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The Life The Loc

The loc

By David LyricPublished 2 years ago 17 min read

You see a small village

You see a stream a waterfall

The rivers edge trees felds swamps... you see a tribe dancing around the fire with a woman in an alter above the fire The children play games in the dirt with rocks .... The women dance... The men dance And they dance together... a feast is prepared

The Woman of the feast a demon; sacrificing her befor her child and their klan. The Childs name giving is Ki... he’s barely 2 days old..... his first taste shall be his mothers blood As she was giving his blood to death.....the Raeza believed..

The children sang and danced.

The devil beckons me to play; satan, Beelzebub, the devil, Lucifer. Belial.. Quiet whispers in the night.. souls He beckons night and day;.... your souls begins to sing and sway....... Beelzebub The devil, Satan, Lucifer Belial....... satan, Beelzebub, the devil, Lucifer. Belial ........satan, Beelzebub, the devil, Lucifer. Belial.........The devil children play ....The light of the heaven;.....the light of new day; ..............The depths of the moon; on new page ...The devil fashions me to play; ......our souls.... rejoice; ......sing and sway.... Night beckons;.... Night it will play... Devil rejoices the rejoices in the night of the day.. The devil beckons me to play; .....your souls He beckons night and day; your souls begins to sing and sway... The devil Satan The devil children play ....The light of the heaven;.....the light of new day; ..............The depths of the moon; on new page ...The devil fashions me to play; ......our souls.... rejoice; ......sing and sway.... Night beckons;.... Night it will play... Devil rejoices the rejoices in the night of the day.. satan, Beelzebub, the devil, Lucifer. Belial......satan, Beelzebub, the devil, Lucifer. Belial.... satan, Beelzebub, the devil, Lucifer. Belial..

In the beginning Corem women would go to the Waters to have their babies. The time was 17,000 BC in Grodssia. A simple way; they had no government; more just a theology of life. only Life was life and life was life..... The women would go to the Waters to have their babies sometimes the blessings of birth sometimes live with its curse babies would be stillborn and they would leave them to the waters sometimes the babies awoke in the waters in the endless swirl of dreams to be snatched from the waters. The Raeza night breed a race that were larger and lived in the night.... they couldn’t leave the shade of the trees in the daylight and most often slept during daylight hours.

. The Coram begin to wonder Why do the villagers go crazy in the celabration of the life why the life and the mother become missing.... where do they go why is it That the mother and father with the child of the unborn child..... they go to The Riverside of the unborn. The father And mother of the life..... Sometimes they would bring bonded friends ...They would all go crazy with the loc. coming back to the village telling crazy spits of stories and would never know what happened to The mother with her unborn child. Two moons down the river lived the raeza

In the beginning whenever a new child is given to Raeza through the water; they dance and praise. The children of the waters of yesterday prepare the new life for the feast bathing with spunges ..wrapping the life in a blanket and bringing the new life to it’s bonding mama.

The Coram people lived in little huts not too far from lthe Riverside the next to the fields so they could farm corn tomatoes Manny fruits and vegetables their life heardons... Were giant Bison they would use them to til the ground and the Community I always had plenty and left Offerings into the night In the beginning there was one people and the one people lived with one God the Creator the father/mother of all living of all things the fathmagma that which had died And the big came onto the heavens Many creatures we can when the fathmagma died The children of the father mother and all things became separate from mankind and each to their own and begin.

Hey let’s go to the stream no it’s almost dark Coram get the loc in dark woods ... Let’s we can be and home before the great moon in sky We will go.... They smile and take hands and head to the rivers edge....

