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The Challenge to Transform Your Life: Project 50

50 Days to a Better You: How Project 50 Can Help You Become Unrecognizable

By Daniyal MughalPublished about a year ago 4 min read

Nowadays, many people, including myself, get caught up in social media and spend hours mindlessly scrolling through their feeds. It is a waste of time, and as we both know, time is money. So why not spend it wisely?

Project 50 is a challenge where you make yourself follow good habits that will help you in the future. By adopting these habits, you can make significant changes in your life in just 50 days. The habits you choose to adopt during Project 50 will not only benefit you in the short term but also set you up for success in the long term. It’s a powerful way to take control of your life, build discipline and achieve personal growth.

“If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.” — Fred DeVito

The 7 Rules Of Project 50.

#1. Wake Up Before 8 AM

Waking up early can be hard, but as this is a mental toughness challenge, we need to test our limits.

You may have heard many gurus stating why waking up early is beneficial, but the real reason, again, is time.

Waking up early gives you more time and energy to work on things that you wouldn’t normally be able to complete due to time constraints.

Waking up early also comes with benefits such as increased energy and a good mood throughout the day which also helps you to tackle everyday tasks with ease.

#2. Do Your Morning Routine: 1 Hour With NO Distractions

Many people wake up and immediately check their phones, which can lead to an overload of dopamine and stress first thing in the morning.

To me, this sounds like a bad start to the day, and a bad start often sets the tone for the rest of the day.

To avoid this, we need to structure a 1-hour morning routine that keeps us busy and away from these distractions.

Here is something you can follow:

Before reaching for your phone or any electronic devices, make your bed.

Spend 10–15 minutes practicing mindfulness meditation or deep breathing to help calm your mind and focus your attention on the present moment.

Stretch or do some light exercise, such as yoga, for 10–15 minutes to get your blood flowing and prepare your body for the day.

Take a cold shower to help wake yourself up and feel refreshed.

Drink a glass of water to hydrate your body and jumpstart your metabolism.

Have a healthy breakfast to provide your body with the nutrients it needs to fuel your day.

Spend some time setting your intentions for the day which helps you focus on your goals.

Get dressed and ready for the day.

Finally, take a moment to express gratitude for the day ahead and all the opportunities it may bring.

#3. Exercise 1 Hour

Exercising is EXTREMELY important to live a healthy lifestyle.

It not only provides physical benefits but also mental benefits, such as improved self-esteem and increased endorphins.

Endorphins are the body’s natural mood boosters, helping to reduce stress and, in some cases, alleviate symptoms of depression.

Many times, you may not feel like going to the gym, but this challenge is about pushing ourselves to our absolute limits and looking and feeling our best.

“The commitment and discipline that you are going to develop in the gym will transfer to your work or school life.”

#4. Read 10 Pages A Day

Reading every day can help stimulate the brain and keep it active, which is important for maintaining cognitive function and preventing mental decline. In addition to this, reading can also expand our knowledge and vocabulary.

This increased knowledge can come in handy during conversations and can make them more interesting by allowing you to add more information and unique perspectives.

Being able to contribute to a conversation in a meaningful way can boost your confidence and help you build better relationships with others.

#5. Dedicate 1 Hour Towards A New Skill

Learning a new skill is important for a variety of reasons. Firstly, it helps to expand your knowledge and understanding of the world around you. It can also provide a sense of accomplishment and boost your self-confidence as you improve and make progress.

Learning a new skill also helps to keep the brain active and can even reduce the risk of cognitive decline in older age. It can also lead to new opportunities in terms of career development, hobbies, and social connections.

Learning a new skill can also provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment, as you work towards a goal and achieve something meaningful. It can even help to improve your overall quality of life by providing a sense of direction and motivation.

Finally, it is important to continue learning throughout life to remain adaptable and open to change, which is essential in today’s rapidly evolving world.

#6. Follow A Healthy Diet

An unhealthy diet is becoming increasingly common among our generation, with all the sugary treats available.

This type of diet can leave us feeling lethargic and unproductive throughout the day.

Eating clean ensures that your physical and cognitive functions are working to the best of their abilities.

By making conscious choices and incorporating nutritious foods into your diet, you are investing in your long-term health and well-being.

#7. Track Your Daily Progress In A Journal

Tracking your progress is very important in this challenge.

You may feel like you have plateaued in your journey, but by looking back at your progress, you can reflect on how far you’ve come.

Ultimately, this will help you keep pushing through.


You need to realize that in the span of 50 days, you won’t magically achieve an amazing physique or become the smartest person in the room.

This challenge is designed to help you build healthy habits that will benefit you in the long run.

Studies have shown that it takes around 50 days to build a new habit, so this challenge is a great way to jump-start your habit-forming journey and keep you busy in a productive manner.

By the end of the challenge, you may not have reached all of your goals, but you will have established a foundation of healthy habits that will continue to serve you well beyond the 50-day mark.


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    DMWritten by Daniyal Mughal

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