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The Devil's Drug

The Devil will steal your soul.

By A.R. Tanner Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 7 min read
Every life it touches, it surely will destroy... Its escape an illusion- the devil's decoy...

Meth. The Devil's drug. Euphoria. Powerful. Immediate high. Just one dose is enough to pull you in for more. Some say it's a deal with the Devil. You trade in your looks, your wealth, your intellect...Addiction at its finest. It takes everything from you. It becomes your whole life. More important than anything else. I think most people would agree that meth has been one of the most sinister creations ever fabricated.

Meth has been around for more than 100 years. The drug was obtained from amphetamine and was originally used in nasal decongestants and bronchial inhalers. Deaths from drug overdose across the country are rising. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), overdose deaths from meth between the years 2011-2018 rose from 1.8 to 10.1 per 100,000 men and from 0.8 to 4.5 per 100,000 women. That is insane!

The NIDA also concludes that meth is an extremely powerful and addictive central nervous system stimulant that also negatively affects the cardiovascular system. Chronic meth abuse permanently damages the pleasure center of the brain. Therefore, the only way to experience pleasure would be to keep using. Short term affects come at the beginning of usage. First, it produces feelings of intense pleasure. It gives great energy for days at a time and decreases appetite which can lead to malnutrition. Long term affects are much worse and can sometimes get to the point where a person wouldn't be able to heal completely. Long term addicts are unable to see past their next fix and can experience schizophrenia-like psychosis during usage. Like the Devil in disguise that feeds from your body and brain, meth alters everything about you and not in a good way.

Meth triggers the production of dopamine, a feel-good chemical in the brain giving a powerful and instant high. It rapidly acts on the central nervous system giving a sense of euphoria and increased energy that is highly addictive.

There are several signs of addiction. Some obvious, some not so obvious. Some physical signs that are more evident are things you can see when you look at a person. Significant weight loss, dilated pupils, persistent twitching, and infinite talking. A unique physical sign is known as "meth mouth". Meth mouth is the appearance of rotten or browning teeth that grow weak and fall out. It is caused by acute acidity of the meth combined with poor dental hygiene. A person may also clench or grind their teeth which contributes to the decay. Another noticeable sign is having open sores or lesions on the skin. It can cause acne and meth-induced hallucinations known as "crank bugs" or "speed bumps". Addicts will pick at their skin thinking there are bugs beneath the skin. They also can have rough, scaly skin. Meth will make a person look older than what they really are. This is caused by the acceleration of production of fats called ceramides. Ceramides slow down the aging process and helps retain moisture in the skin. No one wants to look 50 when they're 30...

Not all drug affects are visible. Because meth is an extremely potent stimulant, people experience the effects immediately and can last anywhere from several hours to several days. With the release of dopamine that takes over the neurotransmitters in the brain, people experience a variety of psychological symptoms. Intense euphoria, heightened alertness, and energy. Hyperawareness, amplified anxiety, and an increase in tremors. Several addicts experience impaired thinking. It causes their attention span and decision making to rapidly deteriorate as well as their memory. Meth users often partake in punding. This is a pointless, meaningless, repetitive activity. Its redundant. Because the brain is affected, long term addicts can also suffer from depression, decreased motivation, prolonged lengths of lethargy, suicidal thoughts, or self-harm.

The behavior of a meth addict unmistakably changes. Meth increases confidence which leads abusers to engage in high-risk behaviors, such as, increased sexual promiscuity and other thrill-seeking behaviors. Struggling abusers may also become very aggressive, leading to physical abuse. This could be problematic with a spouse, children, or other family members and friends. Abusers can also become paranoid, secretive, or isolated. Meth is very expensive! Some abusers will spend all their income for the horrible drug. When out of funds, they will resort to stealing money or property to obtain meth. They have difficulty holding or finding a job. Meth addicts are chronically unemployed.

