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The visitors


By Edeinbofa Published about a year ago 3 min read

Once upon a time, on a planet far away, a group of visitors arrived. They were a diverse group consisting of different species, each with their own unique abilities and perspectives. Some were tall and slender, while others were short and round. Some had wings, and others had multiple arms. Despite their differences, they all shared the same purpose in their journey: to explore and learn about the planet they had landed on.

As they landed their spacecraft on a barren expanse of land, they began to assess their surroundings. The sun was hot and unforgiving, beating down relentlessly on them. The air was thin, and there was a faint smell of sulfur in the atmosphere. Despite these challenges, the visitors were excited to start their mission.

The first member of the group to venture out of the spacecraft was a thin and tall being with glowing blue eyes. She was immediately struck by the beauty of the landscape, although it was barren and desolate. The colors of the rocks that dotted the plain were vibrant, and the sky was an eerie shade of purple.

As the rest of the visitors disembarked, they began to explore and collect samples of the flora and fauna that inhabited the planet. They saw strange creatures that looked like a cross between a lizard and a bird, and plants that glowed in the dark.

As they journeyed deeper into the planet, they found themselves in a lush forest. Trees towered above them, casting a cool shade on the forest floor. The air was thick with humidity, and a chorus of animal noises echoed through the forest.

One of the visitors, a round being with large

eyes, had the ability to communicate with animals. As she approached a group of colorful birds, she began to chirp back at them in their own language. To her surprise, they responded in kind, and a lively conversation ensued.

While the visitors were fascinated by the planet and its inhabitants, they began to notice something odd. Everywhere they went, they encountered strange symbols etched into the rocks and trees. The symbols were intricate and complex, and seemed to be a language of sorts.

The blue-eyed being, who was trained in deciphering ancient languages, set to work trying to decode the symbols. It was painstaking work, but eventually, she began to put together a story. The symbols told of a great war that had taken place on the planet, and of a powerful force that had destroyed entire civilizations.

The visitors were struck by the power and scope of the story. They had always believed that their planet was unique in the universe, but this story told them otherwise.

As they continued to explore, they encountered a group of beings who welcomed them in a friendly manner. The beings were humanoid in appearance, with long, slender arms and legs. They had soft, delicate features, and their skin was a pale blue color.

The group introduced themselves as the guardians of the planet. They explained that they had been tasked with protecting the planet from the great destructive force that was foretold in the symbols. They had been preparing for this event for generations, and were now ready to stand and fight.

The visitors were impressed by the dedication and passion o

f the guardians. They admired their courage and determination, even in the face of such a powerful threat.

The visitors decided to help the guardians in their fight. They used their unique abilities to strengthen the guardians' weapons and to create shields that would protect them from harm.

The battle was fierce and long, but in the end, the guardians emerged victorious. The planet was safe, and the visitors had made lasting connections with their hosts.

As they prepared to leave the planet, the visitors felt a sense of sadness. They had come to love the planet and its inhabitants, and they knew that they would miss them dearly.

However, the guardians had something to offer. As a sign of their appreciation and gratitude, they gifted the visitors with a crystal that glowed with a warm, comforting light.

The visitors accepted the gift, knowing that it would remind them of their time on the planet forever. As they boarded their spacecraft and took off into the stars, they knew that they had left a lasting impact on the planet and its people.

For years to come, they would look back on their journey with fondness, knowing that they had learned something important about themselves and the universe they inhabited. The visitors had come to the planet as strangers, but they left as friends and allies.

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