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In a world so cold

By Kendra J. AnthonyPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

In a world so cold, its rare to see good deeds being done anymore. Everyday I witness the brutality of selfishness and greed. Everyday I witness someone saying, "why would you do that for them?". I try to keep an open mind, maybe they were never taught selflessness, or perhaps they were never taught love, for that matter. I try to understand their point of view and that, of someone who does a good deed. Usually it's just in one's nature to help one another. Oh, how I love people who are naturally selfless.

In this day and age, we need the good vibes, the heartfelt complements, the generosity of receiving and giving back. I believe that's what makes us human. We weren't meant to be this ravenous, greedy society. Last month, on my grandmothers death bed, she had told me,

"Kenny, you are meant for bigger things, you are meant to change this world. Preach your thoughts and good things will come."

This was coming from the most selfless woman I have ever known. After she passed, I was given an inheritance, it felt wrong to spend it, and to spend it on myself, I just couldn't. When so many people struggle in this world, including my own family, who has been in turmoil since day one.

"Go back to school, my love. Use this money and do what you're heart desires!" She coaxed me.

I sat on it for a week or two, until I decided I would pay my way back into school. Pay for my high school and get the required courses to enable me to do what I love most, saving and caring for animals. That's not all I used it for. I sent it to charities, such as saving turtles, and protection organizations for wildlife and reforestation. I used it to help small businesses that are being rifled by the collapse of this plague-like pandemic. And I spent it on my family and friends. The universe only knows they all need it.

Do I expect anything in return? Absolutely not. Do I expect a praise in my doings? Never. All I ask is for the world to find peace, and work together in selfless acts, kindness and good deeds. It is never too late to change a mind set of the greed and the given, it is never too late to help those in need, and it is never too late to encourage the survival of our home, our planet. We have a future to protect and it all starts with one simple thing, love. Love one another, care for one another and help one another.

In a world so cold, we need hope. We will never survive if we are always taking advantage of each other or fighting over who has more money. I once heard a man say,

“Why should I have to pay taxes just so a child can get open heart surgery? Why should my money go towards anyone else but me.”

I couldn’t figure out why or how someone could be that ignorant. It burned me up inside and nearly made me lose hope in humanity. As it is not the first time I’ve heard such words come out of someone's mouth. But I reminded myself not to base the good of the people on a few bad apples. I reminded myself that someday, perhaps, they will need open heart surgery and thank the Lord they ever doubted taxes in the first place. That they would come to terms with the past and open their mind to a more loving future for themselves and others. In a world so cold, I have hope for a brighter future of selfless people.


About the Creator

Kendra J. Anthony

She was a gnomist, a writer of beliefs.

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