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The Second, First Date

A Story Of Reunion

By Theodore DembowskiPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
The Second, First Date
Photo by Quinten de Graaf on Unsplash

I was wearing my white dress, with the little pink flowers on it and puffy sleeves as I stood in the restroom at Charlie’s Bar and Grill, observing myself for the tenth time since getting ready. My date would be arriving in 15 minutes, so I wanted to make sure I looked perfect one last time. Touching my scar below my left eye, I wondered if I put enough makeup on to cover up the flaw. ‘Would he notice?’ Taking a deep breath, I gathered my new white Coach clutch off of the counter next to me. “You got this,” I whispered.

I walked out of the restroom to see him standing there. His chocolate brown eyes, short stubbled chin, and radiant smile, just as I remembered him before leaving for college and telling him I did not want a long distance relationship.

“Table for two,” Tommy stated to the hostess. “We have reservations, under Johnson.”

“Follow me,” the hostess said, smiling, leading us to our table in the far end of the restaurant. I chose the seat with my back to the wall. Tommy pulled my seat out slightly allowing me to sit before taking his black jacket off to sit across from me. He hung it on a small hook, next to where he was sitting. He looked handsome, wearing a pair of black pants, a nice shiny belt, well polished shoes, and a blue button down shirt.

“Good evening my name is Tad and I will be your server,” said the boy as he walked up to our table. “Can I offer you our wine list this evening?” he asked as he held out a menu.

“What do you think?” Tommy asked, “Do you like wine?”

“Sure!” I replied.

“Can we have a bottle of your finest merlot?” Tommy asked.

“Coming right up!” Tad replied, turning to leave.

Tad returned shortly after with a bottle in one hand and a corkscrew in the other. He presented the label first to Tommy and then myself before opening it. Tommy nodded to the server in approval. After the bottle was opened, he poured a taste of it into my glass for me to try. It is customary for a server to always let the lady of the table try the wine first before pouring two glasses. As he stood there and waited, I took the glass by the stem between my forefinger and my thumb and swirled the burgundy colored liquid in a clockwise motion, watching it spin in the glass. I took a sip and it was delicious! The fruity, tart flavor made my taste buds stand on end. I nodded to the waiter in approval and he replied with a smile, pouring a full glass for me and one for Tommy. He presented the cork to Tommy, placed the bottle towards the middle of the table, and then turned and left again.

“So what do we want to eat today?” Tommy asked with a smile.

“Hmm,” I hummed aloud, pretending to think about food.

“How about the eggplant rollatini?” Tommy asked.

“Perfect!” I said excitedly.

We took a few moments to look over the rest of the menu, deciding on what to eat for dinner. I wanted to keep it light tonight so I was glancing at the salad mostly. ‘Maybe a chicken Caesar salad,’ I thought.

“Have you decided on anything,” Tad said, returning. Breaking my train of thought.

“We will have the eggplant rollatini appetizer please,” said Tommy.

“Sure thing! Anything else?” Tad asked.

Tommy looked at me with a small grin and nodded.

“Yes, I’ll have the chicken Caesar salad please,” I said to Tad.

“And for you sir?” questioned the server.

“I will take the smothered chicken, with veggies instead of potatoes please,” Tommy stated.

“Anything else I can get you today?” Tad inquired further.

We looked at each other and made a silent agreement that we were set. “No thank you,” Tommy said, his eyes not leaving my face.

“Alright, I will just get those menus out of your way. Your appetizer should be right out,” he continued as he leaned over to get the menus from us.

I smiled at Tommy and he smiled back. Everything was just right. A moment later a young girl returned and placed small dishes and bread in front of us. I reached for the bread basket, but Tommy put his hand on mine at that moment. Sparks flew and I struggled to inhale.

“Allow me,” he said.

“So tell me, how was college?” he asked, serving us bread.

“Oh, you know, it was college,” I giggled.

He chuckled and replied, “That good huh?”

“Well you know how it goes, you have been there,” I continued.

“Indeed, but I wasn’t fortunate enough to go down in Florida,” he stated.

“True, but I really did not have much time to explore with studying, plus it is just so hot down there most of the year,” I added.

He nodded in reply, opening his mouth slightly, then closing it holding his thought to himself. He decided to take a bite of bread instead, picking it up and breaking off a piece between his fingers. I watched him chew it, his lips looked so tempting that I didn’t want to take my eyes off of them.

The appetizer was delivered shortly after and it looked delicious! I helped myself to the knife on the plate and split one of the rollatinis into two, before scooping it up with a fork to place on my plate. As I lifted it, bringing my plate closer to the serving plate, not to make a mess and embarrass myself, the cheese stretched out long and looked even more appealing. Tommy waited until I had my share before following suit and taking the other half of rollatini. Taking that first bite was amazing, the food was delicious! I looked up at Tommy as I chewed and saw that he was doing the same. Our eyes met at that moment and we couldn’t help but smile as we chewed.

