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The Bloodline That Prevents Change

There’s always an ultimatum!

By AURACLES by MJPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Not one person is born phenomenal, which confirms everyone has many changes to make. I’d say the easiest part along this journey is getting to know yourself better; to learn what and what does not work for your person. Whether it be a change of attitude, your dialect, disposition, morals, or even how you handle conflict; something can always be tuned up or taken away.

Before this change attempts to occur, we have already established relationships with those based on these same beliefs, behaviors, and/or ways of doing things. During this change, these same people can indirectly keep you as the same person you are trying to change from (if you continuously feed into their antics), and directly make your personal growth a difficult task.

Going through life learning through trial and error is an essential part of life. Everyone’s journey is not the same hence we are not supposed to learn the same lesson; certainly not at the same time. Some people will ride with you along your journey with ease and assistance; holding you accountable for the things you say you’re working on — which is ideal. Others will cause havoc, making it all that much harder for you to evolve.

My argot has changed and matured, ergo I interact differently, and I think differently than I did previously. I have outgrown a lot of people I’ve held close. As I note, we are all on different journeys; you may not be at the time in your life when you deem it necessary to make a change. That too is absolutely fine. Being around those who constantly remind you of who you were, can make it that much harder to change that part of you. Cutting ties with those who interrupt your peace is generally the best — but the last bet.

A lot of us crave to keep and hold onto the strong connections we have. Whereas the other half of us are easily able to disconnect from those who interfere with our personal growth, or we’ve grown to learn to do so.

Letting go can be bittersweet; sad to lose the bond, but happy to embrace your own growth.


Setting boundaries with those who make it hard for you can help save yourself and a relationship. If those boundaries are crossed, it’s a green light for them to exit. Sometimes it can be someone as close as a parent, or the relationships you fight just a little harder to keep…

But is it worth it?

Damn near everything we do and how we act can be changed; most of it is learned behavior. Understand everything great requires time and nothing happens overnight.

According to HealthLine

It can take anywhere from 18 to 254 days for a person to form a new habit and an average of 66 days for a new behavior to become automatic.


You must continue to embrace your change even on your bad days — it still applies. There is no situation that will excuse your childish tantrums after once being responsible and taking accountability for it. So no matter the situation, take it as a test and be strong enough to not revert to old ways on those rainy days.

This GREAT change is for SELF, and no one else. Everything/everyone it can possibly affect is a surplus, but not at all the initial intention.

Being your best and happiest/healthiest self both mentally and physically is the one thing I am sure our loved ones want to see from us.

If you need to disconnect in order to connect with yourself, you do exactly that!

I had an important phone call and my friend was on the other line. An hour went by and he was still there.

That leaves me to say, when someone truly loves and cares for you, they will respect whatever time you require without pointing fingers at themselves or making it harder for you.


Quote of the Auracle: “Change is inevitable. Stasis is the devil.”

-Malaysia’Monét J

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“While You Sleep” Children’s ebook by my daughter & I on AMAZON




About the Creator


Greetings, Malaysia’Monét is my name. NY born & raised. Author of children’s book “While You Sleep”. Everything written is to promote a better way of living based on my knowledge and experience. MJ

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    AURACLES by MJWritten by AURACLES by MJ

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