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The 7 Signs Of A Fake Facebook Profile

Never let yourself fooled again.

By Bryan StormyweatherPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
The 7 Signs Of A Fake Facebook Profile
Photo by on Unsplash

On social networks, especially on Facebook, identity theft or the appearance of fake profiles is a practice that started earlier but is becoming more popular with each passing day.

The reasons for this are different: from using them as marketing tools and spamming, to spying on children by parents, or loved ones by loved ones.

#1. Profile picture/pictures

Over 75% of fake profiles belong to girls, most with sexy profile pictures. The number of photos on Facebook is a good indicator, especially their variety. People who create fake profiles often do not use many pictures. Enough to fill an album and that's it.

Thus, if you see that the pictures are from about the same period, they do not differ much and are more from photo sessions, then they are taken from a magazine/pictorial. Also, you can see when they were uploaded, if the pictures were uploaded during the profile was created and since then there have been no changes, then it's a fake profile.

Profiles that have avatars instead of pictures are not necessarily fake, more anonymous sometimes.

You can download the picture and search on Google, see what miracles happen to you.

#2. Family and friends

If a person does not have pictures shared with other users, in which several people are tagged (and here I am not talking about holiday pictures with eggs, firs, and bunnies), including pictures of boyfriend or girlfriend, mother, classmates, classmates thing, or pets, then most likely a fake profile.

No matter how secure a person's profile is, he leaves public traces of his individuality anyway.

#3. The liked pages

A person can hide their pictures, can be secretive, and not take pictures with loved ones, but for sure they will display their preferences in terms of likes.

A true profile on average has over 30 likes on pages from different fields (sometimes a friend asked you to like, other times by mistake, or you had to like to read an article, and they gather ).

False profiles have 3–5 likes, and if it is a fake promotion profile, then there are likes on pages that can be somehow grouped around a person, agency, party.

#4. Updates

Updates that appear on fake profiles are usually linked to a specific topic (especially what they are trying to promote), shares from managed pages, and less own opinions and opinions.

False profiles are often not labeled in places and events. Also, statuses and check-ins are almost missing.

#5. Discussions

False accounts usually do not enter into discussions if they are not needed, and most of the time they will not respond to the messages they have, and if they do, it will be more laconic like thank you, yes, thank you, I don't know, alas, how cute.

In the case of false political accounts, they will only comment on the pages they write about their party or will enter into debates on the status of public figures, repeating the same idea.

If there will be people with whom they leave messages on the walls or in states, then the other profile is also false.

# 6. Friends and number of friends

A person with many friends gets more feedback, more birthday cards.

False profiles, even if they have a large number of friends, publish less popular content, so if a person has over 1,500 friends and in the last 10 posts almost no feedback, then the profile is false and the updates are written by form.

If you suspect a profile is fake and you see that one person comments on it more and in the same style, the other profile is still fake.

# 7. Profile information

Most of the time, fake profiles are profiles that do not use security settings and updates are public. The information about where they learned or where they were born is either too detailed or missing.

They have friends in public or influential people on Facebook, so they can tag those people into spam.

They are not "in a relationship" and as we mentioned in the pictures, they do not have family members listed (for that they should create a fake family).

When you ask them why you should add them, they will tell you general things, they will initially try to flirt, after that they will not respond to messages.

Be careful who you add to your friend list.

social media

About the Creator

Bryan Stormyweather

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