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The Date

Last Day

By Simone Hardy Published 3 years ago 4 min read
The Date
Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

Jennifer had been saying for the longest that she wanted to go out on a date but had not made the time to actually move in that direction. Her friend, Janet Jackson, no - not the star. She’s the other JJ who knows lots of guys for reasons we will not get into, has been offering to hook her up on a date with a really cool guy. Janet actually said she was too much for this one, however, he was just right for Jennifer.

Jennifer decided to trust JJ’s judgement and said ok. They had made 4 dates but each one of them cancelled twice. The last possible day to have this date in 2020 that fit both of their busy schedules was December 31, 2020. New Year’s Eve. The last day of 2020. His name is Joshua. Jennifer laughed because he had a biblical name and she knew she was no saint. JJ had introduced them over the phone and they had about 7 conversations on the phone. They seemed to have enough in common to set up the dates although they each kept cancelling. They promised each other they would keep the next scheduled date no matter what. The calendar showed December 31, 2020. This was a Saturday. They both agreed that was perfect. They had both felt bad about cancelling and were determined not to cancel a third time. They figured the other person would just forget about the other completely and move on to their next choice wherever.

As fate or luck would have it, their fifth date was on Saturday, December 31, 2020. New Year’s Eve. They had a conversation about where they were going to meet. Since they both lived in Brooklyn not too far from each other, they decided to meet at the local coffee shop on the corner. They were both thinking just in case ish went left they can each make a quick dash and get the hell outta there.

Jennifer hadn’t dressed up for a date in quite some time. She had to call JJ to help her put an outfit together that they could both live with. JJ would have had her half-naked looking like a hooker. Jennifer is too prudish for that so they had to compromise. Jennifer found a cute dress in the back of her closet that JJ approved. She had gotten her hair done the day before. She paid $75 for her do so this guy had better be worth it. She didn’t think she could get him to reimburse her for the hair salon. Nice try but no cigar. She just laughed and called it the cost of dating in the 21st century.

Finally, she was dressed. She took a look at herself in the mirror for the first time and she had to admit she likes what she saw. She had on a cute little black dress that fits in all of the right places. Her hair was tight. She was glad JJ dragged her to a quick class by a friend of JJ’s just starting out in the makeup business and gave a $15 class last month to learn how to put your makeup on when you’re running out the door and still look fabulous. She was actually happy she made the investment. It paid off. Her makeup was flawless. She smiled. Looked down at her shoes and her bag; a cute purse she borrowed from JJ and forgot to give it back to her. She didn’t even think JJ remembered she borrowed it.

By Amy Shamblen on Unsplash

And she was ready to go meet Joshua. Hey, wait a minute. Jennifer and Joshua. JJ. Don’t that beat all? Lol. Jennifer was thinking as she walked out the door that she might actually like this guy. She locked her door and made her way to meet the new J in her life - Joshua.

Not too far away, Joshua was adding the finishing touches to his look so he could step out the door looking his best to finally meet the beautiful Ms. Jennifer. He was more than confident Jennifer would appreciate how good he looked cleaned up.

Joshua stood 6 feet tall, athletically built and took very good care of himself. He prided himself on his healthy eating habits and appreciated anyone who shared his way of thinking. Joshua took one final look in the mirror and he liked what he saw: His outfit was just right, his hair was looking fab in its new locked style and his mocha skin was looking just gorgeous if he had to say so himself. He looked his door and went to meet the new J in his life as he was chuckling to himself - Jennifer.

They both were walking toward one another at the coffee shop on the corner. They each laughed to themselves thinking that the other person also likes to be on time. Definitely a plus for the potential of the relationship in both of their minds.

By Christian Bowen on Unsplash

They smiled at each other and finally said, "Hello" to each other and it was perfect. Madam Poupon was right around the corner so they didn't have to walk far. When they arrived, it was not crowded and the concierge was waiting for them. They were seated immediately of course and given the best table with a beautiful view. They both looked at the view and blurted out at the same time, "This definitely calls for a Merlot to celebrate". They looked at each other and laughed knowing they had met the right person.


About the Creator

Simone Hardy

I AM that I am that I AM. What does that mean? Just what it says. Lol.

I made my way through the Stargate and landed in Brooklyn, New York some time ago. I'm a Thinker, not so much a tinkerer and I am always ready to say something.

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