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The time comes and goes

comes and goes

By DarkosPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 3 min read
digital art 2016

The time comes and goes whenever it comes I am never ready for it to be taken in advance with projections that are closing my intuitive eyes

nuances and hindrances are swirling and twirling into the doom of another kind heart on us or in any case the cold hearted ones if any better not

let me be free besides all these selling dolls I have not much been comforted and covered with seems like being aware the real became a myth

if you wanna go on in the social script such alienation of nation wont be something that you are eager to dismiss

some claim to be aware but I don't fall for the solid answer to that I also claimed to be aware and I am I really was but it's worth nothing inside the unaware world if the so called mass of nations that are simply intuitive and aware were truly in there life in the social will look simple bizzare and it really does look like from the virutal way things that seem obvious are not so obvious in the very real connective way it means we cant stay aware and real thats just being the weird we need to be ready and prepared for the unaware to confront on a daily schedule and a daily mail.

How much of a healing this world can really take I treat it as something truly normal like eating a bread and because I do it in a regular daily way

I dont observe many of the discomfort that those who dont do it that way truly they have but because they claim that they are aware and they charge for their aware services they do really have little time for the healing way

most of the clients are disconnected from themselves I did healing of another and I did it for free and believe me you not only save another but you truly loose yourself and all life that you truly do have if you do it from heart being brave and qualified doesn't help You need to think beyond, do beyond that not many really do can.

If you knew all my secret that I use naturally to coexist with the rest you may not believe most of the stories and situations i have to share so I dont share I never share the best since I know people love to attach themselves

to where the hope is gone instead to find to try a really new way so as long as you have some and they work and you know that some will work forever

think twice before you share them as your life will become the one you had and you lost after you revealed what is really working for some in there.

Some people don't feel anything at all but they are great at talking, talking is also their very favorite word. While there is nothing much going on from it all they will still go on with the talk as if discovering something new about their own and we all love to have it that way at some point but how many of you caught themselves in talking and finding out how really alone you are with new approach with the new way of living a life and really appreciating the fact of doing all differently and completely another level so that you are way before, others will arrive with the same path in delay.

I found myself in so many of these nuances predicting things that are happening in real to the point where creatively I express them out it does really don't help to be born like that. I often do all to get out from my own self or sometimes the universe will make all impossible for me to almost loose my health loose myself loose the way just to show me life is able to be renewed without me doing much about it anyway I just need to come back to things that were truly working for me and helping me to be a sensitive trend.

adviceartfact or fictionhumanitylist

About the Creator


Human : painter, digital art maker, sound composer, poet, writer, qigong healer & trainer

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