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The Journey of Quitting Steroids: Understanding the Impact on Your Body

Effects of Steroid Withdrawal on Hormone Systems and Energy Levels

By Rohit SinghPublished 10 months ago 3 min read


In recent years, the use of steroids to enhance muscle mass has become alarmingly popular, with an estimated three million individuals relying on these substances in the United States alone. Surveys reveal that around 30 percent of gym-goers admit to using steroids to achieve their fitness goals. However, understanding the consequences of quitting steroids is equally vital for individuals who decide to discontinue usage. Let's explore the journey of quitting steroids and its impact on the brain, body, skin, and testicles.

The Impact of Steroid Withdrawal

Hormone System Disruptions and Energy Levels Upon quitting steroids, within 24 hours, individuals may experience extreme fatigue due to the interference with their hormone systems. Steroids block the release of Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH), which leads to reduced testosterone production and the subsequent condition called hypogonadism. This results in a lack of energy and decreased vitality.

When individuals decide to quit steroids, they may encounter a rapid onset of extreme fatigue within just 24 hours. This exhaustion is a consequence of the disruption caused to their hormone systems. Steroids hinder the release of Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH), which, in turn, reduces the production of testosterone, leading to a condition known as hypogonadism. As a result, the body experiences a significant decline in energy levels and overall vitality. This hormonal imbalance can leave individuals feeling drained and lethargic as their natural testosterone production struggles to recover from the suppression caused by steroid use.

Sleep Disturbances and Red Blood Cell Production Around 48 hours after quitting, low testosterone levels start affecting red blood cells' production. Testosterone stimulates the release of Erythropoietin (EPO), responsible for red blood cell production. Reduced testosterone leads to fewer red blood cells, resulting in less oxygen transfer and energy for the body, thus contributing to fatigue and tiredness.

Muscle Aches, Joint Pain, and Muscle Loss After a week of quitting steroids, individuals may experience muscle aches and joint pain. Testosterone, which promotes the release of anti-inflammatory cytokines, helps protect against inflammation in muscles and joints. With lowered testosterone levels, inflammation can accumulate, leading to discomfort. Additionally, the maintenance of muscle mass is affected due to decreased testosterone, causing muscles to reduce in size.

Addressing Erectile Dysfunction and Acne Around one month after quitting steroids, individuals might encounter erectile dysfunction due to the impact on natural GnRH production, which affects follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone responsible for testosterone production. Furthermore, testosterone stimulates the growth of sebaceous glands, leading to acne. However, after three months, the quality of sperm improves as hormone levels stabilize.

Coping with Mood Changes and Depression The hormonal imbalances during steroid withdrawal can lead to depressive symptoms and mood changes. Some studies have shown a higher suicide rate among previous steroid users, indicating the importance of addressing the emotional toll of quitting steroids. Support and therapy may be necessary during this phase to manage depression and anxiety effectively.

The Road to Recovery

Slowly Reducing Steroid Use Instead of abruptly quitting steroids, experts recommend gradually reducing consumption to ease the strain on the body and allow it to start producing testosterone naturally. Consulting a healthcare professional is crucial during this process to ensure a safe and healthy transition.

Educating Gym Users about Steroid Risks It is essential to raise awareness about the harmful effects of steroids among gym-goers. Understanding the potential consequences of using and quitting steroids can empower individuals to make informed decisions about their fitness journey.


Quitting steroids can have profound effects on the body, including hormone disruptions, reduced energy, sleep disturbances, muscle aches, and emotional challenges. However, with patience and support, the body can gradually recover and start producing testosterone naturally again. The fitness community must prioritize educating individuals about the risks associated with steroid use and encourage healthier, sustainable approaches to achieve their fitness goals. Embracing a natural approach may take longer, but it promotes better overall well-being and long-term fitness success.


About the Creator

Rohit Singh

Software developer, part-time content creator, and tech enthusiast.

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