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The Vacationed Business Trip

Sometimes Things Fall Out Of Place To Fall In Place

By Melody Published 2 years ago 10 min read
Wrong destination, right heart

It’s a dream I’ve been longing for and I can’t wait to catch it! My extremely busy live over the past few years was a huge blessings but now it’s time to take a step back and examine a new environment. I’m very happy to let go of the worries and plagues that negatively impacted me. It’s a brand new season and it’s waiting for my arrival. I give an honor to the Holy Trinity and the angels for all their efforts in paving the way for sunny skies!

GATE 208 GATE 208… NOW BOARDING! GATE 208 GATE 208 NOW BOARDING NOW BOARDING! Well that was music to my ears! It was more than just a gate it was the door that I’ve been waiting for God to open and he did it so effortlessly. He makes bending iron look surprisingly easy. Walking through the gate felt like walking on air to a breezy island.

After boarding the plane, I was in heavenly airs and the sky was pure blue. It was bright and not a cloud in sight. I looked for thunder and found peace. It was the atmosphere I was happily hoping for. The flight attendants smiled and welcomed me like I was someone they knew. Perhaps I reminded them of one of their relatives or friends, how entertaining is that? My smile went from ear to ear as I boarded the plane and found my seat but then I heard something…

Chima, Chima, I blatantly ignored such a repetitive sound that made me wish I was invisible. It would have been great if that sound stopped alarming me but it continued to bug me until I responded. I unwillingly looked up and it was a guy asking me “How are you?” I responded “fine, just peachy” as I let out a yawn and a stretch. Then he put his luggage up and took a seat… next to me! {Que the scary music}

I pondered my thoughts for a relaxing moment as the plane continued to board a few passengers. I did a quick glance as I whipped flashed my neck to see his profile. I tried to do it in way he wouldn’t noticed. He knew my name and I seemed familiar to him as my pondering continued. All of a sudden he looked at me again and then reached his hand out to shake my hand saying “My name is Bembe”. I felt a warm tingling feeling when he announced his name and it left my mouth open in shock. I managed to say “Bembe” as I stared out the window opposing my seat that was in Bembe’s direction. Okay, now that name took me on a trip to memory lane.

The sweet smell of coconut and pineapple filled my nostrils and it took my mind to another dimension. It was the hair moisturizer I used earlier in the morning. I was exploring ways to strike up a descent but fulfilling conversation with him because I actually remember the first day I met Bembe and felt so relaxed and peaceful. He was as comforting as a teddy bear to me. Oh, I even remember his first words to me which was “excuse me, you have gum in your hair”. [lol] and I immediately started screaming and crying because that’s what a five year old does when she can’t figure out how to get gum out of her hair. Even at that young age I felt embarrassed and realized that some other gals & boys were laughing and pointing at me. Ah, elementary I don’t miss that aspect of it as I shrugged my shoulders.

The pilot is making a formal greeting and explaining certain guidelines over the PA system. “Uh Bembe” I said softly as the plane took off and I also noticed the flight wasn’t packed with passengers. He looked at me with very pleasant eyes and raised eye brows. I nervously giggled and took a deep breathe before saying, “it’s nice to see you again, you must be on vacation”. “Vacation, what is that?” So we both laughed as the plane was leveling out in the sky. My mind gets lost in the sky as I glared out the window. A moment later Bembe says “I’m on a business trip! and he smiled. He followed it up by saying he had some venues to check out. “Oh I see and I was excited and wanted to hear more since I am a wedding planner who loves touring venues.

I explained to Bembe that I am a wedding planner and this is my first over seas wedding that I planned. “It brings me so much joy to work with engaged couples who truly love each other.” Without hesitation Bembe unzipped his bag and pulled out three roses taped together. He then passed them to me and said “you are talented and beautiful”. I dazed at the roses because I was shocked. As I took them into my hands I then remembered to say “thank you”! I told him I was going to eat my half turkey and swiss sandwich before my stomach starts talking to me and he giggled. He was brought some coffee from one of the flight attendants. After eating my sandwich, chips, and then finishing my 16oz juice; I feel off to sleep.

After more than two hours in the air we were given a full plate of food for lunch. The sky is still bright even though the contrast is bit darker. That yogurt was delicious as I sky watched! I traded my granola bar for Bembe’s Hershey bar with nuts. Reminiscing on how I wasn’t planning to make a friend on this trip but made one anyway. Sometimes in life your plans don’t work out but better things happen for you :). After my peaceful nap, I woke up already smiling & stretching; with the announcement from the cock pit that we are landing in Florence, Italy to pick up more passengers and let passengers off. As I was about to greet Bembe I noticed he was looking a bit confused. So I asked “what’s wrong? He said “where is the destination for this plane?” I said “We’re Here”. He sighed and said “oh no, oh no” calmly. I was getting worried and placed my hand on his shoulder saying “what is it?” He said with a bit frantically “I’m on the wrong plane”. (Uh oh play the light bulb music)

At that point I just held his hand and my eyes were opened so wide as I stared at him as if to say, tell me when I can breathe again and I can stop looking so shocked. The next words out of my mouth were “aaaaaand________ how did that happen?” He just shook his head and leaned over with his head in his lap. So I proceeded to calm him down by patting him on his back and then rubbing his back. Then the next question kind of slipped out- “So_____ where was you destination?” From Bembe’s mouth I heard “Florida" in a shaky concerned kind of way. Noticing we were half way around the world I took a few breaths before I blurted out ‘Fl__ Fl_ Florida” and then I started giggling and put my hand over my forehand to try to stop myself but I said “wow, wow, wow” and was giggling again. I did cover my mouth with my hand. He seemed a bit disheveled as I could only imagine.