The Raeza had a long history/theology that the Fathgmama would return someday and someday the heavens would collapse in the child would be born from the time of the beginning they would find the children that died in the streams of the Coram with names written in the stars. The stillborn children that The mothers would give unto the fathgmama. they believed their spirits would live in the Waters forever until they were born with the fathgmama in the new Heavens...... and everything would be as One again... all things would be now and with no new knowledge....Though some of the children they thought stillborn lived and the Raeza would find them in the river bank. Time After Time they would watch the rivers at night and look for the children of the Coram Manny would die though a very few did live...the Raeza

First thought they were children of the Fathgmama and raise them as there own ...It wondered the tribes men and women .. and they followed the stream across the valley and saw The Coram Village at night

They wonder why they are killing their children in the waters and leaving the living to die.....

In time ...the Raeza would swim in the waters in the night with the woman would be to give life with the assassins in the trees as soon as The life appeared they would arise from the Waters Is Poison psychedelic Darts Fly through the trees from the assassins and what the Coram believe to be the loc ... would put them in the trance.... they would take the woman and her Life ... back to the trees & caves of the Raeza ... sacrifice the woman to The Fathgmama

And Eat her flesh until there was No marrow of the bone...

For what she was doing to do to her child.... The Raeza believed the woman at the rivers edge be evil and believed

The Coram Elders .were together in conference..... The sons and daughters end of the tribes men and women awaited outside for the elders to Speak to the tribe of what is to become The loc has become taking so many children..... and I tibe has become small are not the punishments for the loc death..

Ki and lilie love swimming; almost every day after the chores. everybody has chores in the community. otherwise the community wouldn’t helps life that’s the way it’s always been. It’s the way of life and the life is life…Ki doesn’t talk very much though he knows the language some concepts about family and my brothers he doesn’t always understand though he loves lilie and has an understanding for it the friendship of Lilie brothers and herself .... somethings about the community and family I don’t understand. I’m afraid when my underling was lost in the waters of change. They say my Mother went loc with my father. i’m afraid to have children myself. I’m afraid of the loc.. i’m afraid of being gone i’m afraid..... of the night...kico he’s not like that he likes the night he respects customs of our tribe and rarely wanders from the tribe at night. Ki was found in the woods near the water edge when he was seven. as long as you’re with the community you’re safe from the loc. you don’t go out at night... it’s getting late we better get home are you ready to go Ki ... he comes out of the water a Siri smile and a peck on the cheek.... motions his hands; let’s go. As their walking She laughs and throws a leave at him he picks up a leaf looks at it tears it; then tosses it into the Ground. smiling at her... he wasn’t mad and she knows.. it’s just his way.. he’s very quiet she likes to smile and she has a lot of quirks that she only says nobody really understands Leilei except Ki and her brothers is an only child a heart spot on his neck.

ki Trips on a twig ki says it’s nothing ....let’s go!!! OK OK ouch...Lieli !!!!! Stops sudden ...

I see something I hear something ... ki takes her arm and they run Side by side

Through the trees they wander

As they reach the end of the woods and the moon starts to creep in to the sky and Lilie sees something in the woods ki look eyes a shadow Ki glances to her the to where her eyes were gazed... it was nothing it was gone ask what was it ... I didn’t see Lilie says a shadow man.

They return to the village as Ki Kind of teases Lilie about her shadow man She finally says that’s not funny I saw his eyes. I saw his shadow. Ki says you probably won’t even go tomorrow; swimming. only if my cousin and her bow too. See scard? No I just like my cousin…and you and kico are good too. Kico he’s true. Perfect swimming tomorrow; Lilie say's.

Ki walks Lilie to her hut. As she is closing the door she winks and Closes the door and hooks the lock. As he walks away she looks out the window and says “tomorrow” he looks and smiles. The next morning Lilie stops her cousen. we’re going swimming today. says Lilie: Sounds like life! Responds Siccel; Come over to my house we will pack a pouch of snacks. I harvested some frute yesterday; it’s should be sun ripe today. Lilie says: life is life!

