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Maga Country Is Sounding Off From The Horns of Trumpism

Donald Trump- An American Hero

By Melody Published 2 years ago 3 min read

Most high ranking Liberal politicians have sabotaged and targeted conservatives who speak out against the Liberal’s corruption. It makes me feel that our freedoms are being swept under a rug while they walk all over it. I used to be a democrat but down thru the years they supported propaganda, fake news, abortions (which is murder), Black Lives Matter (Which I won’t get into right now) & they spied on Trump during his campaign run and his presidency.

In 2016, I believed the collusion with Russia story. You know “Russia, Russia, Russia!” The democrats made it seem so real and compelling that I really thought Trump & Putin were teamed up. I should have been smart enough to realize there wasn’t a collusion. Trump & Putin didn’t hide their friendship and If there was a collusion, our very own FBI would have caught it right away but instead they caught Facebook! The Dems telling the “Russia, Russia, Russia lies, shouldn’t be allowed to be politicians anymore.

About a year and a half after Trump was elected as president, a Trump supporter via online (Facebook) replied to one of my statements. He said “there was no evidence supporting the collusion” after the investigation. I felt so embarrassed but there was nothing I could say after that. I didn’t trust any politicians 100% but this was a big let down for me. I felt betrayed and used by those liberal politicians lying on Trump!

I had been unhappy with politics for years because many cities have high crimes, poverty, rundown areas, human & drug trafficking. I thought I would always be a democrat but with things they way they were, I was outraged! It all played a huge role in me changing my voting status from democrat to conservative. This was the icing on the cake for me because

number one:

I love cake

number two:

America needed a change

Trump was that terrific change that America needed and it was felt around the world! He didn’t entertain propaganda or the fake news media. Trump made America energy independent, low inflation rates, increased funding to HBCS, SECURED the border, unemployment 3.5%, higher incomes, created more than 1.2 million manufacturing jobs, cut business taxes to 21% from 35%, no food shortages, & the price of fuel was lower!

Many of us were NOT on Trump’s side when he was running for president because of a statement or two he made. Many of us said mean things about Trump during his presidency. Guess What? Unlike the democrats, Trump still did a great job for America- my country! I love America for the freedom of speech, Right to bear arms, freedom of assembly and it’s a beautiful country! If you ever traveled or seen pictures of our National Parks, mountains, Scenic oceans, then you would understand what I am conveying.

Some of these democrats have sabotaged, targeted, & spied on conservatives because they spoke out against the Dems corruption! I think it’s very petty to be that way. The corrupt politicians know they are slimey but want to censor us so we don’t spread truths! They even funded “Fact Checkers” to debunk the truths.

Trump’s presidency was a big help to all of us as individuals living in America! And you know what else? By late 2019 Trump won me over and I became a registered conservative voting for Trump in the 2020 election. His honesty & exposing corruption has inspired many and Trump will always be a hero to millions around the world! His courage and actions led America to victory after victory! He gave the world hope, peace, and showed us a change that was possible. Yes! It was noticed worldwide!


About the Creator


I write my heart which is full of emotions & inquiries.

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