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The Truth of the World

Changing the world one thought at a time...

By LDia CantuPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
The Truth of the World
Photo by Zac Durant on Unsplash

I close my eyes and imagine the world floating in space. A beautiful globe, glowing indigo and white; surfaces of green and gold spanning below. I think of its energy, spinning and churning so rapidly it creates a field of energy around itself, protecting the life that thrives within it. Infinite symbiotic relationships that exist BECAUSE of the differences in their way of being. All coming together to just BE.

We are all — humans, animals, trees, rocks, germs — made of the same stuff in different ways. We are different so that we may continue to expand the existence of life by maintaining a balance between our processes, creating an ecosystem that allows life to thrive.

While some may disagree on whether science or deity brought life to be, there is no question that by recognizing the power of our relationships with the world around us that we would much sooner see our environment as not an individual entity, but rather a small part of an infinite cycle.

I see that while we as humans have vast differences in almost all forms and opinions, scaling from one extreme to another, it is within those differences that our own way of being, demands to be acknowledged.

Most living beings outside of humans do not have an agenda or an opinion. These creatures of the natural world are in sync with the earth’s cycles and instinctively live their existence as part of the greater process. Granted, humans have reached a greater intelligence beyond our forest and sea-dwelling brethren, but perhaps it is with the inherited intelligence and hyper-advancement of technology that humans have lost their connection to the natural world, thus striving to exist in a meta world made up in their minds, seeing within only a narrow scope of their own egoic truths.

I believe that the bigger picture is for us all to come together, acknowledging and accepting differences for what they are — without judgment or condemnation. There is no question that many have suffered in the wake of human expansion, but continuing to cause suffering onto those who we view as our enemies does not put an end to suffering any sooner.

For us to let go of petty disagreements, embrace each other as teachers, and break free from the dominion of comfort and domestication, would be the moment we no longer are our own greatest weakness. We all have the power to take back, as humans, our entrapped lives from the divided dystopia this era of human has created.

All truths of the world are right before us, clear as day, waiting to be known. These discoveries are the result of inquiry, a questioning mind, of others thoughts, and of our own. Assumptions and predispositions are often credited as fact, when in reality, they are mind tricks gone unquestioned. When faced with confusion — which can often feel like a disagreement or misunderstanding- we must fight the temptation to give into hate and division and truly dig deep into the truth.

In the words of the wise Byron Katie, when you find yourself suffering in confusion, ask yourself:

Is it true?

Can you know for sure?

Who would you be without that thought?

Now turn it around (on yourself).

“A thought is harmless unless we believe it. It’s not our thoughts, but our attachment to our thoughts, that causes suffering. Attaching to a thought means believing that it’s true, without inquiring. A belief is a thought that we’ve been attaching to, often for years.” - Byron Katie

The process of discovering the truth requires an openness to take responsibility for our own thoughts, be they far from truth or not, recognizing where our thoughts are aligned or askew from reality, and evolving our thoughts to align with the greater good of all living things in the world.


About the Creator

LDia Cantu

Since I could hold a pen, I've been writing. Journals, short stories, poetry, music - words are my connection to light. It is my intention, with the world turning on its head, to balance the darkness of the world with the light of my words.

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