friend, introduces you to a stranger on the street, or does something similar.

10. Has a tendency to cancel.

You should reevaluate your trust in him if he has a bad tendency of canceling on you at the last minute.

Yes, it is absolutely typical for people to become overwhelmed by their work and encounter unforeseen problems at the worst possible time. However, he is undoubtedly concealing something if he frequently cancels plans with you with little to no notice.

It is difficult to accept that you cannot trust him in your romantic life if you notice these symptoms. Be the strong, independent woman you are, shrug it off, hold your head high, and carry on.


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