“This is amazing!” he stated. “I am really glad we reconnected,” Tommy said after he finished his half of rollatini.

“I agree. I am really glad too,” I replied with an airiness to my voice.

“I thought I would never see you again, I am glad for Facebook,” Tommy replied.

I replied with a smile as I finished my half and took a sip of my wine. Tommy followed suit and reached for his wine as well. Meanwhile, Tad returned to refill our glasses. “Your food will be right out,” he said as he cleared our appetizer plates from in front of us.

“I am really enjoying myself,” I said to Tommy after Tad left us again.

“I’m glad,” smiled Tommy. “I was really nervous to meet up with you today.”

Then it happened, I reached out and put my hand on his arm. I let it sit there and he looked at me and smiled.

“Chicken Caesar Salad,” Tad said aloud as he motioned to place the food in front of me. I pulled my hand back and placed it into my lap, interlacing my fingers with my other hand as I waited for Tad to place my food in front of me. “And smothered chicken with veggies,” he continued as he placed Tommy’s food in front of him. “Would you like any cheese or ground pepper?” he asked.

“No, thank you,” we said in unison, then looked at each other and grinned.

Tad smiled and said, “Enjoy your meal,” then walked away.

The food was delicious. The chicken was moist and the lettuce crisp. It didn’t appear that Tommy was judging me for just ordering a salad. Tommy seemed to be enjoying his food as well. We sat there in silence a few minutes eating a bit of our respective foods before Tommy looked at me and said, “How is it?”

Of course I had my mouth full so couldn’t reply, so I just nodded, trying not to look too savage with my cheeks stuffed and a piece of lettuce hanging partially out of my mouth.

I finished chewing and said to Tommy, “It really is delicious.”

“This evening has been perfect so far,” Tommy replied.

I smiled back at him and took another bite of salad.

“Want a bite?” he asked in between his own bites.

“Sure,” I said.

Tommy cut a small piece of chicken and made sure to get sauce and mushrooms on it. Then he stuck his fork in it and turned it towards me. I took the fork from him, glad he didn’t try to feed me. The chicken was moist, and melted in my mouth.

“What do you think?” he inquired.

“Delicious,” I said. “It melts in your mouth and is full of flavor!”

“Agreed,” he said and then took a sip of wine.

We enjoyed the rest of our meal in relative silence with conversations that mainly revolved around our time apart. He never inquired about past relationships and neither did I.

“Would you like any coffee or dessert this evening,” Tad said as he cleared our plates. “I recommend the chocolate mouse cake.”

“Are you in the mood for anything?” asked Tommy.

“I am kind of full,” I replied with a smile.

“Me too,” Tommy said. “I just don’t want the night to end.”

“Me either,” I said with a chuckle blushing.

“Let’s skip dessert tonight,” Tommy continued turning to Tad. “I think we will just take the check.”

Tad smiled and walked away, returning shortly with the bill. Tommy looked over at me and smiled. Then took a sip of his wine. I followed suit and we both enjoyed the fruity flavors.

“Ready?” he asked shortly after.

I nodded and he took one last sip of wine before rising from his seat. We continued towards the exit together, with him leading the way slightly.

“Have a great night!” the hostess said as we walked by.

“You too,” Tommy said as he grabbed one of their mints from a basket.

I reached into my clutch as we walked to find the little plastic tube containing my lip gloss. The smell of strawberry filled my nostrils as I opened it and placed the applicator to my lips.

He opened the door for me on our way out. I smiled as I walked through the opening. He followed behind me and asked, “Where did you park?”

I lifted my arm pointing to the small lot on the left, and replied, “Over there.”

He put his arm on my shoulders and pulled me close to him as we began to walk towards the car. The moment made my body feel warm inside. He smelled amazing, not sure which cologne he was wearing, but it suited him well.

“This is it,” I said as we approached my blue Prius.

We turned toward each other and I smiled up at him. Slightly parting my lips, hoping for him to make the move.

“I had a really good time tonight,” he said.

“Me too,” I said, positioning my body closer to him. I wanted him to kiss me.

“When will I see you again?” he asked.

‘Ugg, will you shut up and just kiss me already?’ I thought to myself and then replied, “Hopefully soon.”

Then it happened, he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. They were soft and tenderly he began to kiss me. He placed his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him, and my arms automatically around his neck. The embrace stopped time and we were alone in the world at that moment.

The kiss lasted for a minute or two. Then he pulled his face away from mine and said, “Good night Jessica.”

I did not want the night to end, but I just replied with a smile, “Good night Tommy.”


About the Creator

Theodore Dembowski

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    Theodore DembowskiWritten by Theodore Dembowski

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