Once a person is addicted, it's almost impossible for them to stop. The withdrawals can be harsh. There are physical and psychiatric symptoms that follow a timeline as the body adjusts to the drug's absence. Although when the physical symptoms have passed, psychiatric symptoms can remain. The longer the addict used, the longer and more intense their experience will be. Withdrawal is a highly personal experience depending on a person's history of drug use, overall health, and life experience. Research has shown there are two phases of meth withdrawal. The first is most intense and takes place during the first 24 hours after the addict stops. The second phase can last several weeks. Symptoms can be anxiety, fatigue, sleeplessness, depression, psychosis, cravings, and increased appetite. Most symptoms are manageable. Psychosis however can be very dangerous without the help of a professional. When a person suffers ongoing effects of addiction, it's referred to as post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS). Ongoing symptoms of PAWS are like the second phase of withdrawal. Foggy thinking, trouble remembering, urges and cravings, irritability, hostility, insomnia or vivid dreams, issues with fine motor skills, increased stress, anxiety or panic, no initiative, chronic pain, impaired ability to focus and mood swings. Withdrawal is nearly unthinkable without help. People that are trying to get better need lots of encouragement, positive support, and reminded that it takes time for their body and brain to heal.

Meth is also referred to as the "Walkaway Drug". An unbelievable number of people addicted to this drug have walked away from everything important to them. As I stated before, once someone is addicted, meth is the only thing important to them. Many people judge their behavior. They say it was their choice. In a sense, yes, it is. But everyone makes poor choices sometimes. They made a poor choice to try it, but some people's brains are not as strong as others. It only takes one time to get addicted. And once the Devil has his hold on you, it's almost impossible to escape his tight grip. Addiction is a disease. A disease from the pits of Hell.

Some meth addicts experience the feeling of evil among them while using and dream about the demons that are after them. Meth not only affects the user, but also impacts those that love them. Watching a loved one become a whole different person, knowing there's nothing you can do, is heartbreaking. Let me tell you a story about a friend of mine who is a meth addict. He was like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. You never knew which version you would get when he approached. He's been an addict for many years now, even though he's still considered young in his early 30's. I got a call one day that he was in the hospital on life support and wasn't expected to make it. His mother said she always knew she would get the call one day that would tell her he was gone. I watched her, heartbroken over her only son that she loved so dearly. Yes, he'd made mistakes. But in a life-or-death situation, none of that matters anymore. He was in the hospital for about two weeks when they told her to decide to let him go or keep him on the ventilator. She knew he wouldn't want to live on a tube the rest of his life, so we had two days to say our goodbyes.

Seeing him helpless in the hospital bed, tubes going everywhere with several monitors beeping, was surreal. It was hard to believe it had come to this. When the day came to turn off the ventilator, other machines, and sedation, a miracle happened. Some people are not religious or don't believe in miracles. I always have, but that day, my belief expanded tremendously. After turning everything off, my friend woke up, breathing on his own, talking...we were all shocked. My prayers were answered. I am glad to say that he is at home now on the way to recovery. He has always been a fighter. The Devil's hold on him wasn't tight enough because he broke free from the unthinkable.

Why is meth called "The Devil's Drug"? Because of the despicable crimes people will commit under the influence, and how far down the scale people will go to get it. How it changes you. Forms you into something else. Makes you do things you never imagined doing. The Devil doesn't come to you in a red suit with horns and a pitchfork. He comes to you as everything you ever wanted. Luring you into his Hell. Meth is his bribe. It steals your soul.

Poem by anonymous:

I have many names,

But there's one you'll know best.

I'm sure you've heard of me,

My name is Crystal Meth.

My power is awesome,

Try me and you'll see.

But if you do,

You may never break free.

Just try me once,

And I might let you go.

But if you try me twice,

Then I'll own your soul.


About the Creator

A.R. Tanner

Author of 'Grief Stricken Choices' by A.R. Tanner also 'Torn In Two' published under Amanda R. Spurgeon & Amazon

Instagram @amanda.tanner1187

TikTok @amanda.tanner11

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