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The Narcissist Will Never Admit They Are Wrong

Don't Even Try And Get Them To

By Frederick EmersonPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 3 min read
The Narcissist Will Never Admit They Are Wrong
Photo by Michal Matlon on Unsplash

Narcissist: 2 + 2 = 5

Rational person: I’m sorry! That is incorrect! 2 +2 = 4

Narcissist: THAT’S WHAT I SAID!!!!

Rational Person: No! You said it was 5.

Narcissist: Then why is the sky green then?

Rational Person: What? What does that have to do with….

Narcissist: Look at you, can’t even answer that simple question.

The rational person is left baffled.

“Correct a smart person and they will thank you. Correct a stupid person and they will hate you.” — Unknown

The more I write about narcissism and deal with these people every day; I realize how deluded many of them are.

I don’t know if they are truly unaware of who and what they are or if they genuinely believe they are that much more intelligent than everyone else.

Or, they could very well be both!

I can very much believe they fall in the Dunning Kreuger model, where they are so oblivious as to how stupid they are.

The Dunning–Kruger effect is a hypothetical cognitive bias stating that people with low ability at a task overestimate their own ability and that people with high ability at a task underestimate their own ability. — Wikipedia

The Narcissist Will Never Admit They Are Wrong

By Andrea De Santis on Unsplash

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

I have come to realize when you corner a narcissist with facts, reason, and logic, they most often time will attack you at a personal level, or they will try and twist your words.

They are so afraid to be wrong.

And I think this may be because of their kidult mentality where they think they may be punished for their wrongdoing.

Check out this article titled, "Kidults: 5 Clear Signs That You Are Dealing With Grown Children," to get a better understanding of what a Kidult is.

But I also think it breaks down their illusionary world in their mind where they are a perfect specimen that has graced the world with their presence.

Whatever the reason that comes up in their delusional mind, it is of no concern to me, nor should it be for you.

I wrote an article titled “You Will Never Reason With A Narcissist,” and I was trying to explain why reasoning with these people will only drive you insane.

They may very well know they are wrong, but DAMN if they admit it. They will try and drive you insane trying to prove that they were wrong.

What Should You Do With Them?

By Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Photo by Valentina Yoga on Unsplash

You will never get them to apologize, and that is okay.

You will never get them to see the error of their ways, and that is okay.

You will never get them to admit that they were wrong (genuinely admit this), and that is okay.

You need to stay cool, calm, and collected and know that YOU are not in the wrong.

A huge issue with many of us empaths and just grown adults is that we think that we are not explaining ourselves clearly enough to the narcissist, and we continue to try and reason with them.

But they know when they are wrong, and they know that we know that they are wrong, and they HATE THAT.

The best thing to do with these people is to let them live in their false world and grey rock the hell out of them if you have to stay in contact with them.

If you have to work with people like this, have everything WRITTEN DOWN ON PAPER whenever you are doing a job.

If you have to have a meeting with them or a one or one, make sure you record everything and say “it is for you to use later on.”

This is useful because they will most likely try and keep information from you, or they may try and switch things up on you.

If you can, try always to have a third neutral party when you are with this person.

If you live with a person (a partner) who is never wrong, then the only thing to do is to LEAVE THEM.

Far too many people have wasted so many years to decades of their lives trying to make things work with the narcissist.

Constantly capitulating to their kidult needs and even apologizing when the narcissist was the one who did wrong — only ENABLES their bad behavior.

You will NEVER get them to admit they were wrong (honestly) and if you do, know this — they will work day and night to destroy you for making them admit…THEY WERE WRONG.

The best way to win against these people is not to play their silly games.

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About the Creator

Frederick Emerson

I am Frederick Emerson, a prolific blogger with a decade of experience in the digital sphere. Through my thought-provoking content, I have captivated readers and sparked engaging conversations on a wide range of topics.

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