A day of Swinging on vines, swiming, lunch and spending time together. It is a perfect day

Lieli and Siccle begin singing la la fea fa la life la life la life whispers dreams in the night la fea fa la la life Che in you Che in me and laughing. As they look at the boys seeing them singing .... all bandaged up kico .... thanks lov lieli gives kico a peck on the cheek bone.... let’s go to the river and swim now says Lieli ....Coo ...... as they wander off to the Deep woods and to the riverside ... they laughed they played and swam until I was almost dark ..Lieli all of the sudden pops her head up and sit looks at the sun says no it’s almost gone Siccle It’s gotten so late I hope we make it home safe before the loc takes us.... The boys say don’t worry it will be OK we’ll get home we will make sure of it ... they begin to scurry off into the woods together stay close don’t get separated we have to get home before the moon is High ...ja-ka Trips on a twig ki says it’s nothing ....let’s go!!! OK OK ouch...Lieli !!!!!

Ouch A snake....

No! Is it of the venom. says Lilie...

Ouch no....Just a Ruff-neck.

You stay here I’ll go find some healing plants to help heal you....

No it’s not bad I’ll go with you ... you know it’s not safe alone in the woods... my Cousin and her bow are just about in the woods I can hear them ...Lilie ...yes ...quite keen senses... are you sure you saw eyes that eve... why do you question me you know it’s truth from my eyes to my soul to my mouth.... I know you always speak Truth... truth is law .. law is life ....Life is life... let’s go find some of the plant... it’s kind of painful... I know where there’s some just over here...says Lilie come let’s...kico is limping ...Lilie calls her cousin Lala loo Lala loo... I hear her cousin in the distance in unison the second in the third call...lala loo... they all meet up off in the woods ...Ja-ka and Siccle Lilie and kico gather the

Ingredients to heal the Wound... Liela says to Siccle let’s go see The Shaman which to the east Grodssia .......siccle sure kico and I were going on the next cool day it’s so so hot....ja-ka ?

Of course says Liela You stay here I’ll go find some aloe plant to help heal you....

Ingredients to heal the Wound... Liela says to Siccle let’s go see The Shaman which to the east Grodssia .......Siccel sure kico let’s go on the next cool day it’s so so hot....ja-ka ?

Of course says Liela

Ja-ka is looking at ki’s Wound ...tas Nothing says pretty much barely broke the skin...Lieli know she Worries for me.

The fire is burning when they return from their event of seeing the eyes in the forest ...

She went to see the elders first

It was almost late Zoren the chef elder had already gone to bed ...his wife Windra Anvers the door kicoLilie Siccle Jaka grappling for breath Siccle say’s “we saw them” Lilie “their eyes” gasping ...Windra says “I will go get Zoren”... kico says I have never seen Creatures.

Siccle says I am so frightened...I will never go to sleep Stay at my side tonight l ...Lilie snuggles into kico hear Zoren Yelling from up the stairs you so what eyes who what .... i’ll be down in a minute...all four of them slightly starteled at one another ...just then one of the elders ....”. Herom Siccle father “. ..walk up to the door as Windra opens the door and says please come in…Herom Says “ What’s Happening” .... as they all walk in the door.... There was a lot of them Lieli says and I saw the eyes the other day eyes and tonight I saw them as Herom comes tumbling down the steps not falling ....them...Siccle says we all saw them they chased us .Zoran Do they have the loc...Windra oh goodness.....prey life; not the loc...;...Herom says Siccle is with life! were you out in the night; Herom asks .... It was almost dark Siccle says looking into her father’s eyes....father we saw creatures in the woods it was almost dark we lost track of the moon and the sun.... Oh goodness The life not the loc please life....Winda rambling in the kitchen..... Zoren says “let’s go to the council chambers you must all come along” Herom Go Collect the elders..... Eyes loc.. Creatures....the town needs none of this talk so Winda say nothing.....oh goodness ......Ki and Jaka take Siccle’s and Lilie hand ...following Zoren out the door..and across to the tribal Counsel’s chambers say nothing to no one lest you HAVE THE LOC looking staring into their eyes.......the girls snuggle to their bows....Siccel begins to whisper ...Silence..

