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The 2024 No Smoking Day

Give up smoking for healthier skin

By V Venkata RaoPublished 2 months ago 3 min read

Breaking the habit now can result in less dullness and severity of wrinkles, as well as a more radiant complexion.

The negative effects of smoking and how it harms one's health have been extensively discussed. What do you think? Additionally, it diminishes your glow and haggardly makes your skin appear older more quickly.

Today, on World No Smoking Day, we had cosmetologist and Studio Aesthetique executive director Dr. Madhu Chopra explain the effects of smoking on skin.

"As someone who genuinely cares about their well-being, it's important to understand how smoking can significantly impact your skin," she starts out by noting. To begin with, smoking accelerates the aging process and results in wrinkles and fine lines before their time.

The chemicals in cigarettes cause blood vessels to constrict, allowing fewer oxygen and nutrients to reach the skin, resulting in uneven skin tone and a dull complexion. Moreover, smoking causes the skin to lose its suppleness and droop by depleting it of essential vitamins like vitamin C, which is necessary for the creation of collagen. In addition to looks, smoking

She says," There are numerous immediate consequences of smoking on the skin and mucous membranes, such as darkening of the teeth, yellowing of the fritters and nails, and indeed a black, hairy lingo. Dry skin, uneven skin tone, sagging jawline, fluffy eyes, and deeper face wrinkles and furrows are among the long-term consequences."

Additionally, recurrent facial motions caused by smoking, such as squinting and pursing lips to block smoke, can eventually make creases around the mouth and eyes worse. Reversing these harmful effects and highlighting

the importance of skin health requires quitting smoking and adopting a skincare regimen rich in antioxidants and moisture.

How quitting smoking contributes to regaining beauty

Make the decision to cut back on smoking without second thought; it will help you restore your skin's health and beauty. "It helps your body start the healing process nearly right away," the woman says. Your blood circulation improves when you stop smoking, providing your skin cells with more oxygen and essential nutrients.

Your skin will appear more vibrant and healthy as a result of this improved circulation. Cutting back on smoking also lessens exposure to toxins and harmful compounds that exacerbate skin damage and accelerate aging. You may gradually see a reduction in wrinkles and fine lines as your skin regains its firmness and suppleness."

Dr. Chopra continues, "Cutting back on smoking can also help to promote faster skin renewal and healing by lowering the likelihood of exacerbating pre-existing skin diseases like acne or eczema. By embracing this change, you become a happier, more confident version of yourself on the outside and gain the self-assurance to prioritize your health and well-being."

Notable alterations seen

1. The blood and oxygen flow to the skin are improved, resulting in a notably brighter and more radiant complexion.

2. A more even skin tone and a reduction in the appearance of sallowness or dullness may come from this.

3. You might also observe a lessening of the severity of wrinkles and fine lines, particularly around your mouth and eyes, as your skin becomes more firm and elastic again.

4. In addition to lowering skin inflammation, quitting smoking will also help reduce redness, irritation, and puffiness, particularly in those with sensitive or acne-prone skin.

5. Your skin will be able to clean and mend itself more effectively if you quit smoking, which could eventually lead to fewer and milder breakouts.

Overall, says Dr. Chopra, giving up smoking has advantages that go beyond appearance; it helps you on your path to overall vitality and well-being and promotes healthier, more resilient skin.

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