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The Reasons Why Some Men End up Hating Their Wives

Is this the case for you?

By Christy BarkerPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
The Reasons Why Some Men End up Hating Their Wives
Photo by Vlad Shalaginov on Unsplash

Have you been saying to yourself all too often lately, "I can't stand my wife anymore"? Do you feel that she has changed, that your relationship has changed, that she is no longer the same person, and that if you tell her anything, she will take it as a criticism or an insult?

Does it seem pointless to talk to her, because everything she says is misleading? So you decided to avoid it and ignore it?

Most days, you don't even want to go home, knowing that criticism, remorse, scandal is waiting for you… So you delay your return home under any circumstances and you do it just to avoid another monster scandal.

You see that other men have understanding wives, have open and communicative relationships, but at home, you are waiting for a being about to explode at the slightest mistake. You spilled some water, you broke a glass, you left a plate in the bedroom - you expect a few days of quarrels and screams…

Why do you end up saying "I can't stand my wife anymore", why does it seem to you that that sexy young woman you were so in love with has suddenly turned into a scary guard who just wants to make your life miserable?

How does love turn into avoidance, even hatred? Normally, feelings of love turn into attachment and friendship over time: your girlfriend becomes your friend, partner, colleague. But it also happens that too close proximity, suffocation, codependence give rise to negative emotions and feelings of rejection. Love becomes the opposite.

Let's see in what situations you can say "I can't stand my wife anymore". The routine unchanged for years, for decades (even where you go on vacation is predetermined years ago), the closeness too close, the same things every day - all this, at some point, can make you feel an acute need for "air", to want to "escape", to experience something new.

If you had that kind of codependent relationship, in which you spent almost every free moment together, you went everywhere together, she had to know at any moment where, with whom and what you do, then after years, everything can come together and end up you feel like you just can't go on like this.

Once you get older with her, you may have regrets about everything you wanted to do in life and everything you didn't do. You may feel unfulfilled and come to the conclusion that the reason you gave up so many dreams is her - she, who gave you two or three children who practically "tied you up."

What can you do in this situation when you have such regrets and feelings? You can look for an excuse, whatever it is, to spend a week away from home. In this time only for you, think, realize what is more important: your need for something new, space, dreams, or your family?

Why do you think, "I can't stand my wife anymore?" Because always when you get home, all that awaits you are different tasks and responsibilities and criticisms. Nothing is good enough, you don't do anything like the world, you're not a good husband, you're not a good father, you're not a good person…

All she does is complain and criticize: don't help her, she's alone, can't do that anymore. And you can't tell him anything - anything will be used against you! What can you do? Think about it, though, she keeps complaining and criticizing because she's overwhelmed with everything: would you handle everything she does, her job, her household, her children?

Therefore, it is difficult for you to make her understand that your life is hard too. Look for a moment when she is more relaxed and ask her to talk, to look for small changes together: "I do this, you do this"…

But maybe you feel like shouting "I can't stand my wife anymore" because simply, she has completely changed, she has started to look more and more like her mother and less like your girlfriend. Once she became a mother, her behavior toward you changed completely and she only started paying attention to you when she needed something.

He started not caring what he looked like, gaining weight, not caring about sex, what you want… Everything was and still is: children, children, children! So lately, I've been feeling like you're in bed with your mother-in-law, not your beautiful young girlfriend. Think about it, but maybe her lack of interest in you, her body, and her sex is a response to your lack of interest in the family.

If a woman feels neglected, she feels that her husband prefers to spend time away from home, even at work, she will react the same way: she will neglect what is important to her husband!

Sometimes the situation is simpler and more complicated at the same time: simpler in terms of why you say "I can't stand my wife anymore", more complicated because you don't know what to do. You met someone else!

You met, unintentionally, a woman like in your dreams: a woman who pays attention to you, who is attentive when you talk to her, who admires you, who never criticizes you, who understands you… Who cares for her, who looks how would you like your wife to look! And either you have real feelings for that woman, or you just always compare her to your wife, a competition from which she loses detached…

When you make such comparisons, it often happens that you see in the person you idealize only the good and the beautiful and in-person which you no longer swallow only evil! But it is not a correct comparison: if you spend years with the woman who seems wonderful to you now, you will end up seeing all the negative parts! In the beginning, your wife was also attractive, beautiful, she paid attention to you, maybe because you, in turn, paid attention to her and admired her!

What can you do? Make a decision! If you are sure that you have feelings for someone else, that another woman is right for you and makes you happy, choose! Don't get involved in an adventure, because they often end badly. Analyze the situation, think of all those involved (especially children, how old they are and what their needs are) and choose!


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    CBWritten by Christy Barker

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