We both boarded the plane in New York and we would have flown to Florida in about two hours if that was the actual destination for the plane. But it certainly wasn’t and my buddy Bembe found out too late. He was very bothered now and said he was distracted by noticing me earlier at the airport. He sat around thinking about me and how he wanted to get my attention. When he saw a man selling flowers, he made sure to purchase those three roses to make me smile. That worked & I appreciated his kindness.

Now I am trying to keep Bembe calm and also I don’t want to bombard him with questions! I wondered what can he do and will he do it. I told him “don’t worry” as I got up to walk to the bathroom. On my way to the bathroom I saw Elvis! Well, it was a passenger dressed as Elvis and had the honkey tonk guitar. I thought we are definitely getting a concert. I used the bathroom and took more deep breathes. I also checked my hair and my complexion to make sure I didn’t look sick from this stress.

We exited the plane and I gave him a big tight 30 second hug because I felt sorry for him. You know he took it well and told me that he was going to be ok. I made sure he had money for food and a hotel room. I was ready to shower and watch a movie in my already booked tropical smelling room. I don’t need much to have a good time :). I packed light as usual and so I was able to enter a few stores before heading directly to my hotel room. I saw some casual neat dresses and shoes that I liked very much! Of course I purchased a pair of shoes and two dresses! That also made me smile. I took a taxi to my hotel room and couldn’t wait to get my key(s). As I entered the lobby I saw a man that looked like Bembe so I kept walking, naturally. My plan was too have some relaxation time, alone.

Without noticing me, he was acting bothered again so I stared at him for about twenty seconds before walking over to him to ask if he was ok? He said he was in disbelief about what happened today and was hoping to get to Florida by tomorrow night. Unfortunately for him, the planes were over booked so he was reluctant to ask for a room here out of disgust. I didn’t want him to feel worst so I sat there talking to him about meeting him in school. I thought he was a strong ferocious boy who might have lacked some social skills but was still very charming, very easy on the eyes. He also came up with stories about our childhood and the things we did. We talked and laughed for about forty- five minutes. Then I motioned for him to come to the front desk so we can check into our rooms. I told him go ahead as I saw a vending machine with mochi’s and I had to get one. I got the strawberry one and was psyched for this midnight snack! As I approached the front desk and was digging for my wallet to show my ID and debit card, I over heard the whole conversation between Bembe and the receptionist. “Oh no, is there anything you can do for me” and the receptionist’s is saying “I’m sorry, I don’t have anything available right now and this is a holiday weekend” Bembe was so disappointed and I understood how he felt. He accidentally got on the wrong plane, He couldn’t get a flight to his preferred destination, & now he couldn’t get a room.

He was walking with his head down toward the door and he passed me unknowingly. My heart wouldn’t let him go into the wilderness in foreign country! I walked after him asking him to “wait, wait, I understand your situation and things aren’t working out for you. Sometimes things fall apart to fall in place”. I told him my room has separate beds and you are welcome to one of them. I also let him know I was here to relax for a few days and finish planning a wedding! He hugged me so tight and thanked me sincerely! I couldn’t move but I said “your welcome, glad I can help like I wasn’t nearly suffocating! {lol}

As we walked to the front desk he carried my luggage and stood to the side. I was able to get my keys from the receptionist and walked to the room we’re sharing without worrying about my possessions falling are being stolen. It was a nice feeling even though it only lasted some minutes. We entered the room and to my surprise we had a loft with an upstairs. We were smiling ear to ear as we looked around. The living room was very spacious with a deck outside that is viewable through the glass sliding doors. The kitchen was very moderate with an island and appliances including a fridge, dish washer, coffee maker, convection oven, etc. After examining the downstairs we looked at each other for a second and then ran up the stairs. We were shocked and kept saying ‘wow” every few seconds. The two bed rooms were beautiful and they had decorated with balloons and flower petals, I’m not sure why but it was a beautiful sight! The beds were trundles which means each bed had a bed under it that can be pulled out for sleeping. Both rooms had walk in closets, a recliner, and a gorgeous view of the lake. The bathroom was located in between the two rooms and had an irobot vacuum, hamper, iron, iron board, washer and dryer. we were both overjoyed and I was relieved I didn’t have to stay in such a big beautiful place by myself!

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I write my heart which is full of emotions & inquiries.

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    Melody Written by Melody

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