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The three views

As we all know, the three views we often talk about are our life, values, and the world

By Charles W WheatonPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
The three views
Photo by James Khashchuk on Unsplash

As we all know, the three views we often talk about are our life, values, and the world. Regarding the world view, it is the root of the difference between people, the root of facing all problems and more directly related to our life view and values. However, due to time issues, we will not go into details today.

Regarding the concept of life, values, and love, there are some distortions in society nowadays, so I would like to talk about the causes of these distortions and the attitude we should have. To add one sentence: the environment does have a great influence on people, but this cannot be an excuse for us to lose ourselves in the current.

To a certain extent, values directly affect the outlook on life, and the outlook on life directly affects the outlook on love. So let's start with values.

"Money" is undoubtedly the most important thing in life, so we need to work and struggle. However, due to the general distortion of education, we have accepted the concept of 'success = money', 'happiness = money', and 'work-study = money' since we were young. When we grow up, we are in an unequal society, we see power, we see the background, and society teaches us that 'power = everything'.

We see all activities become commercialized, whether it is literature or art, entertainment or sports, friendship or love, or even public service, health care, or education.

Commercial activities become shameless, car shows become meat shows, porcelain becomes professional, power monopolizes the economy, and enterprises buy and sell conscience. People's values have all fallen to money. Health, safety, and harmony are all swallowed up by money.

Why is this?

Perhaps, this is not just a human problem, to get to the bottom of it, but also from the human evolution and social competition to start to say.

Humanity has a hierarchy, a class, and a country, and there is competition between countries, China is powerful to take shortcuts, recklessly pull the economy, power, and economic collusion, the gap between rich and poor deformed widening, the sacrifice of the people, cheap labor, pay and gain is not proportional, life is overwhelming, social imbalance, psychological imbalance, money, powerism, power successism infinitely growing, fake-ism, fake-ism The quality of the entire population is declining without limits, values are distorted, ideals, professionalism, fame, and fortune are all distorted, and the outlook on life is inevitably distorted.

Any event is not caused by a single factor, and each factor has a problem that will inevitably lead to a problematic outcome. These problems are not a few people or a few times can change, unless the political system, education, and law together with the reform, not discussed in detail here omitted 10,000 words ...... below we look at the development of the concept of love.

The concept of life is distorted, and the concept of love will be normal?

The material is the basis of love, the economy has developed abnormally, the material burden of marriage is heavy, the selection process has become snobbish, men are under pressure, women require more, parents are under pressure, love loses to material, marriage loses to an affair, the third loses to the fourth, the powerful have sex without love, the common people first money and then love, people who love each other are rarely together, the concept of love is distorted.

Why is this?

Perhaps you do not care, after all, being fully integrated into society is also a kind of happiness.

But if you still care, still want to have a complete self, please silently set a benchmark in your heart.

Normal life cannot be separated from a certain spiritual world, and this spiritual world should be relatively independent, not controlled and copied. Only then will people reflect measure, and find and correct mistakes in time.

Most of us in the reading group have a spiritual world, so it was a pleasure to chat with you.

The ultimate goal of life is undoubtedly happiness, happiness is spiritual happiness, a little bit of materialism, all the happiness brought to you is ultimately resting on the spirit. And spiritual happiness mostly comes from the satisfaction of desires. So we have to learn to control and control our desires reasonably before we establish the right outlook on life values and love.

In my opinion, there are three kinds of desires, one is needed and necessary, the second is needed but not necessary, and the third is not needed and not necessary.

The first kind is well understood, such as eating and sex. The second kind, such as buying a house and the desire for knowledge, and the third kind is that which arises entirely from social influence, such as luxury goods.

By rational control and domination, we mean removing the desires that are not necessary and allocating more desires other than necessary to the spiritual dimension.

The matter is far less powerful than the world shows us. It is just a prop for human beings to get pleasure and solve their troubles, a way rather than an end. When you see it for what it is, then stop being a slave to it. Only when we stop being a slave to material things can we find the right values. Thus find the right outlook on life and love.

You can be a happy loser, you can choose an easier career, you can be less tired, and you can not have to compare everything with others. No car you can move to a place close to work. With no money you can move to a place with low consumption, you can love a poor man of good character, you can also fire your profit-oriented boss, and you can quit your job on a sunny day for a trip that costs the least money. You can not buy love crazy not buy luxury naira, you can and love together with the people, and the world struggle to the end. You can not care about what others say to pursue any kind of life you want, as long as you maintain a certain spiritual height, the material looks lighter, contact some less snobbish friends, you will be much happier, happiness will be much simpler.

Still, if you still want to have a complete self, please silently erect a benchmark in your heart, and this benchmark, is completely yours, relatively healthy, normal, not affected by social opinion, withstand the ups and downs - the concept of life, values, and love.

As for what it looks like, I think everyone has everyone's answer, if you have not yet set it up, think about how to let set up, if you have set it up, reflect on whether there is a problem, if there is no problem, you hurry home for dinner, if there is a problem, then go find ...... again .


About the Creator

Charles W Wheaton

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