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The Night of the Rain

For Renee

By Jay LeTron DobbinsPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 5 min read
The Night of the Rain
Photo by Max Bender on Unsplash

The office was clam and on the edge due to the recent termination of the seasoned PM. The mode was gloomy, but yet to realize the excitement that would soon brink the morning of a new day. There she was, presenting herself as the temporary solution to the current problems. However, in Timothy's mind; she was the answer to all of his prayers. She spoke softly, but yet commanded presence and authority. This demeanor drove Timothy wild! Knowing the tension of office sexual misconduct in the workforce, Timothy had to reserve himself and respect her position in the workforce. As the day continued, Timothy gained a great deal of respect for her intelligence and her knowledge of the industry.

As the day near end, Timothy made way to his car thinking that he has just landed a dream job and with a woman that is easy on the eyes being his temporary supervisor was the icing on top. That night was too long for the next morning, as Timothy wondered how he and the new supervisor would engage with daily task and accomplish duties without him loosing focus. There she stood, as the morning took a fresh start, she requested files from a property asking for Timothy's assistance. Trying his best to keep his cool, Tim provided the much needed information and received input from the supervisor with great joy. Hiding his excitement, (trying his best) Timothy was just too overwhelmed with her combination of beauty and intelligence.

She began to speak about other non-related topics to make an honest attempt to break the ice and gather an ease between co-workers in the office. In Timothy's mind, he took it more than that gathered a greater respect for her more than a supervisory position. At times, ole Tim could not help himself to dream of her walking hand and hand with him as the sun retired along a beach coastline.

The exchange remained professional for some months. The conversations between Timothy and her gained a bit deeper view into family values and way of life. By this time, Timothy was going crazy because there was noting he could do and being new on the job himself, playing it safe and not crossing the lines could be a great deal of loosing things he just put in place. However, Timothy still wondered what could he do to cross the line, but yet still be respectful. He purchased her favorite breakfast cookies to send settle but yet soft hints. However, her response was appreciative; but nothing more. During one conversation, she requested Timothy's number (for business only) due to after hours communication regarding properties. Timothy then thought, this was his opportunity to casually cross the line at some point; but timing was key.

Weeks past and then Timothy gathered the courage to cross the line. He thought that he has been a complete gentlemen for the duration and after months of conversation of working a various personal topics, his window of opportunity has presented himself. So Timothy gathered the nerve and picked up his cell phone after placing his kids to bed and started to construct a text to her. After careful consideration, he fearfully hit the send button, hoping that her response gave indication of acceptance to what Timothy had to say about her. Her response was professional as she received Timothy's text with no harsh feelings.

Timothy was somewhat confused, but he remembered that he came across kind of timid in the text and no woman of true value would have taken Timothy's approach as anything serious. As time grew on, she had to leave the office for another assignment. However, Timothy decided to take things up another level and really express his feelings for her. He sent flowers to her local South Texas office with hope to a better reply, which was responded with a soft thank you from her. This woman was quite use the the advances that men made to her on and off the job as she didn't seem too shaken by Timothy's advance.

Timothy called his friend and expounded on his disappointment and was confused on what to do next. He explained that she was never like any person he has met in his life (which was true because God only made one of her). Timothy's friend asked.... "What are you going to do?". Timothy replied, "I'm going to get an answer from her, one way or the other, but by the end of the time, she will know my feelings for her!" Timothy's friend laughed and replied...."you never give up, do you?" with a smiling pitch to his voice.

A few weeks went on and Timothy sent flowers again with a more meaningful message. This time, for some reason, she did not respond. Timothy had his answer, but his soul wasn't satisfied. Timothy, kind of disappointed, wanted to reach out to her and needed an answer. The night was dark and the rain was beating the window of Timothy's car, as he tried to make was home while navigating through the horrible Dallas traffic. As the phone rung, her name appeared on the screen and a sigh of relief came upon Timothy's face. "Finally!", he said in his mind, we are going to get to the bottom of this because Timothy was never the one for uncertainty.

As the rain continued to drop and the wipers increased speed on Timothy's vehicle, her news gave condition and confirmation as to the type of day Timothy was having. Her words were gentle, but yet disappointing to Timothy's heart because he truly believed that he found the "ONE". As her voice gave comfort and disappointment at the same time, Timothy couldn't help but to admire and respect her sense of intelligence and respect she has for Timothy but did not want to lead him on. However, Timothy gave it one last try to convince her that a combination with him would be the best, but the rain continued to fall.


About the Creator

Jay LeTron Dobbins

Casual writer! Love to express in print! Tell people how you feel and love life to the fullest with no regrets. Try to say something good about a person when they can hear it, and not when they are gone! Love like no tomorrow.

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