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The operation of rounded logic

The world has changed, society has changed, can we stay the same?

By Karen GillanahPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
The operation of rounded logic
Photo by Siednji Leon on Unsplash

Heaven and earth run according to logic, without logic there is no order, without logic things cannot run. That is to say, existence has been running for hundreds of millions of years, and everything runs in logic, and it must be perfect logic, otherwise, existence could not exist until now. And was the logic that ran during the first human civilization complete? The answer is the opposite. We have been running contradictory logic, irrational logic, subjective and one-sided logic, a problematic logic. Why do we put aside the perfect logic that exists and choose and apply this flawed, contradictory, and contradictory logic? We are not aware of the problematic logic we are applying, and we are not aware of the fact that there is a set of self-sufficient and perfect logic that we have ignored and set aside. Where is this perfect logic? Why do we ignore its existence?

We are not unaware of the existence of this set of perfect logic, which we name natural laws and natural laws, and we have been asking ourselves to follow natural laws and natural laws, yet we have been seriously misunderstanding natural laws and natural laws. We think that nature is an external being that has nothing to do with us, an object that we use, and that we follow or fight against nature for no other purpose than some kind of exploitation. We understand the laws of nature and grasp the laws of nature in the service of our use. What logic do we follow when we are in conflict with nature or when our purposes of using nature are in conflict with each other? We have been running an artificial subjective logic, which serves our subjective purposes. Artificial logic is a product of our spiritual consciousness and is the result of our subjective understanding of existence. Human logic establishes the order of our behavior, which is a system of human spiritual logic different from the system of natural logic, which is the law of behavior and guide of action for our existence. We put natural logic aside, we follow the logic of competition for survival, and mankind has never left the logic of competition for survival for millions of years. It is an undisputed fact that natural logic has been relegated to the status of natural phenomena and has become knowledge that we know or can use.

The biggest misunderstanding is not that we have belittled the existence of natural logic, but that we have misunderstood it, that we have misunderstood our relationship with it. Natural logic is not the so-called objective logic or external logic, it is precisely the logic of our existence, we are the true reflection of the perfect logic of existence, we are the perfect existence without contradiction or problem, and we are the perfect logic running at the bottom. This is what we do not think of. The conflict between our subjective logic and the natural logic is the conflict between ourselves and ourselves, the conflict between our spiritual consciousness and the original existence, the unconscious conflict between the two existences in us, and we do not even realize that it is ourselves who are torn by this conflict, and it is we who have harmed ourselves for millions of years.

When we are forced to follow or run a certain external logic, the process must be contradictory or conflicting, our inner logic is ignored or suppressed, but it is still there, still determining our inner operation, determining our inner needs and essential being, swaying our potential consciousness. The contrast between the external contradictory world and the requirements of our inner consummate existence is very obvious, and this contrast is the root cause of our suffering. We always feel that the world is not supposed to be like this and we are not supposed to exist like this, but the world is already like this and we are already like this. Why do we have this feeling in our subconscious minds? Because we are perfect non-contradictory beings, and we cannot accept such a situation and such a life, we should not have this contradictory world.

If we want to return to the perfect logic, if we want to have a perfect non-contradictory world and a perfect non-contradictory self, we have to start from our logic, run the original inner logic, let everything be reduced to ourselves, use our logic to know things and grasp things, and let existence run this only set of logic. What is this set of logic? This is the logic that arises from the movement of perception, which is our own inner operating form, the form of logic determined by the ethical relations of the movement of perception, and this ethical logic alone is the only perfect logic of existence without contradiction, the eternal system of logic that has been operating in existence for hundreds of millions of years without change.

The abandonment of the operation of the logic of existence and the return of everything to the logic of perception is the fundamental change of the new epoch of mankind. Everything runs as usual, but the logic changes, the order changes, the state changes, and the result changes. A world without contradictions and an earthly society without contradictions arise naturally because the logic of how things work changes, the logic by which we measure things changes, the logic by which we demand ourselves changes, the logic of people's behavior changes, and the cause and effect of things changes, the shape of society changes, and the results of our perceptions change.

Without the existence of contradictory logic, no more contradictions will arise in the world; with the logic of consummation in operation, life will only take the form of consummation. Because we are the perfect being, we realize that we are the perfect self.


About the Creator

Karen Gillanah

The aggravation that can be told is not aggravation; the lover that can be snatched away is not a lover.

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