walking through the village the up passing the fire pit where a few villages were standing saying hello... Zoran Waves them off and says let’s go... The villages look about each other Puzzled... One of the villages looks to the others I wonder what’s going on another one says where are They going at this hour... it’s not about our business...... it looks suspicious I hope it’s nothing to do with the loc... The loc to the life to the life .. not again... Zoran will tell us give it time..Zoran and the fledglings...keep walking intel they arrive at the temple ....where they say the Fathgmama had first given life and where they say he died and the great birth it’s a grand hall where the sun shines in from above and many holes where the sun& moon shines on different times and hours.

The holiday of remsha where the great awaking and new life...

This is been happening for a long time now Where the woman and child dust in life I wonder the 56 moons....7 woman with life..I still have no reasons...Zoren says Loudly entering the temple ...sit....

Ki jaka Siccle and lieli sit in the table of judgement say nothing we wait for the other elders..Zoren says ....Silence

In the sound of silence ...our eyes are fixed on the story on the wall of the Fathgmama and the promise..... The elders come bustling in one at a time... and take their seats across ....Zoren.. in the center first was Coreal not even a moment later before Coreal could take his seat Pala walks in Saying Loc Loc Loc deep under his breath....viller steps in and raises his hand to his heart gesturing the other elders at this time Pala whispers to Zoran it the loc.... Zoren grumbles under his breath as Dom wisps into the door .... brushing his hair back with his fingers ...taking his seat landing his gaze upon us bringing the gazes of all the present elders upon us...sickel burst in brushing his cloak..disrupting the gazes upon us ....and Herom comes from the left passage..and takes his seat...







The elders are whispering to one another eyes spirits in the woods... I think it’s the loc. Lilie speeks out No it isn’t the loc…...Must be the loc..No I saw them their eyes eyes Silence!!! .The young fledglings look very nervous at one another and as well there eyes darting from one elder to another Siccle eyes fixed on her father Zoran Speaks loudly almost ear-shattering .... to the dungeons...I will see if it’s the loc... no one is missing ...yet..

The Dungeons deep holes ... with wooden bars Atop fastened at each corner ....

They put Ki and jaka in one Dungeon Harem’s Daughter and Lilie in another dungeon. Siccle starts crying as the gate is opened and the ladder lowered she screams papa Nooo!!!

Harem Pleads with Zoren is this even necessary ..Zoren demands ....just for a time;! to see if it’s the loc... we Will question them tomorrow ...individually ...and have watch over them tonight; to listen to them to make sure it’s not the loc...; Lilie Sh-shh...Siccle Quiet...They descend the ladder....Siccle a tear trickling down her cheek...Zoren Says bring them some food and some blankets...!

Ki whispers to jaka Do you think we got the loc... jaka I don’t know ....Quiet ...let’s get some sleep

LHerom pleads may I speak to my daughter In the scornful voice Zoren barks no!!!... return to your homes we will meet in the suns morning we will talk then......The elders leave the hall and return in their own directions from which they came with mumblings Of the loc of the life of the life of the loc

In the dungeons blankets and food they brought we ate then wrapped in blankets and lay down to sleep

Lilie whispers i’m so uncomfortable shhh Siccle hushes her... as the moon creeps in the sky brightening the dungeons they begin to doze the wolves cry in the valley…

