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The Bench

A tale of character and happenstance

By Dion McGill Published 3 years ago 4 min read
Photo by Jörg Hofmeier on Unsplash

The bench in Jackson Park is like a million benches across the world. Fairly nondescript to the casual passerby, but to the trained eye, the bench had a plethora of character. The frame was made of wrought iron with the side railings twisted and decorated to look like ivy. The wood was cherry, and to the trained eye, it was the only cherry bench in the park with the seat pitched at just the perfect angle for a relaxing sojourn with the top curled back slightly, like the bottom of a scroll.

To anyone who cared to notice, the bench had character and that is why James sat there everyday at 1:35pm. You could set your watch to it. If you asked him, he’d say because by then the lunch crowd was gone and he could enjoy the peace and quiet of the park with his meal. And much like the bench, James had character. It was whispered that James never quite seemed to fit in at the fast paced and sometimes cut throat advertising firm he worked at a few blocks away. He just seemed “too nice” they would say.

And just like the postal service, neither snow, nor rain, nor heat kept James away from this bench, at 1:35pm, Monday through Friday. Most of the joggers and park workers knew James by name. He was the kind of guy who would introduce himself after seeing you a few times, always with a smile and a hearty hello. When joggers would stop, James would often compliment them on their colorful shoes, or their smart brand choice.

If it was raining, you’d see James with a poncho, sometimes an umbrella, and his sack lunch. A few years back, when James started arriving at the bench and found the snow already removed, he figured that someone else sat on the bench earlier in the day than him, or one of the park workers did it, knowing he had a standing appointment. Some would label James’ behavior as peculiar...and some have the eye for the peculiar as well.

Today, on this beautiful spring day, particularly following an especially brutal and dour winter, James had a special pep in his step. This was the first day that felt like spring. Initially as he approached the bench, James didn’t notice the little black notebook. What actually caught his eye was the bright red rubber band holding the book closed.

“Man, someone is gonna be sad if they don’t get that back,” he thought. He sat his lunch down and picked up the notebook, opening it slowly.

Where he expected to find a “if lost” message, he saw his name.

“James, I’ve been watching you for some time…”

He looked around, surely expecting to see a giggling friend, but all seemed normal. As he turned the page, it continued, “...and I’m curious...what would you do with $20,000? Please leave your answer in these pages, and this notebook where you found it.”

While some would have found this unnerving, James found this charming, and he pulled out a pen. James was one of those people who had an eye, and a fondness, for the peculiar.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

He started with a plethora of questions. From there, he vomited a litany of thoughts upon the page. After some time, he called his job and in an unheard turn, told them he would be late from lunch. After scribbling into the pages of the notebook for what seemed an eternity, James closed the notebook. He left it there, as he was told, and took a huge bite of his sandwich as he began walking back to work.

After a busy afternoon, the notebook was on the outer fringes of James’ thoughts. This was followed by a few rather mundane days, which is why an older gentleman sitting on the bench didn’t cause any concern. It happened sometime. More often than not it was a runner near coronary. Once James actually did have to call an ambulance for such an unfortunate runner.

“May I have a seat?” James asked with a smile.

“Please,” the old man responded.

James was well into the second half of his sandwich when the man turned to him and asked, “Is Brazilian Jiu Jitsu like Karate?” James stopped mid-chew and looked over startled, “No sir! It’s much more similar to wrestling.”

The man nodded understandingly. “A nonprofit teaching Brazilian Jiu Jitsu to underserved youth? Most people would use that sum of money for a down payment on a house, or to take a few family trips.”

“I have all I need. I’d love to give back as someone else gave to me.”

“Well James, that is certainly unique. Would $20,000 give you all the capital you need?”

“I honestly don’t know sir. It’s just a dream in my head right now.”

“Well James, the $20,000 is yours because you are an original. We can talk about additional funds later, as well as yearly infusions. My business manager will meet you here tomorrow to schedule an appointment to talk in greater detail.

“But why me?”

“You’re not the first person to find a little black notebook, but so many of them wanted to go partying in Hawaii or Tahiti. You caught my attention some time ago during my bird watching across the park. Every day. Here you are. NASA could set their watches to you. I imagine the rest of your life is similar. I like that. In a world of chaos, you are an island of calm and order. You, much like this bench, have character. Like this bench, you’re obviously made of good materials. I like to think I have a good eye for character, and that is something I am willing to invest in. In all honesty James, I’m an old man with old money, and it is awfully hard to find sound investments nowadays.”


About the Creator

Dion McGill

I am a jack of many trades from Chicago Illinois. I podcast, I blog, I write.

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    Dion McGill Written by Dion McGill

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