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Terrestrial Devil's Triangle: The mysterious land of Bridgewater

This is a mysterious area in the US that contains so many strange things that make scientists have headaches... First described by researcher Loren Coleman, this area is a giant triangle called Bridgewater with a fairly large area including the towns of Abington, Rehoboth and Freetown forming the corners of a triangle and many towns. else is inside there. But few people know that all those towns create a large area containing many mysteries...

By Ken aquariumsPublished about a month ago 4 min read
The Bridgewater Triangle is a land with so many mysteries

Where UFOs rage…

This triangle is one of the areas where UFOs appeared earliest in human history. It was at 10:00 a.m. on May 10, 1760, that a flying object suddenly appeared in the sky.

It emitted bright light and strange sounds, making the local community extremely scared. During the following nights in many other places in the mysterious Bridgewater triangle such as Massachusetts, Roxbury also saw the object emitting that bright light.

UFOs are often present in the Bridgewater triangle

On Halloween night 1908, the Bridgewater triangle once again appeared UFOs. Many people while traveling out of the town of West Bridgewater saw a giant "lantern" flying in the sky. This object appeared for about 40 minutes and then quickly disappeared into the dark night.

After that, there were more and more reports of UFO sightings in the Bridgewater triangle area, especially from 1960 to 1980. Notably, two giant UFOs were seen in Taunton in December 1976.

On March 23, 1979, two residents reported seeing an object shaped like a house hovering over routes 24 and 106 in Taunton. In addition, in January 1991, a green flying saucer moved slowly at an altitude of about 15 meters, illuminating a large area with powerful lights.

In late November 1997, a law enforcement officer working the night shift at Bridgewater saw a very large triangular object with 3 white and 2 red star lights.

On November 10, 1998, a witness in Middleborough saw a strange object, glowing with red, green and white light. And all of the above examples are just a small part of the countless reports of UFO sightings in the mysterious triangle.

Inhabited by strange creatures…

Mysterious creatures also appear a lot in the Bridgewater triangle, especially in the Hockomock swamp. This swamp is located in the center of the mysterious triangle, also known as the "devil's swamp".

The swamp area is about 2,000 hectares large and is one of the largest wetlands in the Northeast United States. More interestingly, here, monsters named Bigfoot have been seen and reported many times.

There are many witnesses seeing Bigfoot here

In 1970, many people saw a very large, hairy monster nearly 2 meters tall. It stood on two legs and when it saw humans, it ran into the forest in fear, leaving giant footprints in the mud.

After receiving the report, Bridgewater police and Massachusetts State Police believed that this was a giant bear, so they organized a large-scale hunt.

On the eighth day of the search, while two policemen sitting in a boat moving through the swamp, they were horrified to discover that the creature they were looking for was not a bear but the famous Bigfoot monster. It was big, full of fur, had big eyes, low forehead... This creature scared the two policemen to death, they quickly turned the boat around and ran back to the concentration camp.

A resident of Bridgewater, Mr. Joseph de Andrade, investigated and published reports related to Bigfoot in the mysterious triangle. Since 1978, he has collected reports about this monster in the Hockomock swamp, the most valuable of which is the bloody fur sample of Bigfoot.

He obtained this valuable evidence thanks to his uncle who was a hunter. Joseph's uncle shot and wounded an animal that looked like a bear, but upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a huge Bigfoot with a height of more than 2 meters. It quickly disappeared into the forest and left only a few bloody feathers on the ground.

Many other strange creatures also appear in this triangle

Joseph de Andrade also saw Bigfoot with his own eyes in the winter of 1978. At that time, the animal walked very slowly from a small hill into the Hockomock swamp. Although its face or legs could not be seen, the animal was at least 2.3 meters tall and its entire body was covered with dark brown fur. All the stories and evidence helped him write two valuable books about the creature Bigfoot.

One of the other witnesses was John Baker - a hunter from West Bridgewater. On a cold night in the early 1980s, Baker saw a Bigfoot. He described: "I knew it wasn't a human because its size was so huge and its whole body was covered with strange gray hair. It left huge footprints, and smelled like a dirty skunk."

In the mysterious triangle, there are also many other mysterious creatures, typically a giant bird with a wingspan of more than 5 meters that was seen in 1971 at the Bird Hills swamp. Or in 1976, a man named Abington saw a giant ghostly dog ​​with red eyes bite off the throats of two horses.

Many other reports about equally mysterious creatures such as giant turtles, two-headed snakes, and giant black panthers also appear with no less frequency.

And many unexplained mysteries...

In addition to the above mysteries, the Bridgewater triangle also contains 40 mysterious trapezoidal rocks called Dighton Rock. On one side of the stone are very ancient carvings, including writing and hieroglyphs that archaeologists are completely at a loss to decipher.

Even though hundreds of years have passed, modern scholars are still at a loss over the mysteries of its origin and the meaning that this architectural block carries.

Dighton Rock

Another equally scary mystery is the phenomenon of animals being repeatedly brutally dismembered. This began in 1998, when an adult cow was found butchered in the woods, its body parts cut out and strangely arranged as part of a ghostly sacrificial ritual. From now on, every year many animals suddenly disappear and then reappear with their bodies cut into many pieces.

In recent years, there have been so many mysteries in Bridgewater that people have created a giant website and organized the events together. Many explanations have been given, but no one has been able to answer why so many strange events appeared at the same time in this area...

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Ken aquariums

Telling stories my heart needs to tell <3 life is a journey, not a competition

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Comments (1)

  • HK Decor14 days ago

    Very inspiring read, thanks for sharing. Please develop it further so I can have more of this interesting knowledge

 Ken aquariumsWritten by Ken aquariums

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