If we could find at the birth of the river and find the Fathgmama would come to our Tribe We have the map truth father in the wall a map Te-Whan says a map yes and a key Te-paw a key?!? A key for the stone gate Gate. I’ve never seen the gate on the map??? something my father told me and his told him and now I’m telling you The key is for the stone gate it’s under the waters of the river where it begins behind the waterfall in moonlight.. Yes son The key is noyours we have searched for the gate when you were just a boy my father has looked for it before I was born with his father We never found the waterfall or the door…Father I have been studying this map I believe it’s read backwards to be sequenced on papyrus. That would put the waterfall North by Northwest A two months journey…with this key All I know it’s a map and a key Te -whan says now it’s your riddle. Keep time of your travels on papyrus so i might catch a glimpse feeling your journey in your words

see the souls of the river dead would become life..and we would become life again we would need for nothing... Te-Paw looks to his father with a glimmer in his eyes knowing the story of the Fathgmama and his grandfather well...reaches out and embraces his father saying then we will go to the birth and find the Fathgmama .... the elders agree..Te-pa leaves the gathering to visit his bride to be zetra The blind which’s daughter the blind witch Jezerazle greats him at the door will be traveling soon....! daughter is dressing you will have troubles on your travel I will be dead deception though in the end your eyes will be opened...Te-Paw looking a little scared a little puzzled says nothing.... before you go you should be married it is in the stars the night of the eve before you enter the forest Te-Paw gets a worm smile on his face and embraces the which...she leans in death open your eyes...

Zetra walks in hi love Te-Paw looks into her eyes says... life..

I know I will go too...Tears fill her eyes the blind which says death open your eyes....

They look at each other and look at the mother which zetra’s eyes go to Te-paw

We will be joined then and I will be with you love... could be a long journey and should be dangerous..still I go...

Zetra looks into Te-paw’s eyes again curling up in his a kiss slightly on the lips...Just then Jezerazel sputters Death Deception Suffering…te-paw looks to the Siccel’s mom…What do you see Ma! tell me? I don’t see now now I feel it! The dangers

The next awakening of the sun as the first speck. the cool air howels over the Dungeons the darkness still filling the skys and dungeons. the sun barely glistening it’s crest on the horizon. Siccel is already awoken and sees me wrestling with my blanket shivering the morning dew. saying life to each other as Siccel begins to ruffel the blanket around her head We will get out of here today Siccel says in a soft voice; I promise

At the moment I see Siccel’s father standing above. I will talk with the elders. This doesn’t look like the loc. stay quite untel i return. Guards bring the blessing of the life. Siccnim the mother of Siccel atop the hole. I was so worried. I was up all night keeping your father from rest! praying it isn’t the loc! the guards say you were sleeping and the loc was not in you. They are bringing something for you to eat and drink…I was so worried so many have fallen to the loc it worries me so. The loc. I have to go life to life… life to life mom…

Herom gathered the elders as they assembling in the hall Saying it isn’t the loc! In a loud firm voice. I have spoken to the guards not the loc. Viller replies your daughter is influencing you…yes Herom strikes his gavel a loud thunderous sound echo’s We will take an account then vote. Herom in the same voice This is not loc! We will vote when the sun touches the the ski. harem again says under his breath this is not the Loc.

After Te-paw leaving Zetra he is in with his father Te-Whan planing their travel

See further I transferred the lines map in reveres do you see now father. Te-Whan looks closely at the eching his son has made. Interesting I often wondered…Te-Whan sighs Te-Paw “you must be correct; this map you made it’s amazing…Te-Paw saying two waterfalls? one on the reverse. The knotted tree! Do you remember the tree son. Te-Paw replies I do….I think I remember. It was long ago you were still a child bearly weened from the mothers breast. You did love the trees climing swinging on the vine tree to tree Te-Paw: life is in the tree. life is the tree. Life is given by the tree….

The elders are in the hall congregating about the children in the dungeons. the guards say they slept…. Not the loc … What about the wild stories of the childrens tongue…eyes? shadows? loc … it’s the loc….Herom slams the Gavel saying in a loud with athority. Not the loc! We vote now. Each elder takes their place let the vote proseed! Those that believe it is the loc. All those in favor raise their right hand.

Even if they wanted to they didn’t raise their hand Herom’s daughter Was awaiting the decision. And the children hadn’t really acted like they had. Loc. The loc never lets you sleep. The decision is final release the children.


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    David LyricWritten by David Lyric

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