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Wanted To Prove Something To Myself

By Michelle HillPublished 9 months ago 2 min read

I'm going back to my old job.

Now, don't get me wrong, I really love the job I have now. BUT a salesperson I am not.

Now let me explain.

I found a gym job. I would open the gym at 5am six days out of the week, it was a great gig. Would work from 4:30am to about at least 10:30am. Within a month one of my managers asked me if I wanted to become a manager and she thought I would be great at it. I told her I wanted to wait though, kind of get into the grove of things, but I honestly didn't want to do it.

Four months later I gave it some thought because all of my managers at the location I was at were telling me how the money was great, and that I definitely be great at it.

I saw an opening one day and I applied. Just took a shot. Not two hours later did I get a phone call to do an interview. I'll skip the interview process. Long story short I got hired. That's when I found out that a new General Manager got hired there as well. We both came from the same manager that hired us both.

So we had that person in common. It was great for a while. I was learning so much and I was starting to get the sales part down. But then, the power trip started with my GM. Or so that's what I felt like. I get it, he's been in sales for a long time.

He helped me a lot getting a lot of sales. But it started to become a numbers game for me. I don't like that. Once numbers is getting thrown into things, I get lost. I can't do that. I'm a manager first then, a sales person second. I just felt like I was forcing something on someone that didn't want it. If they don't want it, don't force it on them. That's what it felt like to me.

So I decided to leave, on good terms this time. My old job is taking me back with conditions of course. I also have a small blogging gig which I am happy about.

I guess I just wanted to prove to myself that I could do something more than just the restaurant industry. I am proud of myself that I was able to do that. Going back to my old job I'm excited for it, but I hope this time it's different.

Maybe I just needed a mental break from the restaurant industry for a while. But now that I'm going back I'll be happy again. But we shall see.

I took a risk, and I proved to myself I am capable of doing something that is out of my comfort zone. Don't be afraid to take that leap! Sometimes we all just need a mental break from things. That's okay, we just need to take a break and to reset. We have to put ourseleves first. We forget that.

Remember to take care of YOU first. Don't forget that you need some self care.

I also find this ironic and hilarious; I lost weight while working in the restaurant industry, because I had great routine. I'm working in the gym and I gained some weight back because of the stress I've been under. It's definitely ironic I think.


About the Creator

Michelle Hill

I'm 35 and taking each day one at a time. Writing is my passion and I'm also a huge movie buff. Music is another way I escape reality for a while. I live in VA, and I have traveled a bit. I hope to share my words with the world.

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