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The mad scientist

A session with the psychologist

By Valentina SavagePublished 2 years ago 5 min read

When the glasses fill up too quickly, too intensely, it burst and the lemonade covers the floor.

It's not that slippery, there's no danger on the surface.

Beneath the rubble, I am about to say the words that I could not repeat without laughing, without crying.

I am certainly the only person in the world who goes to see a psychologist when I am well. Was'nt I?

I am impatiently waiting for the psychologist to pick me up from the waiting room. I see a large floor, with magazines. What if I read something?

I became anguish. Just like ice on lemonade, some ice need to stay under the water for the iceberg to stay in place. Same thing for memories, han? Don't dig up. Maybe I should go away...

The idea that the journals had been placed in a certain order by the psychologist crossed my mind. A possible experiment... I took a review, then another. I decided, instead of reading a magazine, to place them in an order of my lead. Was I at this point reached?

The psychologist finally entered the room. I stiffened suddenly, like a child caught in the act of making a bettise.

In the psychologist's office sat a long bench to lay down and an armchair. How do I choose the location of my body wisely? I stopped my choice on the red chair.

There is no question of the doctor seeing me from this unsightly angle, it would certainly compromise the course of the therapy...

Was'nt I a little paranoiac?

I remove my pale pink coat and my unusual sunglasses.

-Tell me about you

-I am an apprentice researcher in neuroscience and a university student. I had fun sticking electrodes on people's heads and reading the electrical activity in their brains.


-The last time I attempted university, my desk was floating a little in the hair and it was shaking. As a normal person, I found this pretty abnormal. Maybe am I going insane.

-What do you mean, when you tell you are insane?

-Like many people, I like to believe in god when I am sick or when I am in trouble... You know, that experience made me believe that there was a spirit playing with me in that class. If spirit exist, I go to the conclusion that god exist. When I finished this course, I went screaming in the citie that god exist. Than, I felt an enorme shame regainning my house. Tell me, do you think god exist or am I simply schizophrenic?

-Well... There is no proof that god does'nt exist. In fact, it is impossible to prove that something does'nt exist, if we considere the immensity of our galaxy.

-That gives me more questions than answers, but… What else? Tell me, doctor, how can you help me?

-I would like to know more about your childhood.

-I was walking on the walls.

-Mmm mmm.

-My mother blessed me with holy water.


-I used to open all electronic devices, and look at the inside. My mom was happy I did'nt did that to my dolls... I was already an apprentist scientist, but the big things happened when I was a teen. Do you want to ear about my disasterpiece megalomane teenhood?

-As you wish.

-I used to hypnotise my friends and doing astral trip oven my house, the city, and even in the universe. That's when I started to do a lot of research on computer about everything. I was spending the night on it.

-Interesting. What else?

-As in any normal teen, I was joking with a demoniac clown with teeths of shark and multicolored mouving tongue...

-Is it a metaphor?

-Let's be honest, I was drugged.


-But my spiritual jurney did'nt stopped there. There was a wiccan pentacle drawn on the floor of my bedroom. I used to play widja with a prisonner with long hair and assisting to steet fight or play videogame when I was missing school. I turned like a turnstile around buffet of ''fruits of all kind''.

-I hope you did'nt hurt yourself too bad when the turnstile stopped. It stopped at one point, right?

-You're goddam right. Yes, I got hurt. I sold my soul to the devil and now I die everyday. Is it a metaphor, doctor?

-Well, I hope so... What about your study?

-I worked like crazy in school, head full of words like ''correlation'', ''significant difference'' and ''variant'' while I was drugging in my free times.

-What about the turnstile?

-The turnstile stopped when I switched up to spoiled child to kicked out teen. I did not die of hunger for long. My biggest concession was to abandon my beloved snake, by moving to a gang member that I barelly knew.

-How was he?

-He was awesome. I used to wear it as a bracelet, walking in the city.

-Not the snake! The gang member?

-Oh... He was kind. I mean... I guess that demons belong at the same place.

-I see an human.

-Tormented human. My teen friends ended up kicked out of school, in army, prison or MMA. Oh yes, and the one who stamped bloody heads in the rows of huts after starting the riot turned good like me.

-Interesting. So, you ''turned good''. What do you think of yourself?

-I am a nun now.

-What happened after this collocation?

-I met a guy. When I first saw him, I was mesmerized by his perfect expressionless face. I said to my friend: ''I'm going to marry him.'' She told me bluntly: ''You're crazy. You haven't even spoken to him yet.''

-You were pretty confident.

-Yes. That same evening, I kissed him. A year later, he gave me a beautiful ring.

-What about now?

The light of the room started to flash...

The therapy was insane! After a few session, I broke up with my beloved boyfriend, gave up my studies, the laboratory and everything.

What a jurney for a mad scientist...

The doctor diagnosed me with severe illness. But strangely, no medecine have been able to restore me.

Ice need to stay under water... Lemonade is better that way.

I am now a puppets of another kind of scientist, somewhere in the mental hospise.

What a jurney for a mad scientist...

artfact or fictioninterviewscience

About the Creator

Valentina Savage

I like disaster stories. Naughty, strange, or romantic. Read me and subscrive. Thank you!

Valentina Savage x

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    Valentina SavageWritten by Valentina Savage

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